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A symbol-by-symbol text writer for Defold Engine. Developed for rich game dialogs. Support UTF-8 symbols (via utf-8.lua). So Russian and other 2+ bytes symbol languages are supported.


Add library to dependency:

If you use Defold version less than 1.7.0 use this version:

Basic Setup

Place printer template on you gui scene. Setup font of text and set size of printer background.

Text will appearing from top-left of this background. You can setup alpha of this node to see text area.

setup in gui module:

local printer = require "printer.printer"
function init(self)
	self.printer =, template_name)
function update(self, dt)
function final(self)

And usage will be like this:

self.printer:print("This is just simple text")


Style is lua table with parameters. The default style is the following:

default = {
	font_height = 28,
	spacing = 1,
	scale = 1,
	waving = false,
	color = "#FFFFFF",
	speed = 0.05,
	appear = 0.01,
	shaking = 0,
	sound = false,
	can_skip = true,
	shake_on_write = 0,

Required Default Parameters:

These parameters must be present in your default or source style.

  • font_height in pixels, height of every symbol or image - also used to determine new line position
  • spacing in pixels, horizontal distance between symbols
  • scale set scale of every symbol to this value
  • color hex color code for every symbol the style applies to (ex. "#CACACA")
  • speed in seconds, the time between each symbol printing
  • appear in seconds, the speed of a symbol fading in via gui.animate from alpha 0 -> 1
  • shaking in pixels, the amount to shake every symbol the style applies to.

Other Parameters:

  • can_skip if false, printer.instant_appear is disabled while text with this style appears
  • sound string. Name of the sound played when a symbol appears. TO-DO: Need to rewrite printer.play_sound function.
  • waving set true to enable waving symbol effect
  • shake_on_write when true, shake all text symbols when any symbol begins appearing

Style usage

To setup your styles, use printer.add_styles( {styles} ). Styles is array of lua tables with style parameters. We will refer to any key of this array as a 'stylename'.

All new printed text uses the default style initially. To change it, enclose a stylename with { and } before the affected text. {my_style}This is styled text

Use {/} to stop using the previously specified style. Example: {my_style}This is styled text. {/}But this no

Use {n} to add a line break. Example: This row on first line.{n}This line on second line

You can mix many styles in one row. Example: {Illidan_name}Illidan{/}: you are {red}not {waving}prepared{/}! In the above example, for the word 'prepared' - any styles from {red} that also exist in {waving} will be overwritten by {waving}. However, parameters in {red} that do not exist in {waving} will not be affected. The style exit {/} removes the effects of all styles.

Advanced Setup

Dialog skip and next

To handle next behavior, like to appear all text if it printing, or go to next text if it already showed, you can use something like this on touch event:

if self.printer.is_print then
	self.index = self.index + 1
	if self.index <= #self.texts then

Source predefined styles

Set up a source style to override the default style with a different style for a specific print call. For example, set up the source: printer.add_source_style("bob", "bob_style") And specify the source in the print call: printer:print("Any text you want", "bob") Anytime the default style would be used, bob_style will be used instead.

Word styles

You can predefine styles for specific strings. For example, set up a word style: printer.add_word_style("powerful", "cool_style") Now, providing the following text to a print call: The Defold is amazing, powerful engine will print as if you provided: The Defold is amazing, {cool_style}powerful{/} engine

Important points about word styles:

  • The 'word' (really it is just a string) is case sensitive. You can use it for coloring characters' names in your game.
  • The word style will extend default style of current text, including source style overrides.
  • Word styles function by modifying your original print string to include style tags, and inserts the style exit {/} at the end.

Image usage

Insert images in your text using {image:name} syntax. It will place an image node and call gui.play_flipbook(node, name) to it. Example: printer:print("Lets trade this for 500 {image:coins}!)

Multiple instancing

Create multiple printer instances with, using different templates.

Usage examples

self.printer:print("This is {red}test with red style")
self.printer:print("This is {amazing}multi-{blue}styled text")
self.printer:print("This is text with{n}new line. And image here {image:coins}")
self.printer:print("This is {red}red text and {/}return to default")
self.printer:print("This is with source to use another default style", "Illidan")

API, prefab_name)

Create new printer instance to use it for print text


  • self gui self context
  • prefab_name printer template name of gui scene

printer.print(instance, text, [source]

Start printing text on selected instance


  • instance printer instance, created by
  • text string, text to start printing
  • source string, name of source to setup other default style for this text


Boolean value to check, if printer now printing text or not



Make all nodes for the current text visible immediately.


  • instance printer instance, created by


Clear all current printed text.


  • instance printer instance, created by


This function is called whenever a symbol is printed. To play sound, you should override this function with your sound implementation.


  • name string, name of played sound --> really just a container for whatever argument you might need here. For a more complex implementation tied to the printer, create an external function and call it from here.


Add custom styles to printer module


  • styles lua table with style parameters. Elements are: {style_id: {params}}

printer.add_source_style(source, style)

Add a source style to printer module.


  • source string, source id needed to index added style as source param in printer.print function
  • style string, style id

printer.add_word_style(word, style)

Add a word style to printer module.


  • word string, word to wrapped with specified style
  • style string, style id

printer.update(self, dt)

Use in the gui update() function to update the printer instance.


  • self gui self context
  • dt dt parameter from update script

Use in the gui final() function to correct final printer component.


  • self gui self context






  • [9-20-22] Improved functionality of creating new lines. Updated documentation, converted passive voice to active voice where possible. (rocamocha)


My code is under MIT license

utf8 module MIT