We are using some tools to keep a default coding style in the project.
git pre-commit hooks to lint and perform some standardization on every commit.
codacy, a platform integrated to github that executes static code quality analysis and track quality evolution.
We following the Numpy docstring style with PEP484.
Flake8 is a python linter that helps to keep the code up to PEP standards.
Mypy is a static type checker for python
To lint the code, run: make lint
Next we'll explain the steps to use the pre-commit hooks.
Download and install the python package
conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
orpip install pre-commit
- In the repository folder, run
pre-commit install
, the next time you make a commit, it will analise your code to match the hooks defined in the.pre-commit-config.yaml
Fix double quoted strings................................................Passed
Trim Trailing Whitespace.................................................Failed
- hook id: trailing-whitespace
- exit code: 1
- files were modified by this hook
Fixing pymove/core/dataframe.py
Fix End of Files.........................................................Passed
Mixed line ending........................................................Passed
Check for added large files..............................................Passed
Don't commit to branch...................................................Passed
seed isort known_third_party.............................................Failed
- hook id: isort
- files were modified by this hook
Fixing pymove/core/dataframe.py
Fixing pymove/utils/trajectories.py
- hook id: flake8
- exit code: 1
pymove/utils/constants.py:64:5: F601 dictionary key 11 repeated with different values
pymove/utils/constants.py:65:5: F601 dictionary key 12 repeated with different values
pymove/utils/constants.py:74:5: F601 dictionary key 11 repeated with different values
pymove/utils/constants.py:75:5: F601 dictionary key 12 repeated with different values
pymove/core/dataframe.py:970:29: E711 comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:'
Fix double quoted strings: Checks and fixes every string declaration is made using single quotes.
Trim Trailing Whitespace: Checks and fixes so there are no trailing whitespaces.
Fix End of Files: Checks and fixes so that all files end's with a blank line.
Mixed line endings: Checks and fixes line breaks to use the unix
. -
Check for added large files: Doesn't allow files bigger than
to be commited. -
Don't commit to branch: Doesn't allow direct commits to
branch. -
isort: Sorts the imports.
flake8: Ensures that the code follows
guidelines. It will point the errors in the code. -
mypy: Performs type checking. It will point the errors in the code.
Codacy statically analyzes Pull Requests
made into the master
and developer
Codacy uses the tools Bandit
, Prospector
, PyLint
and Remark Lint
The error encountered will be pointed by Codacy as PR Comments