diff --git a/src/components/Scanner.jsx b/src/components/Scanner.jsx
index 61bb750..b1caa29 100644
--- a/src/components/Scanner.jsx
+++ b/src/components/Scanner.jsx
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
-import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
-import { useSettings } from "../state"
-import { version } from "../reducer"
-import Reset from "./inputs/Reset"
-import { useZxing } from "react-zxing";
-import SetPanel from "./inputs/SetPanel"
-import useAnim from "../hooks/useAnim"
-import { parseCsvBody } from "../csv"
-import "./Scanner.scss"
-import "./inputs/inputs.scss"
-import "./inputs/buttons.scss"
- * Scans QR code to store its data
- */
-const Scanner = () => {
- const [settings] = useSettings()
- const [error, setError] = useState(false)
- const matchScans = useRef(new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.matchScanSet ?? "[]")))
- const qualScans = useRef(new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.qualitativeScanSet ?? "[]")))
- const [scanCount, setScanCount] = useState(matchScans.current.size + qualScans.current.size)
- const [anim, onAnimEnd] = useAnim(scanCount)
- const [scanHint, setScanHint] = useState("")
- const [scan, setScan] = useState(true)
- const ctx = useRef({})
- const beep = () => {
- const time = ctx.current.currentTime
- const osc = ctx.current.createOscillator()
- const gain = ctx.current.createGain()
- osc.connect(gain)
- gain.connect(ctx.current.destination)
- osc.onended = () => {
- gain.disconnect(ctx.current.destination)
- osc.disconnect(gain)
- }
- osc.type = "sine"
- osc.frequency.value = 550
- osc.start(time)
- osc.stop(time + 0.1)
- }
- useEffect(() => {
- ctx.current = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()
- return () => ctx.current.close()
- }, [ctx])
-const { ref } = useZxing({
- onDecodeResult(result) {
- console.log(result.getText())
- handleScan(result.getText())
- }, onError (err) {
- console.error(err)
- setError(err)
- }
-const handleScan = (val) => {
- if (val === null) {
- if (scanHint !== "") setScanHint("")
- return
- }
- let objVal = parseCsvBody(val)
- console.log(objVal)
- const versionMatch = Number.parseInt(objVal.version) === version
- if ((!matchScans.current.has(val) && !qualScans.current.has(val)) && versionMatch) {
- setScanCount(scanCount + 1)
- // Checking if the quickness has been set
- // If it has, then the csv object must be from the qualitative scouting
- // Otherwise, it should be a normal match
- if(objVal?.team1Quickness) {
- qualScans.current.add(val)
- localStorage.qualitativeScanSet = JSON.stringify(Array.from(qualScans.current))
- } else {
- matchScans.current.add(val)
- localStorage.matchScanSet = JSON.stringify(Array.from(matchScans.current))
- }
- if (settings.scannerBeep) beep()
- setScanHint("stored")
- } else {
- setScanHint(
- !versionMatch ? "CSV versioning mismatch" : "already scanned"
- )
- }
- return (
- <>
- {scan && (
- )}
- {`Scanned ${scanCount} ${
- scanHint !== "" ? " - " : ""
- }${scanHint.toUpperCase()}`}
- {error && {error}
- >
- )
-export default Scanner
+import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
+import { useSettings } from "../state"
+import { version } from "../reducer"
+import Reset from "./inputs/Reset"
+import { useZxing } from "react-zxing";
+import SetPanel from "./inputs/SetPanel"
+import useAnim from "../hooks/useAnim"
+import { parseCsvBody } from "../csv"
+import "./Scanner.scss"
+import "./inputs/inputs.scss"
+import "./inputs/buttons.scss"
+ * Scans QR code to store its data
+ */
+const Scanner = () => {
+ const [settings] = useSettings()
+ const [error, setError] = useState(false)
+ const matchScans = useRef(new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.matchScanSet ?? "[]")))
+ const qualScans = useRef(new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.qualitativeScanSet ?? "[]")))
+ const [scanCount, setScanCount] = useState(matchScans.current.size + qualScans.current.size)
+ const [anim, onAnimEnd] = useAnim(scanCount)
+ const [scanHint, setScanHint] = useState("")
+ const [scan, setScan] = useState(true)
+ const ctx = useRef({})
+ const beep = () => {
+ const time = ctx.current.currentTime
+ const osc = ctx.current.createOscillator()
+ const gain = ctx.current.createGain()
+ osc.connect(gain)
+ gain.connect(ctx.current.destination)
+ osc.onended = () => {
+ gain.disconnect(ctx.current.destination)
+ osc.disconnect(gain)
+ }
+ osc.type = "sine"
+ osc.frequency.value = 550
+ osc.start(time)
+ osc.stop(time + 0.1)
+ }
+ useEffect(() => {
+ ctx.current = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()
+ return () => ctx.current.close()
+ }, [ctx])
+const { ref } = useZxing({
+ onDecodeResult(result) {
+ console.log(result.getText())
+ handleScan(result.getText())
+ }, onError (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ setError(err)
+ }
+const handleScan = (val) => {
+ if (val === null) {
+ if (scanHint !== "") setScanHint("")
+ return
+ }
+ let objVal = parseCsvBody(val)
+ console.log(objVal)
+ const versionMatch = Number.parseInt(objVal.version) === version
+ if ((!matchScans.current.has(val) && !qualScans.current.has(val)) && versionMatch) {
+ setScanCount(scanCount + 1)
+ // Checking if the quickness has been set
+ // If it has, then the csv object must be from the qualitative scouting
+ // Otherwise, it should be a normal match
+ if(objVal?.typeOfData === "Qualitative") {
+ qualScans.current.add(val)
+ localStorage.qualitativeScanSet = JSON.stringify(Array.from(qualScans.current))
+ } else {
+ matchScans.current.add(val)
+ localStorage.matchScanSet = JSON.stringify(Array.from(matchScans.current))
+ }
+ if (settings.scannerBeep) beep()
+ setScanHint("stored")
+ } else {
+ setScanHint(
+ !versionMatch ? "CSV versioning mismatch" : "already scanned"
+ )
+ }
+ return (
+ <>
+ {scan && (
+ )}
+ {`Scanned ${scanCount} ${
+ scanHint !== "" ? " - " : ""
+ }${scanHint.toUpperCase()}`}
+ {error && {error}
+ >
+ )
+export default Scanner