Releases: JCSDA/crtm
v2.3-jedi.3 tag for public release/crtm_jedi
Supersedes v2.3-jedi.2 tag, following internal PR #238.
v2.3-jedi.2 tag for public release/crtm_jedi
Merge branch 'release/crtm_jedi' of…
v2.3-jedi.1 tag for public release/crtm_jedi
v2.3-jedi.1 tag supersedes the v2.3-jedi.0 tag, after recent internal PR.
v2.3-jedi.0 tag for public release/crtm_jedi
updated tag for release/crtm_jedi on public
v2.3.0 for EMC tag
This is the v2.3.0 release tag for EMC, and points to the tip of release/REL-2.3.0_emc
Tagged release for CRTM v2.4 for Zenodo archival and DOI
Tagged release for CRTM v2.4 for Zenodo archival and DOI
Zenodo archival requires a tagged release. Just creating a specific one for this purpose.
Full Changelog:
v2.4.0 release for public repository.
This is the CRTM v2.4.0 public release.
Note: The REL-2.4.0 tag and v2.4.0 tag point to the same location, future versions of CRTM will use Semantic versioning (v2.4.0).
See and for additional configuration options.
see src/Build/crtm_release_notes.txt for more specific new features, bugfixes, etc.
This can be built either standalone (using autotools) or within JEDI/UFO environment.
Contact for support, questions, issues.
Unlike prior versions of CRTM. no binary files are included in this release. There is a script (see to download the appropriate fix/ directory from the UCAR FTP site.
Tagged release for CRTM version 2.3_jedi in support of JEDI/UFO.
Tagged release of master for CRTM version 2.3_jedi in support of JEDI/UFO.
Replaces release/crtm_jedi (now deprecated).
Use shallow cloning methods to skip downloading of history.
REL-2.4.0 release for public repository.
This is the CRTM REL-2.4.0 public release.
See and for additional configuration options.
see src/Build/crtm_release_notes.txt for more specific new features, bugfixes, etc.
This can be built either standalone (using autotools) or within JEDI/UFO environment.
Contact for support, questions, issues.
Unlike prior versions of CRTM. no binary files are included in this release. There is a script (see to download the appropriate fix/ directory from the UCAR FTP site.
Tagged release for CRTM v2.3 for Zenodo archival and DOI
Zenodo archival requires a tagged release. Just creating a specific one for this purpose.
Full Changelog: