- JP
- KR
- TW
- 设备环境:安卓真机,模拟器(mumu12 64bit)
- 安卓版本:安卓9以上
- device : Android real phone and Android emulator(mumu12 64bit)
- android version: 9 or higher
- Split APKs Installer
- 由于修改版与官方版签名不同,需先卸载官方版,才能正常安装修改版
- 下载对应区服的apks文件,使用apks安装器选择apks文件进行安装
- Due to the difference in signature between the modified version and the official version, you need to uninstall the official version before you can install the modified version normally.
- Download the apks file, you need to use split APKs installer to select the apks file and install it
- 只测试启动游戏是否崩溃
- only test whether the game crashes at startup
- Each time I need to update more than 20G of data, so I can't do functional testing
- Try to fix the crash that would occur in android 14