Releases: JWock82/Pynite
Releases · JWock82/Pynite
Console logs, screenshots, & minor bug fixes
v0.0.39 Update for v0.0.39
Bug fixes for plates
v0.0.38 Update for v0.0.38
Bug fixes & mesh improvements
v0.0.37 Update for v0.0.37
Plate Sign Convention Changes
- Fixed an issue where plate loads were being applied backwards to rectangular plates. This issue did not affect quadrilaterals.
- Changed rectangular plate internal bending sign convention to match that of quadrilaterals.
Fix for Rectangular Plate Elements
The primary feature of this release is a fix for the Plate3D
element. Membrane stiffnesses were being placed in the wrong positions in the global stiffness matrix.
GitHub Integration with Travis-CI
Travis-CI automatically runs predefined tests on the code whenever a new version is pushed to GitHub.