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  1. First of all, manually download converted DETR model weights from Leonardo-Blanger/detr_tensorflow(Google Drive) to ${BIN_DIR}, note that there are two types of pretrained model:

    • DETR-DC5-R101 for batch size 1: detr-r101-dc5-a2e86def.h5
    • DETR-R101 for batch size 2: detr-r101-2c7b67e5.h5
  2. One may want to know how to convert PyTorch weights to TensorFlow, please refer to this issue, below is a snapshot: 0. Env

    pip install onnx onnx_tf tensorflow_probability
    1. Convert pytorch model to onnx format: load your pytorch detr model and use .eval() to convert it to an inference model. Then create a dummy variable input and feed it to the export() method. Make sure to set opset_version=11
    dummy_input = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, 800, 1777)).to('cuda:0')
    # you may change the names
    input_names = ['input_image']
    output_names = ['pred_logits', 'pred_boxes']
    # I use dynamic axes to make the model accept a variable batch size, width, and height for the input images
    dynamic_axes = {'input_image': {0: 'batch_size', 2: 'width', 3: 'height'}}
    torch.onnx.export(model, dummy_input, "model.onnx", input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names,
                    dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, verbose=1, opset_version=11)
    1. Convert onnx to tf saved_model (for tf serving):
    import onnx
    from onnx_tf.backend import prepare
    model = onnx.load('model.onnx')
    # Import the ONNX model to Tensorflow
    tf_rep = prepare(model)
    # don't use the ".pb" in the name of the exported file, so that it creates a proper folder for the weights
  3. Assume the MS-COCO Validation dataset are extracted and placed in ${DATA_DIR}, We expect the directory structure to be the following:

  annotations/  # annotation json files
  val2017/      # val images

Result Files Format

All results are saved in json format.

  • ${RES_NAME}.main.* - record main results about:
    1. origin_image_size - list()
    2. batch_image_size - list()
    3. result
      • image_id - int
      • category_id - int
      • bbox - list()
      • score - float
  • ${RES_NAME}.main_extended.* - record extended main results for convenience of the evaluation by using pycocotools;
  • ${RES_NAME}.time.* - record performance results about:
    1. inference_time - float
    2. postprocess_time - float
    3. preprocess_time - float

Suppose one want to run the workload 100 times, and set batch size as 1 (DETR-DC5-R101) or 2 (DETR-R101), then the following command will save all the results in ${RES_DIR} and all files will be named with ${RES_NAME}:

  • DETR-DC5-R101 for batch size 1:
$ python --run-number 100 --batch-size 1 --dataset-path ${DATA_DIR} --results-basepath ${RES_DIR}/${RES_NAME} --local --model-path ${BIN_DIR}/detr-r101-dc5-a2e86def.h5
  • DETR-R101 for batch size 2:
$ python --run-number 100 --batch-size 2 --dataset-path ${DATA_DIR} --results-basepath ${RES_DIR}/${RES_NAME} --local --model-path ${BIN_DIR}/detr-r101-2c7b67e5.h5

NOTE: No Implementation.