##Stripe Payment Moodle Plugin Change Log 3.4.6 (2024041800)
- Fixed the stripe checkout page displays the last email address of the customer.
3.4.5 (2024030600)
- Fixed purchases with coupon getting redeemed twice.
3.4.4 (2023101400)
- Fixed cost in float number #133.
- Fived UI #133.
- Added Metadata attached with stripe
3.4.3 (2023101000)
- Added Moodle 4.3 supports.
3.4.2 (2023060200)
- Fixed Missing Instance name #124.
- Fixed Free enrol - coupon id and user id arguments swapped #125.
- Fixed Successful Enrolment - Exception Error Message (stdClass undefined) #126.
- Added Script library 10.14.0.
3.4.1 (2023042500)
- Added compatibility of Moodle 4.2+.
- Fixed compatibility issue with 3.9+ #122.
3.4.0 (2023042200)
- Added Token fild required issue #120.
- Code optimized.
3.3.5 (2023022500)
- Added compatibility of Moodle 4.1+.
- Added Script library 10.7.0.
- Fixed Chackout error.
- Fixed Expired Coupon Faild silently.
- Fixed Payment description no stripe dashboard not shows.
- Fixed coupon apply resister in Stripe.
- Fixed internal error.
3.3.4 (2022070702)
- Added compatibility of Moodle 4.0.1+.
- Fixed error on 100% counpon discount.
- Fixed internal error.
3.3.3 (2022050602)
- Added compatibility of Moodle 4.0+.
3.3.2 (2022032402)
- Added compatibility of Moodle 3.11.6+.
- Fixed error on the plugin settings page.
3.3.1 (2021111802)
- Fixed 100% discount issue #89.
- Fixed New error upon adding the plugin #86
- Fixed error on the plugin settings page.
- Added Some Country on the list
3.3.0 (2021080601)
- Make the plugin Moodle Stanard
- Fixed the plugin settings page.
3.2.1 (2020121401)
- Fixed the issue of wrong variable causing critical bug
- Fixed the issue of full price taken by stripe upon payment using a coupon.
3.2 (202010270200)
- Fixing the issue of payments record not getting through stripe dashboard
- Changed the Course Stripe Enrolment Setting
3.1 (2020102001)
- Showing the Stripe error code on unsuccessful payment
- Fixing the issue that payment are done Twice
- Fixing the issue of Secret Key leak on JS
3.0 (2020080600)
- 100+ currencies are added
- 100% discount coupon error fixed: If the discount coupon waves off the actual price, making it a free product, self enrolment method will be activated for the user to use and proceed
- Card Information input fields are hard to spot: Fixed
- Stripe Receipt: Code added. You can also opt for automatic receipts to be sent upon any completed transaction. To do this => Log in to your Stripe dashboard => Go to 'Business Settings' > 'Email Receipts' => Tick the boxes for 'Successful Payments' => Click 'Save'. Note: Not applicable for sandbox accounts.
- Automatic false transaction request generated each time the Stripe Payment page reloads : Fixed
- Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe - fixed
- Mail not send - fixed
2.0 (2019121201)
1.0 (2015112807)