Note: As of 3.0.0, this package has been renamed from
. please now use thegraphql-lsp
bin, instead of thegraphql
We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
GraphQL Language Service provides an interface for building GraphQL language services for IDEs.
Almost 100% for Microsoft's Language Server Protocol is in place
Supported features include:
- Diagnostics (GraphQL syntax linting/validations) (spec-compliant)
- Autocomplete suggestions (spec-compliant)
- Hyperlink to fragment definitions and named types (type, input, enum) definitions (spec-compliant)
- Outline view support for queries and SDL
- Symbols support across the workspace
see more information at graphql-language-service-server
An LSP-compatible client with a file watcher that sends watch notifications to the server.
DROPPED: GraphQL Language Service no longer depends on Watchman
Only node 9 or greater, and npm or yarn are required dependencies.
with yarn
yarn global add graphql-language-service-cli
with npm
npm i -g graphql-language-service-cli
either will install the graphql-lsp
bin globally
Check out graphql-config
The custom graphql language configurations are:
- returns rules array with parameterValidationContext
When running server
, your LSP-compatible client can provide additional workspace configuration.
For example, coc.nvim
allows for providing custom settings
"languageserver": {
"graphql": {
"command": "graphql-lsp",
"args": ["server", "-m", "stream"],
// customize filetypes to your needs
"filetypes": ["typescript", "typescriptreact", "graphql"],
"settings": {
"graphql-config.load.legacy": true
this would allow for legacy graphql-config
file formats like .graphqlconfig
, useful on projects maintaining compatibility with the intellij plugin
graphql-lsp server --schema=localhost:3000
The node executable contains several commands: server
and the command-line language service methods (validate
, autocomplete
, outline
Usage: graphql-lsp <command> <file>
[-h | --help][-c | --configDir] {configDir}
[-t | --text] {textBuffer}
[-f | --file] {filePath}
[-s | --schema] {schemaPath}
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-t, --text Text buffer to perform GraphQL diagnostics on.
Will defer to --file option if omitted.
Overrides the --file option, if any.
-f, --file File path to perform GraphQL diagnostics on.
Will be ignored if --text option is supplied.
--row A row number from the cursor location for GraphQL
autocomplete suggestions.
If omitted, the last row number will be used.
--column A column number from the cursor location for GraphQL
autocomplete suggestions.
If omitted, the last column number will be used.
-c, --configDir Path to the .graphqlrc.yml configuration file.
Walks up the directory tree from the provided config
directory, or the current working directory, until a
.graphqlrc is found or the root directory is found.
-s, --schemaPath a path to schema DSL file
At least one command is required.
Commands: "server, validate, autocomplete, outline"