For the past two several years, I have been slowly improving the features of GPUProfiler for Windows environments and often heard requests for a tool like that for Linux, or even a monitor to give users greater and immediate insight into what GPU features are doing. I wanted a tool like this and so I just started making it.
Display that utilization of GPU resources for all NVIDIA GPUs detected in a bare-metal machine, some hypervisor hosts (XenServer, RHEL RHV, ESXi) or virtual machines* (*see limitations)
UI Example - Graphics view mode
Inferencing on a Ubuntu vGPU VM
ngputop currently has two view modes, "compute" and "graphics". Each view displays more or less data based on the typical utilization metrics each use case is interested in observing.
Compute mode displays for each detected NVIDIA GPU the following 'gauges':
SM: Shader-Module utilization
FB: Frame buffer utilization
CL: SM Clock
PW: Power consumption
TP: GPU temperature in Celsius
FN: Fan speed (% of maximum)
The Graphics mode displays for each detected NVIDIA GPU the following 'gauges'
SM: Shader-Module utilization
FB: Frame buffer utilization
MC: Memory controller utilization
EN: Encoder utilization
DE: Decoder utilization
PW: Power consumption
TP: GPU temperature in Celsius