As we agreed in our community, when adding a new language support for Deskreen, the translations for Deskreen App should be done along with translations for a website too. Why is that? Because if you translate app only, it doesn't bring any value to users because they can not read any documentation and important information about Deskreen on a website.
If you are willing to contribute to translate application only and don't want to help with translating a website, then your submission with new language support will be stalled up until the time when there is a translation for Deskreen website. Follow guides on Deskreen website locales repo for adding your language translation for Deskreen Website
The how-to guides on submitting translations for Deskreen website will be added here soon (within next week). Stay tuned.
You can subscribe to this thread for news on translations: pavlobu#60
- Notes on editing
files. (Applies to all contributors wether you know how to code or not) - I don't know how to code or I don't know how git works, but I want to help with adding a new language support for Deskreen App and Website
- I know how to code and I know how git works, where should I start with adding a new language for Deskreen App and Website?
Notes on editing `translation.json` files. (Applies to all contributors wether you know how to code or not)
When editing a translation.json
file, don't change the left part of translation before the :
Only change the text between "
on right side of :
Some content of translation.json
"Hello": "Hello"
"Hello": "Hola"
Bad example of your change (left side is different than in original):
"Greetings": "Hola"
Rule of thumb, don't edit a text on a left side of :
sign in translation.json
file. only edit a text between "
on the right side from :
I don't know how to code or I don't know how git works, but I want to help with adding a new language support for Deskreen App and Website
You can use any simple text editor to edit translation.json
Good text editors for different operating systems:
- Windows (Notepad)
- MacOS (TextEdit)
- Linux (gedit, mousepad etc.)
You can grab English language translation.json
file here and use it as a template.
That file is for a Deskreen App that runs on computer.
The second English language translation.json
file you need to edit is here
and use it as a template.
That file is for a Deskreen Viewer that runs on any device web browser.
open link -> right click in browser window -> Save as..
Follow guides on Deskreen website locales repo
You can send me a Google Drive link to these files for translations of Deskreen App and Website, or attach them to email. Send your email with files here: Please give different names for the files when attaching them. Also please include what is language name your translation is for. After that we will be adding a support for new language and make a new release with your name in changelog :) Big thanks to you!
I know how to code and I know how git works, where should I start with adding a new language for Deskreen App and Website?
IMPORTANT: Please make sure your PR is 1 or maximum 2 commits length. If it is longer than that, you will be asked to squash your PR commits. If you don't know how to squash, refer this guide
You need to add it in two places: 1. host app, that runs on a computer and 2. client viewer, that runs in a web browser
create a new directory withISO 639-1
Code of Spanish which ises
copy contents of
edit translations in
translating only stuff that is on the right side of:
on each row to Spanish -
add a full language name with iso key inlangISOKeyToLangFullNameMap
map. Example:es: Espagnol
add a language iso key inlanguages
list. Example:['en', .... , 'es']
on the top of all
addes: Espagnol
under all languages. Example:.... "ru": "Русский", "en": "English", "ua": "Українська", "es": "Espagnol", ....
(search for arrow function) add a Hello word in your language tores
list like this:res.push(translationES.Hello);
. You will first need to importtranslationES
on a top of file where this arrow function is. Example:import translationES from '../locales/es/translation.json'
Done with the host app!
Now proceed with client viewer. Create a directory
copy contents of
edit translations in
translating only stuff that is on the right side of:
on each row to Spanish -
to the end. Example:whitelist: ['en', 'ru', 'ua', 'es']
Done with client translations!
Dont forget to test whether your typo fix works. Run app with yarn start
from ./
root dir of Deskreen project.
When the Deskreen App translations done, then please fix tests if they are broken. And regenerate snapshots if needed.
in root ./
folder of project run this:
yarn jest --updateSnapshot
in Deskreen Viewer ./app/client
folder of project run this:
cd app/client
SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true yarn test:nowatch -- -u
Add new language for Deskreen Website. Step By Step Guide for coders and people who know how to use git
Follow guides on Deskreen website locales repo