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firmware for Generic bluetooth SDK(AC63 series)
This repository contains the Jieli source code additions to open source projects (Zephyr RTOS). It must be combined with lib.a and the repositories that use the same naming convention to build the provided samples and to use the additional subsystems and libraries.
Welcome to JL open source! See the Introduction to SDK
for a high-level overview,
and the documentation's Getting Started Guide
to start developing.
How to get the JL Toolchain
and setup the build enviroment,see below
Complie Tool :install the JL complie tool to setup the build enviroment, download link
USB updater : program flash tool to download the
file to the target board, please accquire the tool form the link and check the related configuration and document
Chipset brief : SoC datasheet, download link
SDK Version: SDK History
SDK introduction : SDK quick start guide
SDK architure : SDK module architure
Select a project to build. The following folders contains buildable projects:
APP_Bluetooth : SPP_LE, usage: data transfer, centeral devices, boardcast devices, beacon, FindMy, multi-link, Dongle(usb / bt). document
APP_Bluetooth : HID, usage: remote control, keyboard, mouse, game box, Voice remote control. document
See Tags for the released versions.
Comming Soon:
APP_Bluetooth :
IoT (ipv6 / 6lowpan)
2.4G_APP :
Vendor Wireless
SDK support Codeblock & Make to build to project,make sure you already setup the enviroment
Codeblock build : enter the project directory and find the
,double click and build. -
Makefile build : double click the
and excutemake target
)before build the project make sure the USB updater is connect and enter the update mode correctly
Bluetooth OTA : OTA , usage: Single/Double bank bluetooth update.
Bluetooth Classic LMP /LE Link Layer protocol stack implementing Bluetooth 5.0/5.1/5.4 specification
Core v5.0 QDID 134104
Core v5.1 QDID 136145
Core v5.4 QDID 222830
EV Board :link
Production Tool : massive prodution and program the SoC, please accquire the tool from the link and check the releated doc
Wireless Tester : Over the air update/RF Calibration/Fast production test, please accuire the tool from the link,check doc for more infomation.
[Dingtalk Group] ID1:
AC630N_BT_SDK supports development with AC63 series devices. AC63 Series devices (which are pre-production) and Bluetooth Mesh protocols are supported for development in tag v0.5.0 for prototyping and evaluation. Support for production and deployment in end products is coming soon.