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Apollo planning is scenario based, where each driving case is treated as a different driving scenario.

Open space decider is used to process related infomation and provide information for subsequent optimizers.

Where is the code

Please refer open space decider.

Code Reading

Open space roi decider

  1. Input : obstacles info \ vehicle info \ road info \ parking space info.
  • IN PARKING STAGE (roi_type == OpenSpaceRoiDeciderConfig::PARKING)

    1. Check parking space id and parking space boundary, then get parking spot.
        bool GetParkingSpot(Frame *const frame,
                            std::array<common::math::Vec2d, 4> *vertices,
                            hdmap::Path *nearby_path);
    1. Search target parking spot on path and check whether the distance between ADC and target parking spot is appropriate.
        void SearchTargetParkingSpotOnPath(
            const hdmap::Path &nearby_path,
            hdmap::ParkingSpaceInfoConstPtr *target_parking_spot);
    1. Set ADC origin state, include ADC position and heading.
        void SetOrigin(Frame *const frame,
                        const std::array<common::math::Vec2d, 4> &vertices);
    1. Get parking spot(left top \ left down \ right down \ right top) points info, convert parking spot points coordinates to vehicle coorinates, according to the relative position and parking direction(inward or outward) to set parking end pose.
        void SetParkingSpotEndPose(
            Frame *const frame, const std::array<common::math::Vec2d, 4> &vertices);
    1. Get parking boundary: convert parking spot points coordinates to vehicle coorinates and get points' projections on reference line.
        bool GetParkingBoundary(Frame *const frame,
                                const std::array<common::math::Vec2d, 4> &vertices,
                                const hdmap::Path &nearby_path,
                                *const roi_parking_boundary);
    1. Get road boundary: it starts from parking space center line(center_line_s) and extends a distance(roi longitudinal range) to both sides along the s direction to get start_s and end_s.

      Search key points(the point on the left/right lane boundary is close to a curb corner) and anchor points(a start/end point or the point on path with large curvatures) in this roi range.

      Those key points and anchor points are called boundary points. The line segements between those points are called roi parking boundarys.

        void GetRoadBoundary(
            const hdmap::Path &nearby_path, const double center_line_s,
            const common::math::Vec2d &origin_point, const double origin_heading,
            std::vector<common::math::Vec2d> *left_lane_boundary,
            std::vector<common::math::Vec2d> *right_lane_boundary,
            std::vector<common::math::Vec2d> *center_lane_boundary_left,
            std::vector<common::math::Vec2d> *center_lane_boundary_right,
            std::vector<double> *center_lane_s_left,
            std::vector<double> *center_lane_s_right,
            std::vector<double> *left_lane_road_width,
            std::vector<double> *right_lane_road_width);
    1. Fuse line segements: remove repeat points of roi parking boundary to meet the requirements of open space algorithm.
        bool FuseLineSegments(
            std::vector<std::vector<common::math::Vec2d>> *line_segments_vec);
  • IN PULL OVER STAGE (roi_type == OpenSpaceRoiDeciderConfig::PULL_OVER)

    1. The main process is same as parking stage, get pull over spot -> set origin -> set pull over spot end pose -> get pull over boundary.
          void SetPullOverSpotEndPose(Frame *const frame);
          bool GetPullOverBoundary(Frame *const frame,
                                    const std::array<common::math::Vec2d, 4> &vertices,
                                    const hdmap::Path &nearby_path,
                                    *const roi_parking_boundary);  
  • IN PARK AND GO STAGE (roi_type == OpenSpaceRoiDeciderConfig::PARK_AND_GO)

    1. The main process is same as parking stage, set orgin from adc -> set park and go end pose -> get park and go boundary.
          void SetOriginFromADC(Frame *const frame, const hdmap::Path &nearby_path);
          void SetParkAndGoEndPose(Frame *const frame);
          bool GetParkAndGoBoundary(Frame *const frame, const hdmap::Path &nearby_path,
                                *const roi_parking_boundary);
  1. By calling formulateboundaryconstraints() to gather vertice needed by warm start and distance approach, then transform vertices into the form of Ax > b.
    bool FormulateBoundaryConstraints(
        const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::Vec2d>> &roi_parking_boundary,
        Frame *const frame);
  1. Return process status.

  2. Output: open space roi boundary and boundary constraints

Open space pre stop decider

  1. Input: obstacles info \ vehicle info \ road info \ parking space info
  • IN PARKING STAGE (OpenSpacePreStopDeciderConfig::PARKING)

    1. Check parking space info(parking spot id and parking spot points), fill those info into target_parking_spot_ptr.

      Take the s info of parking space center line as target_s.

        bool CheckParkingSpotPreStop(Frame* const frame,
                                    ReferenceLineInfo* const reference_line_info,
                                    double* target_s);
    1. Base on ADC position, stop distance to target parking space and obstacle positon to set stop fence.
        void SetParkingSpotStopFence(const double target_s, Frame* const frame,
                                    ReferenceLineInfo* const reference_line_info);
  • IN PULL OVER STAGE (OpenSpacePreStopDeciderConfig::PULL_OVER)

    1. Same with parking stage, check pull over pre stop -> set pull over stop fence.
        bool CheckPullOverPreStop(Frame* const frame,
                                  ReferenceLineInfo* const reference_line_info,
                                  double* target_s);
        void SetPullOverStopFence(const double target_s, Frame* const frame,
                                ReferenceLineInfo* const reference_line_info);
  1. Return process status.

  2. Output: pre stop fence for open space planner.

Open space fallback decider

  1. Input: obstacles info \ vehicle info \ road info \ parking space info.

  2. Base on the prdicted trajectory of obstacles, the bounding box info of obstacles in each time interval is obtained, then we add it into predicted_bounding_rectangles.

    void BuildPredictedEnvironment(const std::vector<const Obstacle*>& obstacles,
  1. By calling IsCollisonFreeTrajectory() to determine whether it will intersect with obstacles.
    bool IsCollisionFreeTrajectory(
        const TrajGearPair& trajectory_pb,
        const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::Box2d>>&
        size_t* current_idx, size_t* first_collision_idx);
  1. If ADC trajectroy is collision free, the chosen partitioned trajectory can be used directly, otherwise a fallback trajectroy base on current partition trajectroy will be gererated, which leads ADC stop inside safety distance.

  2. Return process status.

  3. Output: fallback trajectory.