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File metadata and controls

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This repository is a collection of PowerShell scripts I made to be able to automate the logging of tickets in Service-Now via an Internet Explorer COMObject.


Store in a central location ideally using a DNS Name for the server its on so if the location changes you will not need to update multiple scripts or processes that call them

Process of script

The Process of the scripts are fairly simple:

  • Open IE as a COMObject
  • Reteieve password for account to login to Service-Now
  • Browse to Service-Now Website
  • Retrieve login fields
  • Enter login information
  • Using Service Now Favourite bar click on the button required using HTML CLASS attribute
  • Fill out the information in the ticket
  • Click submit

Pre Setup Instructions

Securely reteieve password back to clear text

As we are entering credentials into the website we need a password to be retrieved in clear text. This can be done any way you want but I use the PowerShell credential encryption. This is setup as follows (for a service account that doesn't have login rights):

  1. Login to server

  2. Setup a scheduled task in the following way: - Account -> Service Account Script will run as - Action -> Powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file - Script file
    #Enter the password
    $Password = "PASSWORD"
    #Enter Location of the output file
    $PasswordFile = "C:\Password.txt"
    $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $PasswordFile

  3. Run the scheduled task

  4. Look for C:\Password.txt and copy it to the location of the script

  5. The script then retrieves the Password with the following $Password = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\Password.txt | Convertto-securestring $password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password))

Setting up correct web tags

When first setting these scripts up the HTML Tags may need to be changed to work with your companies Serivce-Now environment as I assume they are not the same everywhere.

The main one that will definitely need to be changed is the FavouriteBar ClassIDs. This tag is the elements tag and you can look for it by searching the scripts for GetElementsByClassName