The FileUpload-Component is part of the chayns-components package. It can be installed via npm:
npm install -S chayns-components@latest
At first the component needs to be imported:
import { FileUpload } from 'chayns-components';
The component can be used in JSX like in the following example:
<FileUpload onUpload={(url) => console.log(url)} />
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
onChange | Callback-function (parameter: files, validFiles, invalidFiles) | Function | |
type | Allowed types (currently supported: all, image, audio, video) | String | all |
multiple | Enables/Disables upload of multiple files | Bool | true |
className | CSS-classes that should be set on root-element | String | |
uploadText | Text that should be shown on button | String | |
disableListeners | Disables all event listeners | Bool | false |
onDrop | Registers a custom onDrop-Listener (prevents default handling) | Function | |
onClick | Registers a custom onClick-Listener (prevents default handling) | Function | |
onUpload | Uploads file and return the url. Only for images. | Function | |
children | Component(s) that should be rendered inside component | ReactElements | |
customIcon | CustomIcon that should be rendered inside component | string/object | |
stopPropagation | Stops the click propagation to parent elements | bool | false |
types | Array for different upload types. Overwrites existing props for each type. | Array |
You can take a look at the examples folder in the react-chayns-upload repository. There you can find an appropriate way of implementing the FileUpload to your chayns-Tapp.