From c4dac5edbe72fe47cb3e7a6456df476dba04626d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jonathan=20Bj=C3=B8rn=20Greve?= <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:48:46 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Updated exported and importer to export/import High, Medium
 and Low LOD models

 SourceFiles/model_exporter.h                  |  50 ++++++-
 .../model_import_addon/        | 140 +++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SourceFiles/model_exporter.h b/SourceFiles/model_exporter.h
index 80a4e97..000553c 100644
--- a/SourceFiles/model_exporter.h
+++ b/SourceFiles/model_exporter.h
@@ -67,8 +67,16 @@ struct gwmb_submodel {
     // Faces are in counter-clockwise order.
     // Each consecutive 3 indices represents a face so: indices.size() % 3 == 0 and indices.size() > 0.
+    // These indices are used for the "High" (best quality) LOD.
     std::vector<int> indices;
+    // Indices for medium and low quality LODs.
+    std::vector<int> indices_med;
+    std::vector<int> indices_low;
+    // Flags telling us if the model has medium or low LOD indices.
+    bool has_med_lod;
+    bool has_low_lod;
     // The index of the texture to use for each UV map. The vector has length: num_texcoords
     std::vector<int> texture_indices;
@@ -198,6 +206,10 @@ namespace nlohmann {
             j = json{
                 {"vertices", s.vertices},
                 {"indices", s.indices},
+                {"indices_med", s.indices_med},
+                {"indices_low", s.indices_low},
+                {"has_med_lod", s.has_med_lod},
+                {"has_low_lod", s.has_low_lod},
                 {"texture_indices", s.texture_indices},
                 {"texture_uv_map_index", s.texture_uv_map_index},
                 {"texture_blend_flags", s.texture_blend_flags},
@@ -208,6 +220,10 @@ namespace nlohmann {
         static void from_json(const json& j, gwmb_submodel& s) {
+  "indices_med").get_to(s.indices_med);
+  "indices_low").get_to(s.indices_low);
+  "has_med_lod").get_to(s.has_med_lod);
+  "has_low_lod").get_to(s.has_low_lod);
@@ -364,13 +380,41 @@ class model_exporter {
                 gwmb_submodel_i.vertices[j] = new_gwmb_vertex;
-            // Add indices to gwmb_submodel
-            gwmb_submodel_i.indices.resize(submodel.indices.size());
-            for (int j = 0; j < submodel.indices.size(); j++) {
+            // Add High LOD indices to gwmb_submodel
+            gwmb_submodel_i.indices.resize(submodel.num_indices0);
+            for (int j = 0; j < submodel.num_indices0; j++) {
                 const auto index = submodel.indices[j];
                 gwmb_submodel_i.indices[j] = index;
+            if (submodel.num_indices0 != submodel.num_indices1) {
+                gwmb_submodel_i.has_med_lod = true;
+                gwmb_submodel_i.indices_med.resize(submodel.num_indices1);
+                int index_offset = submodel.num_indices0;
+                for (int j = 0; j < submodel.num_indices1; j++) {
+                    const auto index = submodel.indices[index_offset+j];
+                    gwmb_submodel_i.indices_med[j] = index;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                gwmb_submodel_i.has_med_lod = false;
+            }
+            if (submodel.num_indices0 != submodel.num_indices2 && submodel.num_indices1 != submodel.num_indices2) {
+                gwmb_submodel_i.has_low_lod = true;
+                int index_offset = gwmb_submodel_i.has_med_lod ? submodel.num_indices0 + submodel.num_indices1 : submodel.num_indices0;
+                gwmb_submodel_i.indices_low.resize(submodel.num_indices2);
+                for (int j = 0; j < submodel.num_indices2; j++) {
+                    const auto index = submodel.indices[index_offset + j];
+                    gwmb_submodel_i.indices_low[j] = index;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                gwmb_submodel_i.has_low_lod = false;
+            }
             AMAT_file amat_file;
             if (model_file.AMAT_filenames_chunk.texture_filenames.size() > 0) {
                 int sub_model_index = geometry_chunk.models[i].unknown;
diff --git a/blender_addons/model_import_addon/ b/blender_addons/model_import_addon/
index e6e5ba1..146ae11 100644
--- a/blender_addons/model_import_addon/
+++ b/blender_addons/model_import_addon/
@@ -3,6 +3,24 @@
 import os
 import numpy as np
+def hide_collection_in_view_layer(collection, view_layer):
+    # Recursively search for the matching LayerCollection
+    def recurse(layer_collections, target_collection):
+        for layer_collection in layer_collections.children:
+            if layer_collection.collection == target_collection:
+                return layer_collection
+            found = recurse(layer_collection, target_collection)
+            if found:
+                return found
+        return None
+    layer_collection = recurse(view_layer.layer_collection, collection)
+    if layer_collection:
+        layer_collection.hide_viewport = True
 def set_metric_space():
     bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system = 'METRIC'
     bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.length_unit = 'METERS'
@@ -437,34 +455,53 @@ def create_mesh_from_json(context, directory, filename):
     # Ensure a collection for the model hash exists under the GWMB_Models collection
     model_collection = ensure_collection(context, model_hash, parent_collection=gwmb_collection)
+    high_collection = ensure_collection(context, "LOD_HIGH", parent_collection=model_collection)
     # Set the model's hash collection as the active collection
     layer_collection = bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection.children[].children[]
     bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = layer_collection
     for idx, submodel in enumerate(data.get('submodels', [])):
         pixel_shader_type = submodel['pixel_shader_type']
         vertices_data = submodel.get('vertices', [])
-        indices = submodel.get('indices', [])
-        # Swap axis to match Blenders coordinate system.
-        # Also scale the vertices to be inches rather than meters. 1 Inch = 0.0254m. (Guild Wars uses GW Inches)
         vertices = [swap_axes(v['pos']) for v in vertices_data]
+        has_med_lod = submodel['has_med_lod']
+        has_low_lod = submodel['has_low_lod']
+        if (has_low_lod):
+            low_collection = ensure_collection(context, "LOD_LOW", parent_collection=model_collection)
+            indices_low = submodel.get('indices_low', [])
+            faces_low = [tuple(reversed(indices_low[i:i + 3])) for i in range(0, len(indices_low), 3)]
+        if (has_med_lod):
+            med_collection = ensure_collection(context, "LOD_MEDIUM", parent_collection=model_collection)
+            indices_med = submodel.get('indices_med', [])
+            faces_med = [tuple(reversed(indices_med[i:i + 3])) for i in range(0, len(indices_med), 3)]
+        indices_high = submodel.get('indices', [])
+        faces_high = [tuple(reversed(indices_high[i:i + 3])) for i in range(0, len(indices_high), 3)]        
         texture_blend_flags = submodel.get('texture_blend_flags', [])
         # Normals
         normals = [swap_axes(v['normal']) if v['has_normal'] else (0, 0, 1) for v in vertices_data]
-        # Faces
-        faces = [tuple(reversed(indices[i:i + 3])) for i in range(0, len(indices), 3)]
-        mesh ="{}_submodel_{}".format(model_hash, idx))
-        mesh.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces)
-        # Set Normals
-        mesh.normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices(normals)
+        mesh_high ="{}_submodel_{}_highLOD".format(model_hash, idx))
+        mesh_high.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces_high)
+        mesh_high.normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices(normals)
+        if (has_med_lod):
+            mesh_med ="{}_submodel_{}_mediumLOD".format(model_hash, idx))
+            mesh_med.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces_med)
+            mesh_med.normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices(normals)
+        if (has_low_lod):
+            mesh_low ="{}_submodel_{}_lowLOD".format(model_hash, idx))
+            mesh_low.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces_low)
+            mesh_low.normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices(normals)
         # Create material for the submodel
         texture_indices = submodel.get('texture_indices', [])
@@ -475,21 +512,36 @@ def create_mesh_from_json(context, directory, filename):
         # We also get the correct texture types for the selected textures above
         texture_types = [all_texture_types[i] for i in texture_indices]
-        uv_map_names = []
+        UVs = []
         for uv_index, tex_index in enumerate(uv_map_indices):
-            uv_layer_name = f"UV_{uv_index}"
-            uv_map_names.append(uv_layer_name)
-            uv_layer =
             uvs = []
             for vertex in vertices_data:
                 # In DirectX 11 (DX11), used by the Guild Wars Map Browser, the UV coordinate system originates at the top left with (0,0), meaning the V coordinate increases downwards.
                 # In Blender, however, the UV coordinate system originates at the bottom left with (0,0), so the V coordinate increases upwards.
                 # Therefore, to correctly map DX11 UVs to Blender's UV system, we subtract the V value from 1, effectively flipping the texture on the vertical axis.
-                uvs.append(
-                    (vertex['texture_uv_coords'][tex_index]['x'], 1 - vertex['texture_uv_coords'][tex_index]['y']))
-            for i, loop in enumerate(mesh.loops):
-      [i].uv = uvs[loop.vertex_index]
+                uvs.append((vertex['texture_uv_coords'][tex_index]['x'], 1 - vertex['texture_uv_coords'][tex_index]['y']))
+            UVs.append(uvs)
+        uv_map_names = []
+        for uv_index in range(len(uv_map_indices)):
+            uv_layer_name = f"UV_{uv_index}"
+            uv_map_names.append(uv_layer_name)
+            uvs = UVs[uv_index]
+            uv_layer_high =
+            for i, loop in enumerate(mesh_high.loops):
+      [i].uv = uvs[loop.vertex_index]
+            if (has_med_lod):
+                uv_layer_med =
+                for i, loop in enumerate(mesh_med.loops):
+          [i].uv = uvs[loop.vertex_index]
+            if (has_low_lod):
+                uv_layer_low =
+                for i, loop in enumerate(mesh_low.loops):
+          [i].uv = uvs[loop.vertex_index]
         material = None
         if pixel_shader_type == 6:
@@ -503,18 +555,38 @@ def create_mesh_from_json(context, directory, filename):
             raise "Unknown pixel_shader_type"
-        mesh.update()
-        obj_name = "{}_{}".format(model_hash, idx)
-        obj =, mesh)
+        mesh_high.update()
+        obj_high_name = "{}_{}_highLOD".format(model_hash, idx)
+        obj_high =, mesh_high)
         # Link the object to the model's collection directly
-        # Make sure the object is also in the scene collection for visibility
- = obj
-        obj.select_set(True)
+        view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
+        if (has_med_lod):
+            mesh_med.update()
+            obj_med_name = "{}_{}_medLOD".format(model_hash, idx)
+            obj_med =, mesh_med)
+            # Link the object to the model's collection directly
+            hide_collection_in_view_layer(med_collection, view_layer)
+        if (has_med_lod):
+            mesh_med.update()
+            obj_low_name = "{}_{}_lowLOD".format(model_hash, idx)
+            obj_low =, mesh_low)
+            # Link the object to the model's collection directly
+            hide_collection_in_view_layer(low_collection, view_layer)
     return {'FINISHED'}
@@ -525,12 +597,6 @@ class IMPORT_OT_JSONMesh(bpy.types.Operator):
     bl_description = "Import a Guild Wars Map Browser model file (.json)"
     bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-#    directory: bpy.props.StringProperty(
-#        subtype='DIR_PATH',
-#        default="",
-#        description="Directory used for importing the GWMB model"
-#    )
     # Use a CollectionProperty to store multiple file paths
     files: bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=bpy.types.OperatorFileListElement)
     directory: bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype='DIR_PATH')