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Week 2, session 1: multi-file projects, error handling

class: title



Week 2, session 1

Multi-file projects, error handling

Picking up where we left off

Last week, we had started working on our DNA shotgun sequencing project

You can find the most up to date version in the project's solution/ folder

.explain-bottom[ Make sure your code is up to date now! ]

name: multifile

class: section

Multi-file projects

Splitting projects over multiple files

We've barely started on our project, and our .cpp file is already ~100 lines

  • it will grow and eventually become difficult to manage


In practice, C++ projects are spread over many files

  • it helps to keep our code logically organised
  • it keeps each individual file small enough to manage
  • it allows for incremental and/or parallel compilation
  • it allows for code re-use


Of these, the last two points are probably the most important!

Splitting projects over multiple files

In C & C++, we can use the #include directive to import another file into our current code


Files designed to be #included in this way are called header files

  • they typically have the .h extension (though .hpp, .H are also sometimes used)


We have already imported such header files in our project:

  • <iostream>
  • <fstream>
  • <string>
  • <vector>
  • ...


These are system headers, provided as part of the standard C++ library

  • C++ standard system headers do not have the .h extension
  • They should be #included within angled brackets, e.g.:
    #include <iostream>

Splitting projects over multiple files

We can write our own header files, and request they be included in some other file in the same way.


To illustrate how this works, we create a new header file called fragments.h

  • this will contain the declarations of our functions

-- We will also need a corresponding fragments.cpp file

  • this will contain the matching definitions for our functions

-- We will then #include our header in our main shotgun.cpp file, but this time using inverted commas, and with the .h extension:

#include "fragments.h"


Make sure to always use angled brackets (<>) for system headers, and inverted commas ("") for your own project headers (as recommended here, for example)

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.h file should look like:

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <string>

std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename);

void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments);

void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence);

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.h file should look like:

*#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <string>

std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename);

void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments);

void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence);

.explain-bottom[ The #pragam once preprocessor directive ensures that our header file will only be included once. We will cover this in more detail shortly. ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.h file should look like:

#pragma once

*#include <vector>
*#include <string>

std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename);

void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments);

void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence);

.explain-bottom[ Our header should #include any headers required to make sense of the code in our header

Here, we need to make sure the compiler knows about `std::string` and `std::vector` – so the corresponding system headers both need to be `#include`d ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.h file should look like:

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <string>

*std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename);
*void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments);
*void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence);

.explain-bottom[ Next, we list our function declarations. Note that we do not include the full definitions (function body) here – they will go in the corresponding .cpp file ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.cpp file should look like:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "fragments.h"

std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename)
{ ...

void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments)
{ ...

void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence)
{ ...

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.cpp file should look like:

*#include <iostream>
*#include <fstream>
*#include <vector>
*#include <string>

#include "fragments.h"

std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename)
{ ...

void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments)
{ ...

void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence)
{ ...

.explain-bottom[ As for the main shotgun.cpp file, we start by #includeing the system headers needed for our code ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.cpp file should look like:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

*#include "fragments.h"

std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename)
{ ...

void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments)
{ ...

void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence)
{ ...

.explain-bottom[ We can then #include the matching header for our code file – and indeed any other header that we may have written that our code might need. ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

This is what our fragments.cpp file should look like:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "fragments.h"

*std::vector<std::string> load_fragments (const std::string& filename)
*{ ...
*void fragment_statistics (const std::vector<std::string>& fragments)
*{ ...
*void write_sequence (const std::string& filename, const std::string& sequence)
*{ ...

.explain-bottom[ We can then insert the full definitions for our functions (the actual contents have been omitted here for brevity).

The definitions need to match the declarations in the header file *exactly* – otherwise the compiler may throw an error, or assume you are defining a different function altogether. ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

Finally, this is what our main shotgun.cpp file should look like:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "fragments.h"

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);


  return 0;

Splitting projects over multiple files

Finally, this is what our main shotgun.cpp file should look like:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

*#include "fragments.h"

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);


  return 0;

.explain-bottom[ We can replace all the function definitions we had previously with a single #include statement! ]

Splitting projects over multiple files

So we now have a project split over 3 files:

  • shotgun.cpp

    • #include "fragments.h"
    • contains our main() function
    • uses functions declared in fragments.h
  • fragments.h

    • contains the declarations for the functions used in main()
  • fragments.cpp

    • #include "fragments.h"
    • contains the definitions for the functions declared in fragments.h


How do we compile this project?

name: multifile_build

class: info

Building a multi-file project

We could compile everything in one go:

$ g++ -std=c++20 shotgun.cpp fragments.cpp -o shotgun


That works, but it negates the benefits of incremental or parallel builds

-- What is normally done is:

  • compile each .cpp file independently into an intermediate file format called an object file

    • these contain the functions and symbols defined in our .cpp file translated into machine (binary) code
  • link the resulting object files together to generate the final executable

    • this resolves all the references to different functions, and makes sure they can all be found for inclusion into the final executable
    • at this stage, we may also link our code with external (static or dynamic) libraries (we will not cover this in great detail, interested readers can read up on this online)

class: info

The compile & link process

:scale 70%

class: info

Commands to compile & link


$ g++ -std=c++20 -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
$ g++ -std=c++20 -c fragments.cpp -o fragments.o


$ g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun

class: info

Commands to compile & link


$ g++ -std=c++20 `-c` shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
$ g++ -std=c++20 `-c` fragments.cpp -o fragments.o


$ g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun

.explain-bottom[ The -c option instructs g++ to compile only

Otherwise it would both compile *and* link ]

class: info

Commands to compile & link


$ g++ -std=c++20 -c shotgun.cpp -o `shotgun.o`
$ g++ -std=c++20 -c fragments.cpp -o `fragments.o`


$ g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun

.explain-bottom[ Note that the output files from these commands are now object files, with the .o extension ]

class: info

Commands to compile & link


$ g++ -std=c++20 -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
$ g++ -std=c++20 -c fragments.cpp -o fragments.o


$ g++ `shotgun.o fragments.o` -o shotgun

.explain-bottom[ The final link stage takes the object files only to produce the final executable ]

class: info

Commands to compile & link


$ g++ -std=c++20 -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
$ g++ -std=c++20 -c fragments.cpp -o fragments.o


$ g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun

Why bother when this could all be done with one command?


Because each of these tasks can be performed independently, and therefore in parallel

  • faster builds for large projects

-- and each of these tasks only needs to be performed if there has been a change in its inputs

  • e.g. if we edit shotgun.cpp, we do not need to re-compile fragments.cpp
  • allows for incremental builds – can save huge amounts of time when working on large projects

class: info

Commands to compile & link


$ g++ -std=c++20 -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
$ g++ -std=c++20 -c fragments.cpp -o fragments.o


$ g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun

.explain-bottom[ Exercise: split up your code as shown previously, then compile and link the different files using the commands above ]

name: build_system

class: info

When do we need to recompile?

When we make changes to a file, it is not necessarily trivial to determine which .cpp files need to be recompiled


If we edit fragments.h, we will need to recompile both fragments.cpp and shotgun.cpp


If we edit fragments.cpp, we only need to recompile fragments.cpp

  • shotgun.cpp does not include any part of fragments.cpp
  • similarly for shotgun.cpp


The situation becomes much more complex for large projects

  • a header file can #include other header files, which themselves can #include other header files, etc.


To manage this web of dependencies, we use C++ build systems – of which there are many...

  • well-known build systems include GNU make, cmake, qmake, ninja, meson, scons, ...
  • these can be very complex to understand and manage well
  • some of these tools handle different aspects as well as building
    • external dependencies, different operating systems, testing, packaging, ...

class: info

How do C++ build systems work?

A comprehensive overview of C++ build systems is beyond the scope of this course


At their most basic, build systems work by:

  • knowing which targets depends on which inputs, e.g.:
    • shotgun.o depends on shotgun.cpp & fragments.h
    • shotgun depends on shotgun.o & fragments.o --
  • knowing which command to use to regenerate each target when necessary
    • this could be an explicit command for each target, or a more generic rule for each type of target --
  • establishing whether any of the dependencies have been modified more recently than the target
    • this is typically done via timestamps: the time of last modification --
  • if the target is older than any of its dependencies (or doesn't exist yet), then it need to be regenerated


This needs to be done recursively:

  • all dependencies of a target must themselves be up to date before working out if the target needs to be regenerated
    • e.g. both shotgun.o and fragments.o must be up to date before deciding whether we need to relink them
  • this can become quite messy in large projects...

name: oop_build

What C++ build system is used in this course?

To keep things as simple as possible on this course, we will use a simple script of our own design (the simple_build project)

On KCL systems, this script has already been made available as the command oop_build


This script is capable of handling small projects, and does not require any setting up or editing

  • change directory (using cd) to your project folder, and run oop_build


The project must however follow some simple rules:

  • cpp files have the extension .cpp
  • system headers are all #included within angled brackets (<>)
  • project headers are all #included within inverted commas ("")
  • any cpp file that contains a main() function will produce a matching executable of the same name (minus the .cpp extension)
  • any cpp file that needs to be compiled and linked into other executables needs to have a matching header of the same name, and this header needs to be #included in at least one other cpp file

Building our project using oop_build

Make sure your code has been split up as shown in this session

The listing should show (at least) these files:

$ ls
fragments.cpp    fragments.h    shotgun.cpp


When ready, run the oop_build command:

$ oop_build
g++ -Wall -O2 -DNDEBUG -std=c++20 -I. -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
g++ -Wall -O2 -DNDEBUG -std=c++20 -I. -c fragments.cpp -o fragments.o
g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun


You'll note there are more options in these commands than we've used so far

  • you don't need to know about them – but if interested, feel free to look them up online!

Building our project using oop_build

Try running oop_build again

  • the script should work out that everything is already up to date, and do nothing


Try modifying one of the project files, then run oop_build again

  • the script should only perform the minimum actions required to bring the project up to date


Have a look at the contents of the project folder after a successful oop_build run:

$ ls
build_log.txt  fragments.cpp  fragments.h  fragments.o  shotgun  shotgun.cpp  shotgun.o


Try clearing out all the temporary outputs:

$ oop_build clean
removed 'shotgun'
removed 'shotgun.o'
removed 'fragments.o'

Building our project using oop_build

Try adding a mistake in one of the file, and running oop_build again:

$ oop_build
g++ -Wall -O2 -DNDEBUG -std=c++20 -I. -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
shotgun.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
shotgun.cpp:9:3: error: ‘wrong’ was not declared in this scope
    9 |   wrong;
      |   ^~~~~
build_log.txt (END)

Note: these errors will be displayed through an interactive viewer called less

  • this is useful when there is a long list of errors...
  • press q to exit back to the command prompt


These errors will also be recorded in the build_log.txt file for you to refer to later if necessary

  • You can view the contents using:
    • cat build_log.txt (straight dump of file contents to terminal)
    • less build_log.txt (interactive viewer if the output is too long)

Building our project using oop_build

Try using the -verbose option to see the rationale behind the script's actions:

$ oop_build -verbose
# target executables detected: shotgun
# shotgun.o depends on shotgun.cpp fragments.h
# - shotgun.o is older than dependency shotgun.cpp - needs update
g++ -Wall -O2 -DNDEBUG -std=c++20 -I. -c shotgun.cpp -o shotgun.o
# fragments.o depends on fragments.cpp fragments.h
# - fragments.o is already up to date
# shotgun depends on shotgun.o fragments.o
# - shotgun is older than dependency shotgun.o - needs update
g++ shotgun.o fragments.o -o shotgun


You can view the help page for the script online, or using the special help target:

$ oop_build help


.explain-bottom[ If you find anything isn't working as it should, please get in touch with J-Donald Tournier! ]

name: compile_link

class: section

The preprocessor,
compiler, and linker

What is really going on?

class: info

What is the compiler really doing?

When everything works, programming in C++ is great (though opinions may vary...)

  • but things rarely work first time...

For you to understand what has gone wrong and how to fix it, we need to explain what is going on in more detail


What we call the compiler is itself composed of several programs:

  • the preprocessor
  • the compiler
  • the linker


Problems can occur at each stage, and may manifest differently. It really helps to understand the role of each of these stages to quickly identify the source of any potential problem

The preprocessor

We have already used two preprocessor directives in our project:

  • #include
  • #pragma once

Many more preprocessor directives are available, although their use is discouraged in modern C++


The preprocessor's task is to process all the preprocessor directives it comes across, and feed the resulting output as a single input to the compiler


The output of the preprocessor is a single text file

  • this single chunk of C++ code is called a translation unit
  • a translation unit is the actual input to the compiler
  • all the code in a translation unit is to be compiled as a single independent batch

The preprocessor


The #include directive instructs the preprocessor to find the specified header file and insert its contents wholesale into the output translation unit


We can see the output of the preprocessor using g++'s -E option:

$ g++ -E shotgun.cpp | less

You'll see that the output of this stage is very long (~42,000 lines on my system) – which is why the command above pipes its output through to the less interactive text viewer.

  • you'll find the code we wrote at the very end: all the rest is code that has been imported through our #include directives

The preprocessor

#pragma once

The #pragma once directive is actually not part of the C++ standard

  • but it is very widely supported


It instructs the preprocessor to only #include this file once per translation unit, at the point where it is first encountered

  • even if it is #included by multiple headers


For example, imagine we introduce another header file debug.h to our project

  • it may be #included by both shotgun.cpp and fragments.h
  • but shotgun.cpp already #includes fragments.h
  • without the #pragma once directive, the contents of debug.h would be included twice, potentially leading to compiler errors

class: info

The preprocessor

Header guards

The standard way of dealing with the multiple header inclusion problem is via header guards:

#ifndef __my_header_h__
#define __my_header_h__

// header contents


We will not be using header guards on this course, but you may encounter this form in other projects


The #pragma once directive is preferred since header guards require the use of three other preprocessor directives, and are more error prone

  • there is no guarantee that the preprocessor macro we used (__my_header_h__) is not already in use in some other part of the code

class: info

The compiler

The actual compiler's task is to translate our human-readable C++ code into machine instructions in binary format that can be directly executed by the target architecture


The compiler operates on a single translation unit at a time, and performs lots of checks and optimisations in the process to ensure the code is both correct and efficient


The output of the compiler is an object file, which is essentially a collection of our functions and global variables translated into the target architecture's instruction set.

  • these are stored in a specific format that make it easy to list the contents and locate the binary code for these functions

class: info

The linker

The linker's task is to produce an executable (or library) from a collection of object files.


For our executable, the linker needs to locate:

  • the main() function: this is the entry point for any program
  • any functions used in main(), and any functions they use, etc.
  • any libraries that our program will need
  • any functions within these libraries that are in use in any part of our code

Errors will occur if the linker can't find any function that our code refers to, or if it finds duplicate versions of the same function


It will then collate all the symbols (functions or global variables) into the output executable file, in the format expected by the operating system

.note[ Technically, we are talking about the static linker here – the dynamic linker is a different process relevant when running our program ]

name: exceptions

class: section

Exception handling

Error handling in C++

Error handling in C++: exceptions

We have already seen some simple error handling – but there were issues with it:

  • We can use the return value of each function to indicate success or failure
    • but then the return code of every function call needs to be checked for errors at the point of use
    • we can't use the return value to return any other useful information --
  • We can simply terminate the program via e.g. std::exit()
    • but this does not allow our code to handle the error more gracefully
    • it may also prevent our program for performing any tidying up operations that it might need to do upon exit


C++ does however provide a framework for error handling using exceptions

Throwing exceptions

#include <stdexcept>


*if (some_error) 
* throw std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");


If an error is detected, the code may throw an exception

Throwing exceptions

#include <stdexcept>


if (some_error) 
  `throw` std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");


If an error is detected, the code may throw an exception

  • this is done using the throw keyword

Throwing exceptions

#include <stdexcept>


if (some_error) 
  throw `std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!")`;


If an error is detected, the code may throw an exception

  • this is done using the throw keyword
  • followed by an instance of the exception we wish to throw
    • technically this can be any variable of any type
    • in practice, it is best to use the dedicated classes provided for this purpose by the standard, such as std::runtime_error

Throwing exceptions

*#include <stdexcept>


if (some_error) 
  throw std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");


If an error is detected, the code may throw an exception

  • this is done using the throw keyword
  • followed by an instance of the exception we wish to throw
    • technically this can be any variable of any type
    • in practice, it is best to use the dedicated classes provided for this purpose by the standard, such as std::runtime_error
    • the standard exceptions are declared in the <stdexcept> header, which needs to be #included

Throwing exceptions

#include <stdexcept>


if (some_error) 
  throw std::runtime_error (`"something horrible happened!"`);


If an error is detected, the code may throw an exception

  • this is done using the throw keyword
  • followed by an instance of the exception we wish to throw
    • technically this can be any variable of any type
    • in practice, it is best to use the dedicated classes provided for this purpose by the standard, such as std::runtime_error
    • the standard exceptions are declared in the <stdexcept> header, which needs to be #included
    • standard exceptions allow a message to be provided, which will then be accessible to the error handling code

Handling exceptions

#include <stdexcept>

*try {
  if (some_error) 
    throw std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");
catch (std::exception& except) {
  // handle the error here

To handle the exception:

  • we need to enclose the code that might throw an exception within a try block

Handling exceptions

#include <stdexcept>

try {
  if (some_error) 
    throw std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");
*catch (std::exception& except) {
*  // handle the error here

To handle the exception:

  • we need to enclose the code that might throw an exception within a try block
  • if an exception is thrown, control passes to the matching catch block

Handling exceptions

#include <stdexcept>

try {
  if (some_error) 
    throw `std::runtime_error` ("something horrible happened!");
catch (`std::exception`& except) {
  // handle the error here

To handle the exception:

  • we need to enclose the code that might throw an exception within a try block
  • if an exception is thrown, control passes to the matching catch block
  • by matching, we mean that the type of the exception thrown matches the argument type stated in the catch() call
    • note that std::runtime_error is derived from the more generic std::exception class, and is therefore itself a type of std::exception (we will learn about this later when we cover inheritance)

Handling exceptions

#include <stdexcept>

try {
  if (some_error) 
    throw std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");
catch (std::exception& except) {
  // handle the error here
*catch (...) {
* // unexpected exception type! 

We can specify multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions

Handling exceptions

#include <stdexcept>

try {
  if (some_error) 
    throw std::runtime_error ("something horrible happened!");
catch (std::exception& except) {
  // handle the error here
catch (`...`) {
  // unexpected exception type! 

We can specify multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions

  • the special notation ... is used to denote the catch-all block: an exception that doesn't match any of the previous blocks will be handled here

Unhandled exceptions

What happens if we throw an exception in one of our functions outside of a try/catch block?

  • or if the exception we threw doesn't match any of our catch blocks?


In this case, control returns to the parent function

  • importantly, all the local variables in our current function will be properly destroyed (we will cover exactly what this means later on)


If the parent function catches the exception, it will handle it there


If the parent function doesn't catch the expection, control returns to its parent function, and so on


If the exception reaches our main() function and still isn't handled there, the default handler will be invoked

  • this typically terminates the program and prints out the message contained in the exception
    • assuming it was of a standard type
  • For some reason, this isn't the case on our MSYS2 installs...

How to handle exceptions once caught?

catch (std::exception& except) {
* // what to do?!?

What do you put in a catch block?


This depends on what the error is, and whether there is anything that can be done


If the error is a failure to interpret some user input, it may be appropriate to report this to the user and ask them to try again


Often however, there isn't much that the program can do to recover

  • in this case, the best course of action is to provide the most informative error message possible so the user can understand what the problem is
  • and terminate the program cleanly...

Adding exception handling to our project

Let's use exceptions in our load_fragments() function (in fragments.cpp):

#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
*#include <stdexcept>

  std::cerr << "reading fragments from file \"" << filename << "\"...\n";

  std::ifstream infile (filename);
* if (!infile)
*   throw std::runtime_error ("failed to open file \"" + filename + "\"");



.explain-bottom[ Exercise: modify the fragments.cpp file to throw appropriate exceptions at each point where relevant ]

Adding exception handling to our project

We then need to handle these exceptions (in shotgun.cpp):

* try {
    if (args.size() < 3)
*     throw std::runtime_error ("expected 2 arguments: fragments_in sequence_out");
    write_sequence (args[2], sequence);
* }
* catch (std::exception& excp) {
*   std::cerr << "ERROR: " << excp.what() << " - aborting\n";
*   return 1;
* }
* catch (...) {
*   std::cerr << "ERROR: unknown exception thrown - aborting\n";
*   return 1;
* }
  return 0;

Adding exception handling to our project

We then need to handle these exceptions (in shotgun.cpp):

  try {
*   if (args.size() < 3)
*     throw std::runtime_error ("expected 2 arguments: fragments_in sequence_out");
*   ...
*   write_sequence (args[2], sequence);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: " << excp.what() << " - aborting\n";
    return 1;
  catch (...) {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: unknown exception thrown - aborting\n";
    return 1;
  return 0;

.explain-bottom[ All of our code is concentrated together within the try block, without any error handling getting in the way – the logic of the program can be kept clear and easily understood ]

Adding exception handling to our project

We then need to handle these exceptions (in shotgun.cpp):

  try {
    if (args.size() < 3)
      throw std::runtime_error ("expected 2 arguments: fragments_in sequence_out");
    write_sequence (args[2], sequence);
* catch (std::exception& excp) {
*   std::cerr << "ERROR: " << excp.what() << " - aborting\n";
*   return 1;
* }
  catch (...) {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: unknown exception thrown - aborting\n";
    return 1;
  return 0;

.explain-bottom[ For any standard exceptions, report the error message, formatted appropriately, and return with a non-zero exit code to indicate failure ]

Adding exception handling to our project

We then need to handle these exceptions (in shotgun.cpp):

  try {
    if (args.size() < 3)
      throw std::runtime_error ("expected 2 arguments: fragments_in sequence_out");
    write_sequence (args[2], sequence);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: " << excp.what() << " - aborting\n";
    return 1;
* catch (...) {
*   std::cerr << "ERROR: unknown exception thrown - aborting\n";
*   return 1;
* }
  return 0;

.explain-middle[ For any other exception of unknown type, there is no specific error message to report, but we should nonetheless report that something has gone wrong! As before, we return with a non-zero exit code to indicate failure ]

Adding exception handling to our project

We then need to handle these exceptions (in shotgun.cpp):

  try {
    if (args.size() < 3)
      throw std::runtime_error ("expected 2 arguments: fragments_in sequence_out");
    write_sequence (args[2], sequence);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: " << excp.what() << " - aborting\n";
    return 1;
  catch (...) {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: unknown exception thrown - aborting\n";
    return 1;
  return 0;

.explain-bottom[ Exercise: modify your code as shown ]

Separating error handling from core functionality

We can further separate function from error handling:

void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
  // core function goes here

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  try {
    std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);
    run (args);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {

Separating error handling from core functionality

We can further separate function from error handling:

*void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
  // core function goes here

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  try {
    std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);
    run (args);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {

.explain-bottom[ We define a new function run(), which accepts our arguments in a modern C++ format: a std::vector<std::string> ]

Separating error handling from core functionality

We can further separate function from error handling:

void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
* // core function goes here

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  try {
    std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);
    run (args);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {

.explain-bottom[ We place all our core functionality within this function. This is what was previously within our try block ]

Separating error handling from core functionality

We can further separate function from error handling:

void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
  // core function goes here

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  try {
*   std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);
*   run (args);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {

.explain-bottom[ In main(), we simply invoke this new run() function within the try block, passing the command-line arguments in the expected format. ]

Separating error handling from core functionality

We can further separate function from error handling:

void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
  // core function goes here

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  try {
    std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);
    run (args);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {

.explain-bottom[ Now, our main() function's role is purely to convert the command-line arguments, and to handle any exceptions that haven't already been handled.

We can now focus our effort on the new `run()` function ]

Separating error handling from core functionality

We can further separate function from error handling:

void run (std::vector<std::string>& args)
  // core function goes here

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  try {
    std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv+argc);
    run (args);
  catch (std::exception& excp) {

.explain-bottom[ Exercise: make these modifications on your own version of the code ]

class: section

Back to the project

Next steps

We are going to write a function to:

  • identify the longest fragment from the list
  • remove it from the list
  • return the fragment as a string


To do the second step, we need to know how to remove an element from a std::vector


The std::vector class provides a method called .erase() to do this. To erase a single element, this method takes this form:

iterator erase (iterator position);


But what is an iterator???

name: iterators

Understanding STL iterators

The STL relies heavily on the concept of iterators to allow the same algorithms to operate on different types of containers


An iterator is a small object whose function is to point to or refer to an element from a container

  • It also provides functionality to iterate to the next element (hence the name)


To get an iterator to the first element of a container, use the .begin() method:

auto first = fragments.begin();


Similarly, the .end() method provide an iterator to the end of the container

  • note this is not the last element, but one beyond the last element – it does not refer to a valid element!
auto end = fragments.end();

Removing an element from a std::vector

We can add a number n to an iterator to get an iterator to the element n positions further along:

auto element = fragments.begin() + 5;


With all this, we are now in a position to erase the element at a given index:

fragments.erase (fragments.begin() + index);


.explain-bottom[ Exercise: add a function to your code to:

  • identify the longest fragment from the list
  • remove it from the list
  • return the fragment as a string ]

Possible solution

std::string extract_longest_fragment (std::vector<std::string>& fragments)
  unsigned int size_of_longest = 0;
  unsigned int index_of_longest = 0;

  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < fragments.size(); ++n) {
    if (fragments[n].size() > size_of_longest) {
      index_of_longest = n;
      size_of_longest = fragments[n].size();

  std::string longest_fragment = fragments[index_of_longest];
  fragments.erase (fragments.begin()+index_of_longest);

  return longest_fragment;

class: section name: exercises



Add a function to compute the overlap between the current sequence and a candidate fragment

  • make sure it works for both ends of the string
  • ignore the possibility that fragments might be reversed for now

Use this function to identify the candidate fragment with the largest overlap with current sequence

Add a function to merge this candidate fragment with the current sequence, given the computed overlap