ghostwriter unit tests are written using the Qt Test library. Please see instructions below for building and running.
Before the unit tests can be built and run, you must install the following on your operating system:
- cmake (version 3.16 or later)
- Qt 5.15 or later
- Qt modules (see main in root directory for Qt module dependencies)
To build and run all tests on Linux, enter the following commands:
$ cd <ghostwriter path>
$ cd test
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ctest
To run with verbose output of each assertion check, run ctest
with the -V
$ ctest -V
> cd <ghostwriter path>
> cd test
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" ..
> nmake
> ctest
To run with verbose output of each assertion check, run ctest
with the -V
$ ctest -V