This project is based on Node.js, so please install that first.
You will then need to ensure grunt
is installed globally.
(sudo) npm install -g grunt-cli
If using generator-polynode, follow these steps additionally.
(sudo) npm install -g yo
(sudo) npm install -g generator-polynode@0.2.0-beta
You can then create new elements for the project using yo polynode:element
# Will template new-element as a custom component.
yo polynode:element new-element
Package manager tool for client side dependencies, used a lot by Polymer Elements.
(sudo) npm install -g bower
You can then install additional dependencies to the project with bower
# Save if the new component installed becomes a project dependency.
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-elements
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies
- Build the project
git clone
cd comp3001
npm install
After setting the project up:
Run the project's server
Navigate to the webpage on localhost
Default Port: 5000 Default BrowserSync Port: 3000
grunt serve
# Use browser to navigate to localhost:5000, or localhost:3000 if developing
BrowserSync is a secondary server which runs during development and reloads the webpage when files are edited. But for CSS, it injects into the page without a refresh to speed up restyling.
Create new tests in browser/test/{element-name}
, and run tests by navigating to `localhost:3000/test'.