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Spectral code for 3D periodic flow simulations

To succesfully compile the code one needs to install MPI (for example, FFTW3 ( and 2decomp&FFT ( libraries. Optional CUDA-CUFFT version requires NVIDIA HPC SDK to be installed (


This repository contains two versions of the code. The first, CPU version of the code is stored in src/ directory. The second, GPU (CUDA) version of the code is stored in src/cuda/ directory.

To build the CPU version of the code one needs to install/compile all the necessary dependencies first. Under Ubuntu use the following commands to install OpenMPI and FFTW3

sudo apt install libfftw3-3 libopenmpi3 openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev

Installation of 2decomp&FFT is straightforward:

tar -xzf 2decomp_fft-1.5.847.tar.gz
cd 2decomp_fft
cp src/ src/

To finish the build of spectral solver one needs to fix Makefile with correct path to 2decomp&FFT library. Final step to compile the code is also simple:

make clean

Produced executable file main can be copied to work directory. Simulation is started through MPI wrapper:

mpirun -np 4 ./main

The CUDA version of the code is available under src/cuda. To compile the CUDA version of the code first one needs to fix PATH to CUDA libraries. To perform this modify LDFLAGS variable in src/cuda/Makefile. Then simply do:

make clean

Simulation is started explicitly using binary executable:



utils directory contains Python script for postprocessing. During the simulation the code produces 3D binary dumps in uuu*.dat vvv*.dat www*.dat files. These files can be processed by script. Example usage of this script:

python3 ./ -n 64 -s 100 -e 2000 -i 25 -m 1 1 1

This script should be invoked from the directory which contains uuu* vvv* www* files. In previous example it is explicitly defined that mesh resolution is 64, output is started at timestep 100 (-s 100) and ends at 2000 (-e 2000), output frequency is 25 (-i 25). Such start, end and frequency parameters assume that output contains following files:


More parameters can be found by investigating the script source.