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75 lines (56 loc) · 3.47 KB

CopyItem Plugin

CopyItem is a simple but fully customizable Spigot plugin that allows server operators and players with permission to copy items in their hand or in their sight.

CopyItem In Action

Help Command:

Help Command

Hand Command:

Hand Command

Sight Command (Distance Changeable In Config):

Sight Command

Terminal Alerts (Can Be Turned Off In Config):



  • Item Duplication: Copy any item in your hand or any block in your sight with a simple command.
  • Custom Amounts: Specify the amount of items you want to copy, up to a configurable maximum.
  • Configurable: From the maximum amount of items that can be copied to whether command usage gets announced to ops and in the terminal, everything is easily configurable.
  • Messages Configuration: All plugin messages are fully customizable.
  • Permission Support: Comes with permission nodes for using the copy item command and reloading the plugin.


  • /copyitem hand <amount>: Copies the item in your hand.
  • /copyitem sight <amount>: Copies the item you're looking at.
  • /copyitem reload: Reloads the plugin configuration.
  • /copyitem help: Shows help message.


  • copyitem.use: Allows the use of the /copyitem command.
  • copyitem.reload: Allows the use of the /copyitem reload command.



# Configuration file for the CopyItem plugin by Kaludi.  
# 'announceCommandUsage': Whether to announce to the console and other operators when the /copyitem command is used.  
# 'maxCopyAmount': The maximum amount of items a player can copy at once.  
# 'sightMaxDistance': The maximum distance for the /copyitem sight command.  
# 'bStatsEnabled': Whether to enable bStats metrics for this plugin.  
# After making changes to this file, save and do '/reload' or restart your server.  
announceCommandUsage: true  
maxCopyAmount: 64  
sightMaxDistance: 100  
bStatsEnabled: true


  prefix: "&d&lCopyItem &2&l► &7"
  copiedSuccessfully: "&bCopied %s x%d successfully."
  noItemInHand: "&bNo item in hand to copy."
  noBlockInView: "&bNo block in sight to copy."
  invalidArgument: "&bInvalid argument."
  invalidNumberFormat: "&bInvalid number format for amount."
  invalidCommandUsage: "&bInvalid command usage. Use /copyitem hand/sight/help/reload <amount>."
  noPermission: "&bYou don't have permission to use this command."
  onlyPlayersCommand: "Only players can use this command."
  commandUsed: "Player %s used /copyitem command to copy %s x%d."
  configReloaded: "&bConfiguration reloaded successfully."
  copyitemHelp: "&bCopyItem Commands:\n/copyitem hand <amount> - Copies the item in your hand.\n/copyitem sight <amount> - Copies the item you're looking at.\n/copyitem reload - Reloads the plugin configuration.\n/copyitem help - Shows this help message."


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