- Maximum temperature vs. Latitude in Northern Hemisphere shows a high negative correlation -0.81, and the r-square is 0.66, which suggests the tendency toward the poles. The data points are concentrated well around the regression line, indicating a good fit. On the other hand, the Southern Hemisphere's plot has a positive correlation of 0.74, and the r-square is 0.55; the observation is similar.
- There is no correlation between Latitude and humidity, which the graphics Northern Hemisphere - Humidity (%) vs. Latitude and Southern Hemisphere - Humidity (%) vs. Latitude corroborate. The r-square values are in Northern Hemisphere is 0.0 and Southern Hemisphere is 0.04; these values are so low that they confirm a poor correlation.
- There is no correlation between Latitude and wind speed, which the graphics Northern Hemisphere - Wind Speed (kph) vs. Latitude and Southern Hemisphere - Wind Speed (kph) vs. Latitude corroborate. The r-square values are in Northern Hemisphere 0.02 and Southern Hemisphere 0.07; these values are so low that they confirm a poor correlation.