This guide lets you quickly set up Salesforce App to ingest and send data from Xperience by Kentico CRM integration. The goal of this guide is to quickly demonstrate functionality of this integration - it does not follow best practices and security guidelines.
Go to and sign up for a free developer account. It is possible that you already have some account assigned to your work email so feel free to specify and made up Username to start from a scratch.
Log in, you should land on the Setup screen (or use the cogwheel button in the top right menu).
In the left menu navigate to the Apps -> App Manager and create a New Connected App.
Set up your app following the images below
Now hit save.
Now navigate to the Apps -> Connected App -> Manage Connected Apps and hit Edit on your app.
You might want to Relax IP restrictions at the top of the page.
You must set a user on behalf of whom the app will be running. So far there is probably only you, a global admin. This is definitely not a good practice, but for our demo it will suffice.
Now navigate back to Apps -> App Manager, locate your app and on the right hidden behind the carret hit View.
On the detail of the app, click Manage button
You will be prompted to verify your email, and then you have your Key and Secret! For the URL use the current domain name from your browser.