title | page_title | description | slug | tags | published | position |
Telerik Analytics Integration |
Telerik Analytics Integration |
Telerik Analytics Integration |
eqatec-analytics-application-integration |
telerik,analytics,integration |
true |
12 |
When you are creating an application for a broad audience, integrating some kind of analytics framework is crucial, because you will need to analyze the usage data of the application and its features and most probably you will need to know about any application crashes or other errors occurred during the execution. With Q3 2013 release UI for {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}WPF{% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}Silverlight{% endif %} provides integrated support for Telerik Analytics. Using Analytics you will be able to trace certain features of the controls and get statistics about their usage.
In order to use this service, first you should login to the Telerik Platform, create an Analytics project and get a unique product key for your application. For more information please check out the Introduction to Telerik Analytics topic.
Then you can create a new Telerik {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}WPF{% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}Silverlight{% endif %} Application with enabled Analytics support or you can enable it in an existing project.
Both options are explained in details below.
Using the {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}[Telerik Visual Extensions]({%slug radcontrols-for-wpf-vs-extensions-project-configuration%}){% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}[Telerik Visual Extensions]({%slug radcontrols-for-silverlight-vs-extensions-project-configuration%}){% endif %} you can quickly create an application configured to use UI for {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}WPF{% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}Silverlight{% endif %}.
After including the needed Telerik assemblies and setting a theme in the New Project Wizard, you will reach the following configuration screen:
Enable the option for Analytics support and Finish the setup.
Please make sure that you have specified the correct key you got after registering your application on https://platform.telerik.com/.
The wizard references two additional Telerik assemblies ( EQATEC.Analytics.Monitor.dll and Telerik.Windows.Analytics.dll ) and initializes the Telerik.Windows.Analytics.TraceMonitor used to track the controls features usage in the App.xaml.cs file, the generated code will look like this:
{{region eqatec-analytics-application-integration_0}}
public App()
//The following code enables Telerik Analytics for your project
var analyticsMonitor = Telerik.Windows.Analytics.TraceMonitor.Initialize(this, [product_key]);
//Next Step: Enable analytics tracking for the Telerik controls that make sense to your business case. For example here is XAML code to enable tracking when a RadButton that downloads a file is clicked:
//<telerik:RadButton Content="Click me" Height="50" telerik:Analytics.Name="DownloadButton" />
//For more information go to: http://www.telerik.com/help/wpf/eqatec-analytics-application-integration.html
where [product_key] will be replaced with the entered in the New Project Wizard value.
tipThe code related to Telerik Analytics is commented when a new project is created without enabling the Analytics option.
First, you will need to reference the EQATEC.Analytics.Monitor.dll and Telerik.Windows.Analytics.dll in your application. Note that these dlls are distributed together with the other assemblies in the UI for {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}WPF{% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}Silverlight{% endif %} suite.
Then in order to configure the project to support Analytics, please add the the following code in the constructor of the App class:
{{region eqatec-analytics-application-integration_1}}
public App()
var analyticsMonitor = Telerik.Windows.Analytics.TraceMonitor.Initialize(this, [product_key]);
where [product_key] should be replaced with the product key you got after registering your application on https://platform.telerik.com/
This section demonstrates how Analytics work with Telerik controls. Let’s, for example, create a test application registered as AnalyticsTestApp in the Telerik Platform. Add a few controls that support Analytics to it:
{{region eqatec-analytics-application-integration_1}} <telerik:RadComboBox Width="200"> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="Silverlight" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="WPF" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="ASP.NET AJAX" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="WinForms" /> </telerik:RadComboBox> <telerik:RadButton Content="Select" Click="Select_Click" /> {{endregion}}
All that is needed is to set the telerik:Analytics.Name attached property to the used in the example RadComboBox and RadButton. Note that the set values will then be used in the dashboard.
Here is the updated code:
{{region eqatec-analytics-application-integration_2}} <telerik:RadComboBox Width="200" telerik:Analytics.Name="SelectionComboBox"> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="Silverlight" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="WPF" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="ASP.NET AJAX" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Content="WinForms" /> </telerik:RadComboBox> <telerik:RadButton telerik:Analytics.Name="SelectButton" Content="Select" Click="Select_Click" /> {{endregion}}
To trace the features please follow the next steps:
Run the project with the provided code
Select an item from the ComboBox and click the Button
Close the application.
Go to the Analytics Project Dashboard
Select the Live link:
The next screen will list the live usage sessions:
Clicking on the Session link will show additional details about the session including the exact features used:
If you go to the Feature Use link in the Dashboard panel, you will find information and statistics for the registered features for different periods of time:
Traceable features in UI for {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}WPF{% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}Silverlight{% endif %}
Currently only few controls support analytics out of the box. Note that only user interactions will be tracked - initial values and values from Bindings are not supported.
You can find below a list of the controls and their features that support tracing:
Feature | Feature Name |
RadBusyIndicator | |
Show | ShowIndicator |
RadComboBox | |
SelectionChanged | SelectionChanged |
DropDownOpened | DropDownOpened |
DropDownClosed | DropDownClosed |
RadContextMenu | |
Open | Opened |
Close | Closed |
Click | Click |
RadDropDownButton | |
DropDownOpened | DropDownOpened |
DropDownClosed | DropDownClosed |
RadExpander | |
Expanded | Expanded |
Collapsed | Collapsed |
RadGridView | |
Sort | Sorted |
Group | Grouped |
Filter | Filtered |
RadMenu | |
Click | Click |
RadRadioButton | |
Checked | Checked |
UnChecked | UnChecked |
RadRichTextBox | |
Open Document | Open Document |
Save Document | Save Document |
RadSpreadsheet | |
Open Document | Open Document |
Save Document | Save Document |
Load Image | LoadImage |
Save Image | SaveImage |
RadToggleButton | |
Checked | Checked |
UnChecked | UnChecked |
RadTreeListView | |
Sort | Sorted |
Group | Grouped |
Filter | Filtered |