- A stage monitor is out of service.
- XLR/6.3mm jack adapter.
- Some new cables, I've replaced and retired quite a quite few of them (4-5) in the past months due to shaky connection issues.
- Buying/building/installing sound absorption panels in the room. Not really urgent...
- AIRBNB box for holding the console key.
- There are two RCD (residual current device) that can not be tested, so they might be faulty, they need replacement.
- One is in the kitchen electrical box, and one is behind the projector canvas.
- The projector should be held with an extra wire to an extra connection, to avoid it falling down*.
- The front speakers should be held with an extra wire to an extra fastener in the wall, to avoid it falling down in case of the main solution fails*.
- The behind-the-canvas electrical box cover should get a hinge and a little knob so that it would be easy to open instead of the two screws.
- The lock for the console door could be improved (the screws are on the out side, and it is not too strong anyways.)
*: For example on this image. Usually these stuff are held with two separate methods to provide extra safety. If the main screws would unscrew or fall out from the wall in our case, there would be a second line of protection.
- Somehow keeping water spilling from cups that everyone leaves everywhere in bay. At least away from stage/audio cave/electricity.