All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.5 (2022-07-11)
- Wasn't possible to add empty rows. (7a94a3f)
1.1.4 (2022-07-11)
- Accidental import. (47e798a)
- Auto trimming fixed. (92e3a66)
- Auto-wrapping fixed. (4b8d631)
- Autwrapping with index shown fixed. (cbcb70c)
- Columns not showing wen passing less headers in class args. (1559fe4)
- Passing extra headers causes an IndexError. (e5a3e42)
- Using rows and headers arguments gives error. (0479cd5)
1.1.3 (2022-05-07)
- more accidental imports (25e4c88)
1.1.2 (2022-05-07)
- accidental import. (736ab4d)
1.1.1 (2022-05-07)
- adding column of different size causing misplaced missing values. (66abc50)
- unintended info printing on console. (560af0a)
1.1.0 (2022-05-07)
- added auto-wrapping for string columns. (0cacdef)
- added float parsing and alignment (1a65acd)
- added show_index option (8b8d328)
- auto-wrap depends on the auto_wrap option. (a1e09e5)
- column data trimming added. (f53503b)
- show_empty_columns, show_empty_rows options (a7e4288)
- add_column omitting columns_with_i (4cc900d)
- auto-wrapping doesn't wrap columns "equally". (9ba68ab)
- empty column and row hiding working bad (76979e9)
- float columns weren't considering header size (f8ffce3)
- header wrapping wasn't working (09b5136)
- hiding empty r/c when showing i behaving bad (823776a)
- index displays incorrectly when hiding empty rows (6054dda)
- large missing val. in float col. causes bad alignment (565d58c)
- missing value was a normal value and was affecting alignment (a01d4fa)
- read_json not closing json (6702f53)
- table with index wasn't auto-wrapping (23457a5)
- when displaying index and adding rows table data messes up. (3c0a724)
- when showing i table data displays incomplete. (b33ed42)
- wrapping wasn't working (cf63647)