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File metadata and controls

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Important Records

Learning resouces

  1. freeCodeCamp (Following this tutorial for this project)
  2. TraversyMedia

Useful records

  1. (2:07) Many ways of installation, i.e., Discussion about installing laravel through docker or Composer
  2. (11:42) PHP authentication or Simpler explanation
  3. (12:04) & (26:00) Front-end
  • When changing anything in front end (like the .sass files), need to use npm run dev to refresh.
  1. (20:00) Data migration
  • Why data migration? simple answer is it helps you modify database with a more systematic ways (avoid you screw things up due to human error), and good for team collaboration.
  1. (42.12) Adding username to the regirstration flow (inside Auth folder)
- First, add the markup in register.blade.php
- Second, access the app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php and modify validator() and create()
  Add new attribute "username"
- Third, access the database/migrations/create_users_table.php and modify the up()
  Add new attribute "username"
- Fourth, access Tinker in powershell using `php artisan tinker` to interact with the database of application.
  To check user table, use command `User::all();`
- Last, you will find out that username attribute is still not added
  Because whenever you made changes to database, we need to recreate the database 
  Use command `php artisan migrate:fresh` to recreate database
  Be aware that previous data will be deleted!!
- Also, need to access app/Models/User.php and add username into $fillable 
  Laravel provides another level of protection at Model to confirm what data can be filled
  1. (58:35) Creating profiles controller
  • use make:controller.
  • Also, can use php artisan help command to check what is the required parameters or arg for this command. For example, php artisan help make:controller.
  • This part needs to deal with ProfilesController.php and routes/web.php.
  1. (1:04:00) RESTful Resource Controller.
  • Read Laravel RESTful Resources Controller
  • The command User::find($user) is used to find the data from Models\User.php
  • dd() is useful function to echo out what's inside the variable
  • Explanation of the codes is inside ProfilesController
  1. (1:10:20) Adding the Profiles Mode, Migration and Table
  • Eloquent is what laravel calls the database layer of the framework. Implementation that fecth quries, and database agnostic (can use diff database platform with the same database query)
  • command used is for example php artisan make:model Profile, make a model of Profile.
  • You can use php artisan make:model Profile -m too, the -m will automatically help you create a migration file
  • Manipulate database inside Tinker to test Profile model
>>> $profile = new \App\Models\Profile();
=> App\Models\Profile {#3415}
>>> $profile->title = 'Cool Title';
=> "Cool Title"
>>> $profile->description = 'Description'
=> "Description"
>>> $profile->user_id = 1;
=> 1
>>> $profile->save();
=> true
>>> $profile->user
=> App\Models\User {#4140
     # Will display user's data
  • Your modal table needs to have foreign key,
After adding the attribute, at the bottom add this
This means that the 'otherTable_id' is foreign key
  1. (1:17:30) Adding Eloquent Relationships
  • Read more about relationships in Eloquent
  • Example, Profile to User is one to one. To connect relationship, we need to use some convention methods Inside Profile model, there will be a function call user()
public function user()
  return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
  • User will have the same thing, i.e., profile() Following conventional naming will avoid the needs to extra config
  • Then you can try access data through relationship in Tinker
>>> $user = App\Models\User::find(1);
>>> $user->profile
  • Also, casscading is possible in Eloquent, for example if user is deleted, the profile will auto deleted as well
  1. Saving changes in database
>>> $user->profile->url = '';
=> ""
>>> $user->save();
=> true
>>> $user->push();
=> true
  • The command $user->save() won't work because the change happens in profile table. Hence, use $user->push() to save everything changed using $user
  1. (1:30:00) Adding Posts to the Database & Many To Many Relationship
  • More about post and get
  • @csrf a security features that strictly allows authorized user (accessing specific web page) to hit the server
  1. More about Validation and rules
  2. (2:01:48) Mass assignment issue
  3. (2:03:17) Integrity constraint violation (sign in)
  • Solution to this is (2:04:24) Creating Through a Relationship
  • Also created a middleware to hide sensitive information
  1. (2:08:12) Uploading/Saving the Image to the Project
  • How to upload the picture, save at the correct path
  • The store() method can save files in diff places, example Amazon s3
  • php artisan storage:link to link storage/app/public/uploads
  • After finished post, redirect back to profile page
  • To delete data (or clear database), use Post::truncate(); inside tinker. The "Post" should be your database table name
  1. (2:19:19) Resizing Images with Intervention Image PHP Library
  • Adding new library using composer require library
  • Issue 1: Installation of Intervention\Image requires guzzlehttp\prs7:^1.7 version. Learn more about composer CLI and I post my solution in stackoverflow
  • Issue 2: GD Library extension not available with this PHP installation. And the solution is to enable it in php.ini file (for windows). After enabled, don't forget to restart the application.
  1. (2:31:48) Editing the Profile
  • Repeat the same steps
  • Add edit.blade.php -> Configure route in web.php -> Add edit and update function for ProfilesController.php
  1. (2:46:46) Restricting/Authorizing Actions with a Model Policy
  • Use php artisan help make:policy for more information
  1. (3:00:00) Automatically Creating A Profile Using Model Events
  • boot method, read more about Eloquent Event
  • Inside event, "saved" means already saved, and "saving" means before saving. The ed is pass, and the ing is before the action being done.
  1. (3:19:48) Follow/Unfollow Profiles Using a Vue.js Component
  • npm run dev only run dev for once, in order to run for long time, use npm run watch
  • vue component is stored inside \resources\js\component\
  • Laravel is shipped with axios as well
  • vue property
  • Many to many relationship (need to create a pivot table, like a bridge in relational database).
  • First, we don't really need a new model, we need to create migration and use existing data field, use php artisan make:migration creates_profile_user_pivot_table --create profile_user (naming convention, follow alphabetic order, P first then U (Profile User), and everything is lower case, then add a _ in between)
  • After created migration and defined the data field, add m-2-m relationship into User.php and Profile.php
  • More aboout pivot table
  • Laravel toggle feature (if you console.log(; and click the follow button a few times, you will find out that the toggle will attach / detach depends on whether you followed or not followed that person)
  • migrate:fresh specific table
  • refresh tinker using $attribute->fresh()->data
  1. (3:48:55) Laravel Telescope
  1. (4:01:03) Pagination with Eloquent
  1. (4:03:25) N + 1 Problem & Solution
  • By using the ->with('user')
  1. (4:05:21) Make Use of Cache for Expensive Query
  • cache is inside Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache
  • telescope has a cache bar for you to view your cache hit or miss or set
  • All you need to do is at controller, do the Cache::remember() and return the $variable to view.
  1. (4:11:44) Sending Emails to New Registered Users
  • Laravel is build in with
  • Use php artisan make:mail NewUserWelcomeMail -m emails.welcome-email. The "NewUserWelcomeMail" is required name, the -m is a markdown template, and the "emails.welcome-email" is where you wanna store this mailable, and it will ultimately be in your view directory.
  1. Additional resources

Improvement / Continue Learning

  1. Prevent multiple click / post to server
  • If you accidentally clicked the post button multiple times when creating the post, the server will get hit multiple times and in turn storing multiple samve value/data.
  • Looking for potential solution for front-end and back-end
  • sometimes when you change env, you might need to refresh your php artisan serve
  1. An stdClass cannot convert to int (or other data type) error
  • Convert the array of class, into an actual array
$id = DB::select('select id from warehouses order by id desc limit 1');
// without this part, you won't be able to use to data inside $id
$currentMaxId = (array)$id[0]; 
// Now you can use math operation, treat it as PHP array
$newId += $currentMaxId['id'];
  1. Understand the difference between hasMany and belongsToMany in eloquent relationship. Here's a simple explanation and a explanation with codes. Basically the difference is has is the one that has othe belongsTo's foreign key.
  2. Issues related to routing path but different function, discussion in laracast