Faculty Incharge : Lifna C S
No | Rubrics | Marks | Document |
1 | End Semester Exam | 60 Marks | |
2 | Internal Assessment | 20 Marks | Mid-Term Paper, Mid-Term Paper Solution |
3 | Continuous Assessment | 20 Marks | |
a. Case Study | 10 Marks | List of Topics | |
b. Extra Lab (Perform any 2 experiments) | 10 Marks | Experiment List | |
c. Multiple Choice Questions (02) | 5 Marks Each | ||
d. Participation in Blockchain related Summits / Hackathons | 5 Marks each | ||
e. Winners of Blockchain related HAckathons / Competitions | 10 Marks | ||
Total Marks | 100 Marks | ||
4 | Attendance | 2024-25 |
Prerequisite: Introduction to Blockchain and Bitcoin
- Why Blockchain Platform: Platform types, Public, Private, technology requirements for implementation.
- Introduction to Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Smart Contracts.
- Case study of blockchain Application.
Self-learning Topics: Study different applications of blockchain.
Introduction, Characteristics of Public Blockchain, Advantages. Examples of Public Blockchain-Bitcoin: Terminologies and Transaction, Ethereum: Smart contract, Comparison of Bitcoin and Ethereum, Other public Blockchain platforms.
Self-learning Topics: Study any one case study on a public blockchain
Introduction, Ethereum and Its Components: Mining, Gas, Ethereum, Ether, Ethereum Virtual Machine, Transaction, Accounts. Architecture of Ethereum, Smart Contract: Remix IDE, Developing smart contracts for Ethereum blockchain, applications using smart contracts, Dapp Architecture. Types of test networks used in Ethereum, Transferring Ethers Using MetaMask, Mist Wallet, Ethereum Frameworks, Case study of Ganache for Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum 2., Concept of Beacon chain, POS (Proof of Stake), Shading of Chain
Self-learning Topics: Study case study on any Ethereum blockchain.
Introduction, Key Characteristics, Need for Private Blockchain. Consensus Algorithm for private Blockchain (Ex. RAFT and PAXOS), Smart Contract in Private Blockchain,
Extra Reading: Evolution of Consensus Algorithms
Self-learning Topics: Case study on private blockchain.
Introduction to Hyperledger, tools and frameworks, Hyperledger Fabric, Comparison between Hyperledger Fabric & Other Technologies, Distributed Ledgers. Hyperledger Fabric Architecture, Components of Hyperledger Fabric: MSP, Chain Codes, etc., Transaction Flow, Advantages of Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain, working of Hyperledger Fabric, Creating Hyperlegder network,
Self-learning Topics: Case Study
Theory: NPTEL Blockchain PPTs - Lecture 14 to 29
Corda, Ripple, Quorum, and other emerging blockchain platforms, Case Study on any blockchain platform.
Self-learning Topics: Compare different blockchain platforms.
- Blockchain Technology, Chandramouli Subramanian, Asha A George, Abhillash K. A and MeenaKarthikeyen, Universities press.
- Mastering Ethereum, Building Smart Contract and Dapps, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Dr. Gavin Wood, O'reilly.
- Blockchain for Beginners, Yathish R and Tejaswini N, SPD
- Blockchain Basics, A non Technical Introduction in 25 Steps, Daniel Drescher, Apress.
- Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric, LucDesrosiers, Nitin Gaur, Salman A. Baset, Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Packt Publishing
- Blockchain By Example, BellajBadr, Richard Horrocks, Xun (Brian) Wu, November 2018, Implement decentralized blockchain applications to build scalable Dapps.
- Blockchain for Business
- Hyperledger Fabric
- Solidity
- Metamask
- Remix IDE
- Summary of Top 5 Blockchain Platforms for Enterprises (Horses for Sources)
- Top-9-blockchain-platforms-to-consider (Tech Target)
- Blockchain-platforms (Gartner)
- 20 Blockchain Platforms Driving the Industry
- Top-10-blockchain-platforms-to-consider-in-2023 (Analytics Insight)
- Top-10-blockchain-platforms-you-need-to-know-about (Blockchain Council)
- Blockchain-platforms#blockchain-platforms-for-developers (Knowledge Hut)
- Theory for Solidity Programming
- Solidity Documentation
- Solidity Quick Guide
- How does the new Ethereum work? - Preeti Kasireddy
- Web 3.0 - Preeti Kasireddy
- DApp University - Gregory
- LearnETH - Remix IDE
- Solidity by Examples
- Cheat Sheet for Solidity
- Quicknode - Documentation
- Blockchain Development & Security Course - Portland State University
- Complete Web3 and Solidity Development Roadmap 2022 - Vittorio Rivabella
- Chainfy Project - Github, PPT, Video Link
- This material was prepared as a part of the Honor/Minor Degree Course - Blockchain Platforms offered by the Department of Computer Engineering, (VES Institute of Technology - An Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to the University of Mumbai) to the Third Year Students of All Branches.