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{"sql":"-- MIT license, see: https:\/\/github.com\/jpwhite3\/northwind-SQLite3\nCREATE TABLE [Categories]\n( [CategoryID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n [CategoryName] TEXT,\n [Description] TEXT,\n [Picture] BLOB\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [CustomerCustomerDemo](\n [CustomerID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [CustomerTypeID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (\"CustomerID\",\"CustomerTypeID\"),\n FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerID]) REFERENCES [Customers] ([CustomerID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerTypeID]) REFERENCES [CustomerDemographics] ([CustomerTypeID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [CustomerDemographics](\n [CustomerTypeID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [CustomerDesc]TEXT,\n PRIMARY KEY (\"CustomerTypeID\")\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Customers]\n( [CustomerID] TEXT,\n [CompanyName] TEXT,\n [ContactName] TEXT,\n [ContactTitle] TEXT,\n [Address] TEXT,\n [City] TEXT,\n [Region] TEXT,\n [PostalCode] TEXT,\n [Country] TEXT,\n [Phone] TEXT,\n [Fax] TEXT,\n PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerID`)\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Employees]\n( [EmployeeID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n [LastName] TEXT,\n [FirstName] TEXT,\n [Title] TEXT,\n [TitleOfCourtesy] TEXT,\n [BirthDate] DATE,\n [HireDate] DATE,\n [Address] TEXT,\n [City] TEXT,\n [Region] TEXT,\n [PostalCode] TEXT,\n [Country] TEXT,\n [HomePhone] TEXT,\n [Extension] TEXT,\n [Photo] BLOB,\n [Notes] TEXT,\n [ReportsTo] INTEGER,\n [PhotoPath] TEXT,\n FOREIGN KEY ([ReportsTo]) REFERENCES [Employees] ([EmployeeID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [EmployeeTerritories](\n [EmployeeID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n [TerritoryID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (\"EmployeeID\",\"TerritoryID\"),\n FOREIGN KEY ([EmployeeID]) REFERENCES [Employees] ([EmployeeID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n FOREIGN KEY ([TerritoryID]) REFERENCES [Territories] ([TerritoryID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Order Details](\n [OrderID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n [ProductID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n [UnitPrice]NUMERIC NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n [Quantity]INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n [Discount]REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n PRIMARY KEY (\"OrderID\",\"ProductID\"),\n CHECK ([Discount]>=(0) AND [Discount]<=(1)),\n CHECK ([Quantity]>(0)),\n CHECK ([UnitPrice]>=(0)),\n FOREIGN KEY ([OrderID]) REFERENCES [Orders] ([OrderID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n FOREIGN KEY ([ProductID]) REFERENCES [Products] ([ProductID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Orders](\n [OrderID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n [CustomerID]TEXT,\n [EmployeeID]INTEGER,\n [OrderDate]DATETIME,\n [RequiredDate]DATETIME,\n [ShippedDate]DATETIME,\n [ShipVia]INTEGER,\n [Freight]NUMERIC DEFAULT 0,\n [ShipName]TEXT,\n [ShipAddress]TEXT,\n [ShipCity]TEXT,\n [ShipRegion]TEXT,\n [ShipPostalCode]TEXT,\n [ShipCountry]TEXT,\n FOREIGN KEY ([EmployeeID]) REFERENCES [Employees] ([EmployeeID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerID]) REFERENCES [Customers] ([CustomerID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n FOREIGN KEY ([ShipVia]) REFERENCES [Shippers] ([ShipperID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Products](\n [ProductID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n [ProductName]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [SupplierID]INTEGER,\n [CategoryID]INTEGER,\n [QuantityPerUnit]TEXT,\n [UnitPrice]NUMERIC DEFAULT 0,\n [UnitsInStock]INTEGER DEFAULT 0,\n [UnitsOnOrder]INTEGER DEFAULT 0,\n [ReorderLevel]INTEGER DEFAULT 0,\n [Discontinued]TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n CHECK ([UnitPrice]>=(0)),\n CHECK ([ReorderLevel]>=(0)),\n CHECK ([UnitsInStock]>=(0)),\n CHECK ([UnitsOnOrder]>=(0)),\n FOREIGN KEY ([ProductID]) REFERENCES [Categories] ([CategoryID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n FOREIGN KEY ([SupplierID]) REFERENCES [Suppliers] ([SupplierID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Regions](\n [RegionID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n [RegionDescription]TEXT NOT NULL\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Shippers](\n [ShipperID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n [CompanyName]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [Phone]TEXT\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Suppliers](\n [SupplierID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n [CompanyName]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [ContactName]TEXT,\n [ContactTitle]TEXT,\n [Address]TEXT,\n [City]TEXT,\n [Region]TEXT,\n [PostalCode]TEXT,\n [Country]TEXT,\n [Phone]TEXT,\n [Fax]TEXT,\n [HomePage]TEXT\n);\n\nCREATE TABLE [Territories](\n [TerritoryID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [TerritoryDescription]TEXT NOT NULL,\n [RegionID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (\"TerritoryID\"),\n FOREIGN KEY ([RegionID]) REFERENCES [Regions] ([RegionID])\n ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n);\n\nCREATE VIEW [Alphabetical list of products]\nAS\nSELECT Products.*,\n Categories.CategoryName\nFROM Categories\n INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\nWHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=0));\n\nCREATE VIEW [Current Product List]\nAS\nSELECT ProductID,\n ProductName\nFROM Products\nWHERE Discontinued=0;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Customer and Suppliers by City]\nAS\nSELECT City,\n CompanyName,\n ContactName,\n 'Customers' AS Relationship\nFROM Customers\nUNION\nSELECT City,\n CompanyName,\n ContactName,\n 'Suppliers'\nFROM Suppliers\nORDER BY City, CompanyName;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Invoices]\nAS\nSELECT Orders.ShipName,\n Orders.ShipAddress,\n Orders.ShipCity,\n Orders.ShipRegion,\n Orders.ShipPostalCode,\n Orders.ShipCountry,\n Orders.CustomerID,\n Customers.CompanyName AS CustomerName,\n Customers.Address,\n Customers.City,\n Customers.Region,\n Customers.PostalCode,\n Customers.Country,\n (Employees.FirstName + ' ' + Employees.LastName) AS Salesperson,\n Orders.OrderID,\n Orders.OrderDate,\n Orders.RequiredDate,\n Orders.ShippedDate,\n Shippers.CompanyName As ShipperName,\n [Order Details].ProductID,\n Products.ProductName,\n [Order Details].UnitPrice,\n [Order Details].Quantity,\n [Order Details].Discount,\n ((([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount))\/100)*100) AS ExtendedPrice,\n Orders.Freight\nFROM Customers\n JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\n JOIN Employees ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID\n JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID\n JOIN Products ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID\n JOIN Shippers ON Shippers.ShipperID = Orders.ShipVia;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Orders Qry] AS\nSELECT Orders.OrderID,\n Orders.CustomerID,\n Orders.EmployeeID,\n Orders.OrderDate,\n Orders.RequiredDate,\n Orders.ShippedDate,\n Orders.ShipVia,\n Orders.Freight,\n Orders.ShipName,\n Orders.ShipAddress,\n Orders.ShipCity,\n Orders.ShipRegion,\n Orders.ShipPostalCode,\n Orders.ShipCountry,\n Customers.CompanyName,\n Customers.Address,\n Customers.City,\n Customers.Region,\n Customers.PostalCode,\n Customers.Country\nFROM Customers\n JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Order Subtotals] AS\nSELECT [Order Details].OrderID,\nSum(([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)\/100)*100) AS Subtotal\nFROM [Order Details]\nGROUP BY [Order Details].OrderID;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Product Sales for 1997] AS\nSELECT Categories.CategoryName,\n Products.ProductName,\n Sum(([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)\/100)*100) AS ProductSales\nFROM Categories\n JOIN Products On Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\n JOIN [Order Details] on Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID\n JOIN [Orders] on Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID\nWHERE Orders.ShippedDate Between DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31')\nGROUP BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Products Above Average Price] AS\nSELECT Products.ProductName,\n Products.UnitPrice\nFROM Products\nWHERE Products.UnitPrice>(SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) From Products);\n\nCREATE VIEW [Products by Category] AS\nSELECT Categories.CategoryName,\n Products.ProductName,\n Products.QuantityPerUnit,\n Products.UnitsInStock,\n Products.Discontinued\nFROM Categories\n INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\nWHERE Products.Discontinued <> 1;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Quarterly Orders] AS\nSELECT DISTINCT Customers.CustomerID,\n Customers.CompanyName,\n Customers.City,\n Customers.Country\nFROM Customers\n JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\nWHERE Orders.OrderDate BETWEEN DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31');\n\nCREATE VIEW [Sales Totals by Amount] AS\nSELECT [Order Subtotals].Subtotal AS SaleAmount,\n Orders.OrderID,\n Customers.CompanyName,\n Orders.ShippedDate\nFROM Customers\n JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\n JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID\nWHERE ([Order Subtotals].Subtotal >2500)\nAND (Orders.ShippedDate BETWEEN DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31'));\n\nCREATE VIEW [Summary of Sales by Quarter] AS\nSELECT Orders.ShippedDate,\n Orders.OrderID,\n [Order Subtotals].Subtotal\nFROM Orders\n INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID\nWHERE Orders.ShippedDate IS NOT NULL;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Summary of Sales by Year] AS\nSELECT Orders.ShippedDate,\n Orders.OrderID,\n [Order Subtotals].Subtotal\nFROM Orders\n INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID\nWHERE Orders.ShippedDate IS NOT NULL;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Category Sales for 1997] AS\nSELECT [Product Sales for 1997].CategoryName,\n Sum([Product Sales for 1997].ProductSales) AS CategorySales\nFROM [Product Sales for 1997]\nGROUP BY [Product Sales for 1997].CategoryName;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Order Details Extended] AS\nSELECT [Order Details].OrderID,\n [Order Details].ProductID,\n Products.ProductName,\n [Order Details].UnitPrice,\n [Order Details].Quantity,\n [Order Details].Discount,\n ([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)\/100)*100 AS ExtendedPrice\nFROM Products\n JOIN [Order Details] ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID;\n\nCREATE VIEW [Sales by Category] AS\nSELECT Categories.CategoryID,\n Categories.CategoryName,\n Products.ProductName,\n Sum([Order Details Extended].ExtendedPrice) AS ProductSales\nFROM Categories\n JOIN Products\n ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\n JOIN [Order Details Extended]\n ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details Extended].ProductID\n JOIN Orders\n ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details Extended].OrderID\nWHERE Orders.OrderDate BETWEEN DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31')\nGROUP BY Categories.CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName;\n","EmbeddedLighter":{"updates":{"predicateBased":0,"keyBased":0},"selects":{"syncYield":{"columns":8,"sorts":2},"asyncArray":{"columns":8,"sorts":2},"syncArray":{"sorts":2,"columns":8}},"inserts":0},"swift":"import SQLite3\nimport Foundation\nimport Lighter\n\n\/**\n * A structure representing a SQLite database.\n * \n * ### Database Schema\n * \n * The schema captures the SQLite table\/view catalog as safe Swift types.\n * \n * #### Tables\n * \n * - ``Category`` (SQL: `Categories`)\n * - ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` (SQL: `CustomerCustomerDemo`)\n * - ``CustomerDemographic`` (SQL: `CustomerDemographics`)\n * - ``Customer`` (SQL: `Customers`)\n * - ``Employee`` (SQL: `Employees`)\n * - ``EmployeeTerritory`` (SQL: `EmployeeTerritories`)\n * - ``OrderDetail`` (SQL: `Order Details`)\n * - ``Order`` (SQL: `Orders`)\n * - ``Product`` (SQL: `Products`)\n * - ``Region`` (SQL: `Regions`)\n * - ``Shipper`` (SQL: `Shippers`)\n * - ``Supplier`` (SQL: `Suppliers`)\n * - ``Territory`` (SQL: `Territories`)\n * \n * #### Views\n * \n * - ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` (SQL: `Alphabetical list of products`)\n * - ``CurrentProductList`` (SQL: `Current Product List`)\n * - ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` (SQL: `Customer and Suppliers by City`)\n * - ``Invoice`` (SQL: `Invoices`)\n * - ``OrdersQry`` (SQL: `Orders Qry`)\n * - ``OrderSubtotal`` (SQL: `Order Subtotals`)\n * - ``ProductSalesFor1997`` (SQL: `Product Sales for 1997`)\n * - ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` (SQL: `Products Above Average Price`)\n * - ``ProductsByCategory`` (SQL: `Products by Category`)\n * - ``QuarterlyOrder`` (SQL: `Quarterly Orders`)\n * - ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` (SQL: `Sales Totals by Amount`)\n * - ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` (SQL: `Summary of Sales by Quarter`)\n * - ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` (SQL: `Summary of Sales by Year`)\n * - ``CategorySalesFor1997`` (SQL: `Category Sales for 1997`)\n * - ``OrderDetailsExtended`` (SQL: `Order Details Extended`)\n * - ``SalesByCategory`` (SQL: `Sales by Category`)\n * \n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Category`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.categories.filter(orderBy: \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Categories` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.categories, \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Category`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Category.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"categoryName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n *\/\n@dynamicMemberLookup\npublic struct NorthwindLighter : SQLDatabase, SQLDatabaseFetchOperations {\n \n \/**\n * Mappings of table\/view Swift types to their \"reference name\".\n * \n * The `RecordTypes` structure contains a variable for the Swift type\n * associated each table\/view of the database. It maps the tables\n * \"reference names\" (e.g. ``categories``) to the\n * \"record type\" of the table (e.g. ``Category``.self).\n *\/\n public struct RecordTypes {\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Category type information (SQL: `Categories`).\n public let categories = Category.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the CustomerCustomerDemo type information (SQL: `CustomerCustomerDemo`).\n public let customerCustomerDemos = CustomerCustomerDemo.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the CustomerDemographic type information (SQL: `CustomerDemographics`).\n public let customerDemographics = CustomerDemographic.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Customer type information (SQL: `Customers`).\n public let customers = Customer.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Employee type information (SQL: `Employees`).\n public let employees = Employee.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the EmployeeTerritory type information (SQL: `EmployeeTerritories`).\n public let employeeTerritories = EmployeeTerritory.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the OrderDetail type information (SQL: `Order Details`).\n public let orderDetails = OrderDetail.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Order type information (SQL: `Orders`).\n public let orders = Order.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Product type information (SQL: `Products`).\n public let products = Product.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Region type information (SQL: `Regions`).\n public let regions = Region.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Shipper type information (SQL: `Shippers`).\n public let shippers = Shipper.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Supplier type information (SQL: `Suppliers`).\n public let suppliers = Supplier.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Territory type information (SQL: `Territories`).\n public let territories = Territory.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the AlphabeticalListOfProduct type information (SQL: `Alphabetical list of products`).\n public let alphabeticalListOfProducts = AlphabeticalListOfProduct.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the CurrentProductList type information (SQL: `Current Product List`).\n public let currentProductLists = CurrentProductList.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the CustomerAndSuppliersByCity type information (SQL: `Customer and Suppliers by City`).\n public let customerAndSuppliersByCities = CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the Invoice type information (SQL: `Invoices`).\n public let invoices = Invoice.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the OrdersQry type information (SQL: `Orders Qry`).\n public let ordersQries = OrdersQry.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the OrderSubtotal type information (SQL: `Order Subtotals`).\n public let orderSubtotals = OrderSubtotal.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the ProductSalesFor1997 type information (SQL: `Product Sales for 1997`).\n public let productSalesFor1997s = ProductSalesFor1997.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the ProductsAboveAveragePrice type information (SQL: `Products Above Average Price`).\n public let productsAboveAveragePrices = ProductsAboveAveragePrice.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the ProductsByCategory type information (SQL: `Products by Category`).\n public let productsByCategories = ProductsByCategory.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the QuarterlyOrder type information (SQL: `Quarterly Orders`).\n public let quarterlyOrders = QuarterlyOrder.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the SalesTotalsByAmount type information (SQL: `Sales Totals by Amount`).\n public let salesTotalsByAmounts = SalesTotalsByAmount.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the SummaryOfSalesByQuarter type information (SQL: `Summary of Sales by Quarter`).\n public let summaryOfSalesByQuarters = SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the SummaryOfSalesByYear type information (SQL: `Summary of Sales by Year`).\n public let summaryOfSalesByYears = SummaryOfSalesByYear.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the CategorySalesFor1997 type information (SQL: `Category Sales for 1997`).\n public let categorySalesFor1997s = CategorySalesFor1997.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the OrderDetailsExtended type information (SQL: `Order Details Extended`).\n public let orderDetailsExtendeds = OrderDetailsExtended.self\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the SalesByCategory type information (SQL: `Sales by Category`).\n public let salesByCategories = SalesByCategory.self\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Categories` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Category`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.categories.filter(orderBy: \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Categories` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.categories, \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Category`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Category.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"categoryName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Categories]\n * ( [CategoryID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n * [CategoryName] TEXT,\n * [Description] TEXT,\n * [Picture] BLOB\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Category : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Category`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var id : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Description` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var description : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Picture` (`BLOB`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var picture : [ UInt8 ]?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Category`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - categoryName: Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - description: Column `Description` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - picture: Column `Picture` (`BLOB`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n id: Int? = nil,\n categoryName: String? = nil,\n description: String? = nil,\n picture: [ UInt8 ]? = nil\n )\n {\n self.id = id\n self.categoryName = categoryName\n self.description = description\n self.picture = picture\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `CustomerCustomerDemo` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.customerCustomerDemos.filter(orderBy: \\.customerID) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `CustomerCustomerDemo` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.customerCustomerDemos, \\.customerID) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = CustomerCustomerDemo.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"customerID\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [CustomerCustomerDemo](\n * [CustomerID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [CustomerTypeID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * PRIMARY KEY (\"CustomerID\",\"CustomerTypeID\"),\n * FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerID]) REFERENCES [Customers] ([CustomerID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerTypeID]) REFERENCES [CustomerDemographics] ([CustomerTypeID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct CustomerCustomerDemo : Identifiable, SQLTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/**\n * ID structure representing the compound key of ``CustomerCustomerDemo``.\n *\/\n public struct ID : Hashable {\n \n public let customerID : String\n public let customerTypeID : String\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a compound ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` ``ID``\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - customerID: Value of ``CustomerCustomerDemo\/customerID``.\n * - customerTypeID: Value of ``CustomerCustomerDemo\/customerTypeID``.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(_ customerID: String, _ customerTypeID: String)\n {\n self.customerID = customerID\n self.customerTypeID = customerTypeID\n }\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var customerID : String\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `CustomerTypeID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var customerTypeID : String\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the compound primary key of ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` (customerID, customerTypeID).\n @inlinable\n public var id : ID { ID(customerID, customerTypeID) }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - customerID: Primary key `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - customerTypeID: Primary key `CustomerTypeID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(customerID: String, customerTypeID: String)\n {\n self.customerID = customerID\n self.customerTypeID = customerTypeID\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `CustomerDemographics` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``CustomerDemographic`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.customerDemographics.filter(orderBy: \\.id) {\n * $0.id != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `CustomerDemographics` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.customerDemographics, \\.id) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``CustomerDemographic`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = CustomerDemographic.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"id\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.id != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [CustomerDemographics](\n * [CustomerTypeID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [CustomerDesc]TEXT,\n * PRIMARY KEY (\"CustomerTypeID\")\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct CustomerDemographic : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``CustomerDemographic`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `CustomerTypeID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var id : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CustomerDesc` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var customerDesc : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``CustomerDemographic`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `CustomerTypeID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - customerDesc: Column `CustomerDesc` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(id: String, customerDesc: String? = nil)\n {\n self.id = id\n self.customerDesc = customerDesc\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Customers` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Customer`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.customers.filter(orderBy: \\.id) {\n * $0.id != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Customers` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.customers, \\.id) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Customer`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Customer.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"id\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.id != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Customers]\n * ( [CustomerID] TEXT,\n * [CompanyName] TEXT,\n * [ContactName] TEXT,\n * [ContactTitle] TEXT,\n * [Address] TEXT,\n * [City] TEXT,\n * [Region] TEXT,\n * [PostalCode] TEXT,\n * [Country] TEXT,\n * [Phone] TEXT,\n * [Fax] TEXT,\n * PRIMARY KEY (`CustomerID`)\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Customer : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Customer`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var id : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var companyName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ContactName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var contactName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ContactTitle` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var contactTitle : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var address : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var region : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var postalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var country : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Phone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var phone : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Fax` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var fax : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Customer`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - contactName: Column `ContactName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - contactTitle: Column `ContactTitle` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - address: Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - region: Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - postalCode: Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - country: Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - phone: Column `Phone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - fax: Column `Fax` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n id: String? = nil,\n companyName: String? = nil,\n contactName: String? = nil,\n contactTitle: String? = nil,\n address: String? = nil,\n city: String? = nil,\n region: String? = nil,\n postalCode: String? = nil,\n country: String? = nil,\n phone: String? = nil,\n fax: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.id = id\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.contactName = contactName\n self.contactTitle = contactTitle\n self.address = address\n self.city = city\n self.region = region\n self.postalCode = postalCode\n self.country = country\n self.phone = phone\n self.fax = fax\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Employees` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Employee`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.employees.filter(orderBy: \\.lastName) {\n * $0.lastName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Employees` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.employees, \\.lastName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Employee`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Employee.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"lastName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.lastName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Employees]\n * ( [EmployeeID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n * [LastName] TEXT,\n * [FirstName] TEXT,\n * [Title] TEXT,\n * [TitleOfCourtesy] TEXT,\n * [BirthDate] DATE,\n * [HireDate] DATE,\n * [Address] TEXT,\n * [City] TEXT,\n * [Region] TEXT,\n * [PostalCode] TEXT,\n * [Country] TEXT,\n * [HomePhone] TEXT,\n * [Extension] TEXT,\n * [Photo] BLOB,\n * [Notes] TEXT,\n * [ReportsTo] INTEGER,\n * [PhotoPath] TEXT,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([ReportsTo]) REFERENCES [Employees] ([EmployeeID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Employee : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Employee`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var id : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `LastName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var lastName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `FirstName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var firstName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Title` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var title : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `TitleOfCourtesy` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var titleOfCourtesy : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `BirthDate` (`DATE`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var birthDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `HireDate` (`DATE`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var hireDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var address : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var region : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var postalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var country : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `HomePhone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var homePhone : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Extension` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var `extension` : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Photo` (`BLOB`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var photo : [ UInt8 ]?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Notes` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var notes : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ReportsTo` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var reportsTo : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `PhotoPath` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var photoPath : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Employee`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - lastName: Column `LastName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - firstName: Column `FirstName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - title: Column `Title` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - titleOfCourtesy: Column `TitleOfCourtesy` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - birthDate: Column `BirthDate` (`DATE`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - hireDate: Column `HireDate` (`DATE`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - address: Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - region: Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - postalCode: Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - country: Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - homePhone: Column `HomePhone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - extension: Column `Extension` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - photo: Column `Photo` (`BLOB`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - notes: Column `Notes` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - reportsTo: Column `ReportsTo` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - photoPath: Column `PhotoPath` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n id: Int? = nil,\n lastName: String? = nil,\n firstName: String? = nil,\n title: String? = nil,\n titleOfCourtesy: String? = nil,\n birthDate: String? = nil,\n hireDate: String? = nil,\n address: String? = nil,\n city: String? = nil,\n region: String? = nil,\n postalCode: String? = nil,\n country: String? = nil,\n homePhone: String? = nil,\n `extension`: String? = nil,\n photo: [ UInt8 ]? = nil,\n notes: String? = nil,\n reportsTo: Int? = nil,\n photoPath: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.id = id\n self.lastName = lastName\n self.firstName = firstName\n self.title = title\n self.titleOfCourtesy = titleOfCourtesy\n self.birthDate = birthDate\n self.hireDate = hireDate\n self.address = address\n self.city = city\n self.region = region\n self.postalCode = postalCode\n self.country = country\n self.homePhone = homePhone\n self.`extension` = `extension`\n self.photo = photo\n self.notes = notes\n self.reportsTo = reportsTo\n self.photoPath = photoPath\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `EmployeeTerritories` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``EmployeeTerritory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.employeeTerritories.filter(orderBy: \\.territoryID) {\n * $0.territoryID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `EmployeeTerritories` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.employeeTerritories, \\.territoryID) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``EmployeeTerritory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = EmployeeTerritory.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"territoryID\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.territoryID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [EmployeeTerritories](\n * [EmployeeID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n * [TerritoryID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * PRIMARY KEY (\"EmployeeID\",\"TerritoryID\"),\n * FOREIGN KEY ([EmployeeID]) REFERENCES [Employees] ([EmployeeID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([TerritoryID]) REFERENCES [Territories] ([TerritoryID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct EmployeeTerritory : Identifiable, SQLTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/**\n * ID structure representing the compound key of ``EmployeeTerritory``.\n *\/\n public struct ID : Hashable {\n \n public let employeeID : Int\n public let territoryID : String\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a compound ``EmployeeTerritory`` ``ID``\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - employeeID: Value of ``EmployeeTerritory\/employeeID``.\n * - territoryID: Value of ``EmployeeTerritory\/territoryID``.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(_ employeeID: Int, _ territoryID: String)\n {\n self.employeeID = employeeID\n self.territoryID = territoryID\n }\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``EmployeeTerritory`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var employeeID : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `TerritoryID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var territoryID : String\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the compound primary key of ``EmployeeTerritory`` (employeeID, territoryID).\n @inlinable\n public var id : ID { ID(employeeID, territoryID) }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``EmployeeTerritory`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - employeeID: Primary key `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - territoryID: Primary key `TerritoryID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(employeeID: Int, territoryID: String)\n {\n self.employeeID = employeeID\n self.territoryID = territoryID\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Order Details` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``OrderDetail`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.orderDetails.filter(orderBy: \\.unitPrice) {\n * $0.unitPrice != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Order Details` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.orderDetails, \\.unitPrice) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``OrderDetail`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = OrderDetail.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"unitPrice\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.unitPrice != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Order Details](\n * [OrderID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n * [ProductID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n * [UnitPrice]NUMERIC NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n * [Quantity]INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n * [Discount]REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n * PRIMARY KEY (\"OrderID\",\"ProductID\"),\n * CHECK ([Discount]>=(0) AND [Discount]<=(1)),\n * CHECK ([Quantity]>(0)),\n * CHECK ([UnitPrice]>=(0)),\n * FOREIGN KEY ([OrderID]) REFERENCES [Orders] ([OrderID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([ProductID]) REFERENCES [Products] ([ProductID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct OrderDetail : Identifiable, SQLTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/**\n * ID structure representing the compound key of ``OrderDetail``.\n *\/\n public struct ID : Hashable {\n \n public let orderID : Int\n public let productID : Int\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a compound ``OrderDetail`` ``ID``\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - orderID: Value of ``OrderDetail\/orderID``.\n * - productID: Value of ``OrderDetail\/productID``.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(_ orderID: Int, _ productID: Int)\n {\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.productID = productID\n }\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``OrderDetail`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var orderID : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var productID : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), required (has default string).\n public var unitPrice : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Quantity` (`INTEGER`), required (default: `1`).\n public var quantity : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Discount` (`REAL`), required (default: `0.0`).\n public var discount : Double\n \n \/\/\/ Returns the compound primary key of ``OrderDetail`` (orderID, productID).\n @inlinable\n public var id : ID { ID(orderID, productID) }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``OrderDetail`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - orderID: Primary key `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - productID: Primary key `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - unitPrice: Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), required (has default string).\n * - quantity: Column `Quantity` (`INTEGER`), required (default: `1`).\n * - discount: Column `Discount` (`REAL`), required (default: `0.0`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n orderID: Int,\n productID: Int,\n unitPrice: String = \"0\",\n quantity: Int = 1,\n discount: Double = 0.0\n )\n {\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.productID = productID\n self.unitPrice = unitPrice\n self.quantity = quantity\n self.discount = discount\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Orders` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Order`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.orders.filter(orderBy: \\.customerID) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Orders` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.orders, \\.customerID) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Order`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Order.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"customerID\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Orders](\n * [OrderID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n * [CustomerID]TEXT,\n * [EmployeeID]INTEGER,\n * [OrderDate]DATETIME,\n * [RequiredDate]DATETIME,\n * [ShippedDate]DATETIME,\n * [ShipVia]INTEGER,\n * [Freight]NUMERIC DEFAULT 0,\n * [ShipName]TEXT,\n * [ShipAddress]TEXT,\n * [ShipCity]TEXT,\n * [ShipRegion]TEXT,\n * [ShipPostalCode]TEXT,\n * [ShipCountry]TEXT,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([EmployeeID]) REFERENCES [Employees] ([EmployeeID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([CustomerID]) REFERENCES [Customers] ([CustomerID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([ShipVia]) REFERENCES [Shippers] ([ShipperID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Order : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Order`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var id : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var customerID : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var employeeID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `RequiredDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var requiredDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shippedDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipVia` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipVia : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Freight` (`NUMERIC`), optional (has default string).\n public var freight : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipAddress` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipAddress : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipCity` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipCity : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipRegion` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipRegion : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipPostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipPostalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipCountry` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipCountry : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Order`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - customerID: Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - employeeID: Column `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderDate: Column `OrderDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - requiredDate: Column `RequiredDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shippedDate: Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipVia: Column `ShipVia` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - freight: Column `Freight` (`NUMERIC`), optional (has default string).\n * - shipName: Column `ShipName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipAddress: Column `ShipAddress` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipCity: Column `ShipCity` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipRegion: Column `ShipRegion` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipPostalCode: Column `ShipPostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipCountry: Column `ShipCountry` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n id: Int,\n customerID: String? = nil,\n employeeID: Int? = nil,\n orderDate: String? = nil,\n requiredDate: String? = nil,\n shippedDate: String? = nil,\n shipVia: Int? = nil,\n freight: String? = \"0\",\n shipName: String? = nil,\n shipAddress: String? = nil,\n shipCity: String? = nil,\n shipRegion: String? = nil,\n shipPostalCode: String? = nil,\n shipCountry: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.id = id\n self.customerID = customerID\n self.employeeID = employeeID\n self.orderDate = orderDate\n self.requiredDate = requiredDate\n self.shippedDate = shippedDate\n self.shipVia = shipVia\n self.freight = freight\n self.shipName = shipName\n self.shipAddress = shipAddress\n self.shipCity = shipCity\n self.shipRegion = shipRegion\n self.shipPostalCode = shipPostalCode\n self.shipCountry = shipCountry\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Products` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Product`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.products.filter(orderBy: \\.productName) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Products` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.products, \\.productName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Product`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Product.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"productName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Products](\n * [ProductID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n * [ProductName]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [SupplierID]INTEGER,\n * [CategoryID]INTEGER,\n * [QuantityPerUnit]TEXT,\n * [UnitPrice]NUMERIC DEFAULT 0,\n * [UnitsInStock]INTEGER DEFAULT 0,\n * [UnitsOnOrder]INTEGER DEFAULT 0,\n * [ReorderLevel]INTEGER DEFAULT 0,\n * [Discontinued]TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n * CHECK ([UnitPrice]>=(0)),\n * CHECK ([ReorderLevel]>=(0)),\n * CHECK ([UnitsInStock]>=(0)),\n * CHECK ([UnitsOnOrder]>=(0)),\n * FOREIGN KEY ([ProductID]) REFERENCES [Categories] ([CategoryID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n * FOREIGN KEY ([SupplierID]) REFERENCES [Suppliers] ([SupplierID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Product : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Product`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var id : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var productName : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `SupplierID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var supplierID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `QuantityPerUnit` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var quantityPerUnit : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (has default string).\n public var unitPrice : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitsInStock` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `0`).\n public var unitsInStock : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitsOnOrder` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `0`).\n public var unitsOnOrder : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ReorderLevel` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `0`).\n public var reorderLevel : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Discontinued` (`TEXT`), required (has default string).\n public var discontinued : String\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Product`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - supplierID: Column `SupplierID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - categoryID: Column `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - quantityPerUnit: Column `QuantityPerUnit` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitPrice: Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (has default string).\n * - unitsInStock: Column `UnitsInStock` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `0`).\n * - unitsOnOrder: Column `UnitsOnOrder` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `0`).\n * - reorderLevel: Column `ReorderLevel` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `0`).\n * - discontinued: Column `Discontinued` (`TEXT`), required (has default string).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n id: Int,\n productName: String,\n supplierID: Int? = nil,\n categoryID: Int? = nil,\n quantityPerUnit: String? = nil,\n unitPrice: String? = \"0\",\n unitsInStock: Int? = 0,\n unitsOnOrder: Int? = 0,\n reorderLevel: Int? = 0,\n discontinued: String = \"'0'\"\n )\n {\n self.id = id\n self.productName = productName\n self.supplierID = supplierID\n self.categoryID = categoryID\n self.quantityPerUnit = quantityPerUnit\n self.unitPrice = unitPrice\n self.unitsInStock = unitsInStock\n self.unitsOnOrder = unitsOnOrder\n self.reorderLevel = reorderLevel\n self.discontinued = discontinued\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Regions` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Region`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.regions.filter(orderBy: \\.regionDescription) {\n * $0.regionDescription != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Regions` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.regions, \\.regionDescription) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Region`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Region.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"regionDescription\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.regionDescription != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Regions](\n * [RegionID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n * [RegionDescription]TEXT NOT NULL\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Region : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Region`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `RegionID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var id : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `RegionDescription` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var regionDescription : String\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Region`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `RegionID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - regionDescription: Column `RegionDescription` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(id: Int, regionDescription: String)\n {\n self.id = id\n self.regionDescription = regionDescription\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Shippers` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Shipper`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.shippers.filter(orderBy: \\.companyName) {\n * $0.companyName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Shippers` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.shippers, \\.companyName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Shipper`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Shipper.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"companyName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.companyName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Shippers](\n * [ShipperID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n * [CompanyName]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [Phone]TEXT\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Shipper : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Shipper`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `ShipperID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var id : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var companyName : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Phone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var phone : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Shipper`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `ShipperID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - phone: Column `Phone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(id: Int, companyName: String, phone: String? = nil)\n {\n self.id = id\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.phone = phone\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Suppliers` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Supplier`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.suppliers.filter(orderBy: \\.companyName) {\n * $0.companyName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Suppliers` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.suppliers, \\.companyName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Supplier`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Supplier.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"companyName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.companyName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Suppliers](\n * [SupplierID]INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n * [CompanyName]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [ContactName]TEXT,\n * [ContactTitle]TEXT,\n * [Address]TEXT,\n * [City]TEXT,\n * [Region]TEXT,\n * [PostalCode]TEXT,\n * [Country]TEXT,\n * [Phone]TEXT,\n * [Fax]TEXT,\n * [HomePage]TEXT\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Supplier : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Supplier`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `SupplierID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var id : Int\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var companyName : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ContactName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var contactName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ContactTitle` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var contactTitle : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var address : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var region : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var postalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var country : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Phone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var phone : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Fax` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var fax : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `HomePage` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var homePage : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Supplier`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `SupplierID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - contactName: Column `ContactName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - contactTitle: Column `ContactTitle` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - address: Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - region: Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - postalCode: Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - country: Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - phone: Column `Phone` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - fax: Column `Fax` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - homePage: Column `HomePage` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n id: Int,\n companyName: String,\n contactName: String? = nil,\n contactTitle: String? = nil,\n address: String? = nil,\n city: String? = nil,\n region: String? = nil,\n postalCode: String? = nil,\n country: String? = nil,\n phone: String? = nil,\n fax: String? = nil,\n homePage: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.id = id\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.contactName = contactName\n self.contactTitle = contactTitle\n self.address = address\n self.city = city\n self.region = region\n self.postalCode = postalCode\n self.country = country\n self.phone = phone\n self.fax = fax\n self.homePage = homePage\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Territories` SQL table.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Territory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.territories.filter(orderBy: \\.id) {\n * $0.id != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Territories` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.territories, \\.id) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Territory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Territory.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"id\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.id != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the table associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE TABLE [Territories](\n * [TerritoryID]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [TerritoryDescription]TEXT NOT NULL,\n * [RegionID]INTEGER NOT NULL,\n * PRIMARY KEY (\"TerritoryID\"),\n * FOREIGN KEY ([RegionID]) REFERENCES [Regions] ([RegionID])\n * ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n * )\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Territory : Identifiable, SQLKeyedTableRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Territory`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Primary key `TerritoryID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var id : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `TerritoryDescription` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n public var territoryDescription : String\n \n \/\/\/ Column `RegionID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n public var regionID : Int\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Territory`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - id: Primary key `TerritoryID` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - territoryDescription: Column `TerritoryDescription` (`TEXT`), required (has default).\n * - regionID: Column `RegionID` (`INTEGER`), required (has default).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(id: String, territoryDescription: String, regionID: Int)\n {\n self.id = id\n self.territoryDescription = territoryDescription\n self.regionID = regionID\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Alphabetical list of products` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.alphabeticalListOfProducts.filter(orderBy: \\.productName) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Alphabetical list of products` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.alphabeticalListOfProducts, \\.productName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = AlphabeticalListOfProduct.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"productName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Alphabetical list of products]\n * AS\n * SELECT Products.*,\n * Categories.CategoryName\n * FROM Categories\n * INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\n * WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=0))\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct AlphabeticalListOfProduct : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `SupplierID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var supplierID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `QuantityPerUnit` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var quantityPerUnit : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitPrice : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitsInStock` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitsInStock : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitsOnOrder` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitsOnOrder : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ReorderLevel` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var reorderLevel : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Discontinued` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var discontinued : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryName : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - productID: Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - supplierID: Column `SupplierID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - categoryID: Column `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - quantityPerUnit: Column `QuantityPerUnit` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitPrice: Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitsInStock: Column `UnitsInStock` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitsOnOrder: Column `UnitsOnOrder` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - reorderLevel: Column `ReorderLevel` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - discontinued: Column `Discontinued` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - categoryName: Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n productID: Int? = nil,\n productName: String? = nil,\n supplierID: Int? = nil,\n categoryID: Int? = nil,\n quantityPerUnit: String? = nil,\n unitPrice: String? = nil,\n unitsInStock: Int? = nil,\n unitsOnOrder: Int? = nil,\n reorderLevel: Int? = nil,\n discontinued: String? = nil,\n categoryName: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.productID = productID\n self.productName = productName\n self.supplierID = supplierID\n self.categoryID = categoryID\n self.quantityPerUnit = quantityPerUnit\n self.unitPrice = unitPrice\n self.unitsInStock = unitsInStock\n self.unitsOnOrder = unitsOnOrder\n self.reorderLevel = reorderLevel\n self.discontinued = discontinued\n self.categoryName = categoryName\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Current Product List` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``CurrentProductList`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.currentProductLists.filter(orderBy: \\.productName) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Current Product List` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.currentProductLists, \\.productName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``CurrentProductList`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = CurrentProductList.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"productName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Current Product List]\n * AS\n * SELECT ProductID,\n * ProductName\n * FROM Products\n * WHERE Discontinued=0\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct CurrentProductList : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``CurrentProductList`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``CurrentProductList`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - productID: Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(productID: Int? = nil, productName: String? = nil)\n {\n self.productID = productID\n self.productName = productName\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Customer and Suppliers by City` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.customerAndSuppliersByCities.filter(orderBy: \\.city) {\n * $0.city != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Customer and Suppliers by City` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.customerAndSuppliersByCities, \\.city) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"city\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.city != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Customer and Suppliers by City]\n * AS\n * SELECT City,\n * CompanyName,\n * ContactName,\n * 'Customers' AS Relationship\n * FROM Customers\n * UNION\n * SELECT City,\n * CompanyName,\n * ContactName,\n * 'Suppliers'\n * FROM Suppliers\n * ORDER BY City, CompanyName\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct CustomerAndSuppliersByCity : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var companyName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ContactName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var contactName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Relationship` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var relationship : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - contactName: Column `ContactName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - relationship: Column `Relationship` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n city: String? = nil,\n companyName: String? = nil,\n contactName: String? = nil,\n relationship: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.city = city\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.contactName = contactName\n self.relationship = relationship\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Invoices` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``Invoice`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.invoices.filter(orderBy: \\.shipName) {\n * $0.shipName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Invoices` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.invoices, \\.shipName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``Invoice`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = Invoice.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"shipName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.shipName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Invoices]\n * AS\n * SELECT Orders.ShipName,\n * Orders.ShipAddress,\n * Orders.ShipCity,\n * Orders.ShipRegion,\n * Orders.ShipPostalCode,\n * Orders.ShipCountry,\n * Orders.CustomerID,\n * Customers.CompanyName AS CustomerName,\n * Customers.Address,\n * Customers.City,\n * Customers.Region,\n * Customers.PostalCode,\n * Customers.Country,\n * (Employees.FirstName + ' ' + Employees.LastName) AS Salesperson,\n * Orders.OrderID,\n * Orders.OrderDate,\n * Orders.RequiredDate,\n * Orders.ShippedDate,\n * Shippers.CompanyName As ShipperName,\n * [Order Details].ProductID,\n * Products.ProductName,\n * [Order Details].UnitPrice,\n * [Order Details].Quantity,\n * [Order Details].Discount,\n * ((([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount))\/100)*100) AS ExtendedPrice,\n * Orders.Freight\n * FROM Customers\n * JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\n * JOIN Employees ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID\n * JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID\n * JOIN Products ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID\n * JOIN Shippers ON Shippers.ShipperID = Orders.ShipVia\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct Invoice : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``Invoice`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipAddress` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipAddress : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipCity` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipCity : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipRegion` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipRegion : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipPostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipPostalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipCountry` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipCountry : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var customerID : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CustomerName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var customerName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var address : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var region : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var postalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var country : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Salesperson` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var salesperson : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `RequiredDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var requiredDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shippedDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipperName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipperName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitPrice : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Quantity` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var quantity : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Discount` (`REAL`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var discount : Double?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ExtendedPrice` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var extendedPrice : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Freight` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var freight : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``Invoice`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - shipName: Column `ShipName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipAddress: Column `ShipAddress` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipCity: Column `ShipCity` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipRegion: Column `ShipRegion` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipPostalCode: Column `ShipPostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipCountry: Column `ShipCountry` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - customerID: Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - customerName: Column `CustomerName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - address: Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - region: Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - postalCode: Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - country: Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - salesperson: Column `Salesperson` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderDate: Column `OrderDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - requiredDate: Column `RequiredDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shippedDate: Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipperName: Column `ShipperName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productID: Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitPrice: Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - quantity: Column `Quantity` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - discount: Column `Discount` (`REAL`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - extendedPrice: Column `ExtendedPrice` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - freight: Column `Freight` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n shipName: String? = nil,\n shipAddress: String? = nil,\n shipCity: String? = nil,\n shipRegion: String? = nil,\n shipPostalCode: String? = nil,\n shipCountry: String? = nil,\n customerID: String? = nil,\n customerName: String? = nil,\n address: String? = nil,\n city: String? = nil,\n region: String? = nil,\n postalCode: String? = nil,\n country: String? = nil,\n salesperson: String? = nil,\n orderID: Int? = nil,\n orderDate: String? = nil,\n requiredDate: String? = nil,\n shippedDate: String? = nil,\n shipperName: String? = nil,\n productID: Int? = nil,\n productName: String? = nil,\n unitPrice: String? = nil,\n quantity: Int? = nil,\n discount: Double? = nil,\n extendedPrice: String? = nil,\n freight: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.shipName = shipName\n self.shipAddress = shipAddress\n self.shipCity = shipCity\n self.shipRegion = shipRegion\n self.shipPostalCode = shipPostalCode\n self.shipCountry = shipCountry\n self.customerID = customerID\n self.customerName = customerName\n self.address = address\n self.city = city\n self.region = region\n self.postalCode = postalCode\n self.country = country\n self.salesperson = salesperson\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.orderDate = orderDate\n self.requiredDate = requiredDate\n self.shippedDate = shippedDate\n self.shipperName = shipperName\n self.productID = productID\n self.productName = productName\n self.unitPrice = unitPrice\n self.quantity = quantity\n self.discount = discount\n self.extendedPrice = extendedPrice\n self.freight = freight\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Orders Qry` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``OrdersQry`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.ordersQries.filter(orderBy: \\.customerID) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Orders Qry` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.ordersQries, \\.customerID) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``OrdersQry`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = OrdersQry.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"customerID\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Orders Qry] AS\n * SELECT Orders.OrderID,\n * Orders.CustomerID,\n * Orders.EmployeeID,\n * Orders.OrderDate,\n * Orders.RequiredDate,\n * Orders.ShippedDate,\n * Orders.ShipVia,\n * Orders.Freight,\n * Orders.ShipName,\n * Orders.ShipAddress,\n * Orders.ShipCity,\n * Orders.ShipRegion,\n * Orders.ShipPostalCode,\n * Orders.ShipCountry,\n * Customers.CompanyName,\n * Customers.Address,\n * Customers.City,\n * Customers.Region,\n * Customers.PostalCode,\n * Customers.Country\n * FROM Customers\n * JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct OrdersQry : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``OrdersQry`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var customerID : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var employeeID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `RequiredDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var requiredDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shippedDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipVia` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipVia : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Freight` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var freight : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipAddress` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipAddress : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipCity` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipCity : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipRegion` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipRegion : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipPostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipPostalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShipCountry` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shipCountry : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var companyName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var address : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var region : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var postalCode : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var country : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``OrdersQry`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - customerID: Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - employeeID: Column `EmployeeID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderDate: Column `OrderDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - requiredDate: Column `RequiredDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shippedDate: Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipVia: Column `ShipVia` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - freight: Column `Freight` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipName: Column `ShipName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipAddress: Column `ShipAddress` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipCity: Column `ShipCity` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipRegion: Column `ShipRegion` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipPostalCode: Column `ShipPostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shipCountry: Column `ShipCountry` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - address: Column `Address` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - region: Column `Region` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - postalCode: Column `PostalCode` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - country: Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n orderID: Int? = nil,\n customerID: String? = nil,\n employeeID: Int? = nil,\n orderDate: String? = nil,\n requiredDate: String? = nil,\n shippedDate: String? = nil,\n shipVia: Int? = nil,\n freight: String? = nil,\n shipName: String? = nil,\n shipAddress: String? = nil,\n shipCity: String? = nil,\n shipRegion: String? = nil,\n shipPostalCode: String? = nil,\n shipCountry: String? = nil,\n companyName: String? = nil,\n address: String? = nil,\n city: String? = nil,\n region: String? = nil,\n postalCode: String? = nil,\n country: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.customerID = customerID\n self.employeeID = employeeID\n self.orderDate = orderDate\n self.requiredDate = requiredDate\n self.shippedDate = shippedDate\n self.shipVia = shipVia\n self.freight = freight\n self.shipName = shipName\n self.shipAddress = shipAddress\n self.shipCity = shipCity\n self.shipRegion = shipRegion\n self.shipPostalCode = shipPostalCode\n self.shipCountry = shipCountry\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.address = address\n self.city = city\n self.region = region\n self.postalCode = postalCode\n self.country = country\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Order Subtotals` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``OrderSubtotal`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.orderSubtotals.filter(orderBy: \\.subtotal) {\n * $0.subtotal != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Order Subtotals` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.orderSubtotals, \\.subtotal) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``OrderSubtotal`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = OrderSubtotal.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"subtotal\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.subtotal != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Order Subtotals] AS\n * SELECT [Order Details].OrderID,\n * Sum(([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)\/100)*100) AS Subtotal\n * FROM [Order Details]\n * GROUP BY [Order Details].OrderID\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct OrderSubtotal : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``OrderSubtotal`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Subtotal` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var subtotal : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``OrderSubtotal`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - subtotal: Column `Subtotal` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(orderID: Int? = nil, subtotal: String? = nil)\n {\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.subtotal = subtotal\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Product Sales for 1997` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``ProductSalesFor1997`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.productSalesFor1997s.filter(orderBy: \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Product Sales for 1997` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.productSalesFor1997s, \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``ProductSalesFor1997`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = ProductSalesFor1997.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"categoryName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Product Sales for 1997] AS\n * SELECT Categories.CategoryName,\n * Products.ProductName,\n * Sum(([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)\/100)*100) AS ProductSales\n * FROM Categories\n * JOIN Products On Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\n * JOIN [Order Details] on Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID\n * JOIN [Orders] on Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID\n * WHERE Orders.ShippedDate Between DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31')\n * GROUP BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct ProductSalesFor1997 : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``ProductSalesFor1997`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductSales` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productSales : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``ProductSalesFor1997`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - categoryName: Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productSales: Column `ProductSales` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n categoryName: String? = nil,\n productName: String? = nil,\n productSales: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.categoryName = categoryName\n self.productName = productName\n self.productSales = productSales\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Products Above Average Price` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.productsAboveAveragePrices.filter(orderBy: \\.productName) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Products Above Average Price` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.productsAboveAveragePrices, \\.productName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = ProductsAboveAveragePrice.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"productName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Products Above Average Price] AS\n * SELECT Products.ProductName,\n * Products.UnitPrice\n * FROM Products\n * WHERE Products.UnitPrice>(SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) From Products)\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct ProductsAboveAveragePrice : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitPrice : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitPrice: Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(productName: String? = nil, unitPrice: String? = nil)\n {\n self.productName = productName\n self.unitPrice = unitPrice\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Products by Category` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``ProductsByCategory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.productsByCategories.filter(orderBy: \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Products by Category` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.productsByCategories, \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``ProductsByCategory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = ProductsByCategory.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"categoryName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Products by Category] AS\n * SELECT Categories.CategoryName,\n * Products.ProductName,\n * Products.QuantityPerUnit,\n * Products.UnitsInStock,\n * Products.Discontinued\n * FROM Categories\n * INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\n * WHERE Products.Discontinued <> 1\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct ProductsByCategory : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``ProductsByCategory`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `QuantityPerUnit` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var quantityPerUnit : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitsInStock` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitsInStock : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Discontinued` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var discontinued : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``ProductsByCategory`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - categoryName: Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - quantityPerUnit: Column `QuantityPerUnit` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitsInStock: Column `UnitsInStock` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - discontinued: Column `Discontinued` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n categoryName: String? = nil,\n productName: String? = nil,\n quantityPerUnit: String? = nil,\n unitsInStock: Int? = nil,\n discontinued: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.categoryName = categoryName\n self.productName = productName\n self.quantityPerUnit = quantityPerUnit\n self.unitsInStock = unitsInStock\n self.discontinued = discontinued\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Quarterly Orders` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``QuarterlyOrder`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.quarterlyOrders.filter(orderBy: \\.customerID) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Quarterly Orders` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.quarterlyOrders, \\.customerID) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``QuarterlyOrder`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = QuarterlyOrder.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"customerID\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.customerID != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Quarterly Orders] AS\n * SELECT DISTINCT Customers.CustomerID,\n * Customers.CompanyName,\n * Customers.City,\n * Customers.Country\n * FROM Customers\n * JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\n * WHERE Orders.OrderDate BETWEEN DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31')\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct QuarterlyOrder : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``QuarterlyOrder`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var customerID : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var companyName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var city : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var country : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``QuarterlyOrder`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - customerID: Column `CustomerID` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - city: Column `City` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - country: Column `Country` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n customerID: String? = nil,\n companyName: String? = nil,\n city: String? = nil,\n country: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.customerID = customerID\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.city = city\n self.country = country\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Sales Totals by Amount` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.salesTotalsByAmounts.filter(orderBy: \\.saleAmount) {\n * $0.saleAmount != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Sales Totals by Amount` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.salesTotalsByAmounts, \\.saleAmount) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = SalesTotalsByAmount.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"saleAmount\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.saleAmount != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Sales Totals by Amount] AS\n * SELECT [Order Subtotals].Subtotal AS SaleAmount,\n * Orders.OrderID,\n * Customers.CompanyName,\n * Orders.ShippedDate\n * FROM Customers\n * JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID\n * JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID\n * WHERE ([Order Subtotals].Subtotal >2500)\n * AND (Orders.ShippedDate BETWEEN DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31'))\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct SalesTotalsByAmount : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `SaleAmount` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var saleAmount : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var companyName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shippedDate : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - saleAmount: Column `SaleAmount` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - companyName: Column `CompanyName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - shippedDate: Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n saleAmount: String? = nil,\n orderID: Int? = nil,\n companyName: String? = nil,\n shippedDate: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.saleAmount = saleAmount\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.companyName = companyName\n self.shippedDate = shippedDate\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Summary of Sales by Quarter` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.summaryOfSalesByQuarters.filter(orderBy: \\.subtotal) {\n * $0.subtotal != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Summary of Sales by Quarter` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.summaryOfSalesByQuarters, \\.subtotal) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"subtotal\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.subtotal != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Summary of Sales by Quarter] AS\n * SELECT Orders.ShippedDate,\n * Orders.OrderID,\n * [Order Subtotals].Subtotal\n * FROM Orders\n * INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID\n * WHERE Orders.ShippedDate IS NOT NULL\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct SummaryOfSalesByQuarter : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shippedDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Subtotal` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var subtotal : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - shippedDate: Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - subtotal: Column `Subtotal` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(shippedDate: String? = nil, orderID: Int? = nil, subtotal: String? = nil)\n {\n self.shippedDate = shippedDate\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.subtotal = subtotal\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Summary of Sales by Year` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.summaryOfSalesByYears.filter(orderBy: \\.subtotal) {\n * $0.subtotal != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Summary of Sales by Year` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.summaryOfSalesByYears, \\.subtotal) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = SummaryOfSalesByYear.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"subtotal\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.subtotal != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Summary of Sales by Year] AS\n * SELECT Orders.ShippedDate,\n * Orders.OrderID,\n * [Order Subtotals].Subtotal\n * FROM Orders\n * INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID\n * WHERE Orders.ShippedDate IS NOT NULL\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct SummaryOfSalesByYear : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var shippedDate : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Subtotal` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var subtotal : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - shippedDate: Column `ShippedDate` (`DATETIME`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - subtotal: Column `Subtotal` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(shippedDate: String? = nil, orderID: Int? = nil, subtotal: String? = nil)\n {\n self.shippedDate = shippedDate\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.subtotal = subtotal\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Category Sales for 1997` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``CategorySalesFor1997`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.categorySalesFor1997s.filter(orderBy: \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Category Sales for 1997` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.categorySalesFor1997s, \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``CategorySalesFor1997`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = CategorySalesFor1997.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"categoryName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Category Sales for 1997] AS\n * SELECT [Product Sales for 1997].CategoryName,\n * Sum([Product Sales for 1997].ProductSales) AS CategorySales\n * FROM [Product Sales for 1997]\n * GROUP BY [Product Sales for 1997].CategoryName\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct CategorySalesFor1997 : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``CategorySalesFor1997`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategorySales` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categorySales : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``CategorySalesFor1997`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - categoryName: Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - categorySales: Column `CategorySales` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(categoryName: String? = nil, categorySales: String? = nil)\n {\n self.categoryName = categoryName\n self.categorySales = categorySales\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Order Details Extended` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``OrderDetailsExtended`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.orderDetailsExtendeds.filter(orderBy: \\.productName) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Order Details Extended` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.orderDetailsExtendeds, \\.productName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``OrderDetailsExtended`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = OrderDetailsExtended.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"productName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.productName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Order Details Extended] AS\n * SELECT [Order Details].OrderID,\n * [Order Details].ProductID,\n * Products.ProductName,\n * [Order Details].UnitPrice,\n * [Order Details].Quantity,\n * [Order Details].Discount,\n * ([Order Details].UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)\/100)*100 AS ExtendedPrice\n * FROM Products\n * JOIN [Order Details] ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct OrderDetailsExtended : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``OrderDetailsExtended`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var orderID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var unitPrice : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Quantity` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var quantity : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `Discount` (`REAL`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var discount : Double?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ExtendedPrice` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var extendedPrice : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``OrderDetailsExtended`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - orderID: Column `OrderID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productID: Column `ProductID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - unitPrice: Column `UnitPrice` (`NUMERIC`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - quantity: Column `Quantity` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - discount: Column `Discount` (`REAL`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - extendedPrice: Column `ExtendedPrice` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n orderID: Int? = nil,\n productID: Int? = nil,\n productName: String? = nil,\n unitPrice: String? = nil,\n quantity: Int? = nil,\n discount: Double? = nil,\n extendedPrice: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.orderID = orderID\n self.productID = productID\n self.productName = productName\n self.unitPrice = unitPrice\n self.quantity = quantity\n self.discount = discount\n self.extendedPrice = extendedPrice\n }\n }\n \n \/**\n * Record representing the `Sales by Category` SQL view.\n * \n * Record types represent rows within tables&views in a SQLite database.\n * They are returned by the functions or queries\/filters generated by\n * Enlighter.\n * \n * ### Examples\n * \n * Perform record operations on ``SalesByCategory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * let records = try await db.salesByCategories.filter(orderBy: \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform column selects on the `Sales by Category` table:\n * ```swift\n * let values = try await db.select(from: \\.salesByCategories, \\.categoryName) {\n * $0.in([ 2, 3 ])\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * Perform low level operations on ``SalesByCategory`` records:\n * ```swift\n * var db : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_open_v2(path, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)\n * \n * let records = SalesByCategory.fetch(in: db, orderBy: \"categoryName\", limit: 5) {\n * $0.categoryName != nil\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * ### SQL\n * \n * The SQL used to create the view associated with the record:\n * ```sql\n * CREATE VIEW [Sales by Category] AS\n * SELECT Categories.CategoryID,\n * Categories.CategoryName,\n * Products.ProductName,\n * Sum([Order Details Extended].ExtendedPrice) AS ProductSales\n * FROM Categories\n * JOIN Products\n * ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID\n * JOIN [Order Details Extended]\n * ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details Extended].ProductID\n * JOIN Orders\n * ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details Extended].OrderID\n * WHERE Orders.OrderDate BETWEEN DATETIME('1997-01-01') And DATETIME('1997-12-31')\n * GROUP BY Categories.CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName\n * ```\n *\/\n public struct SalesByCategory : SQLViewRecord, Codable {\n \n \/\/\/ Static SQL type information for the ``SalesByCategory`` record.\n public static let schema = Schema()\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryID : Int?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var categoryName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productName : String?\n \n \/\/\/ Column `ProductSales` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n public var productSales : String?\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a new ``SalesByCategory`` record.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - categoryID: Column `CategoryID` (`INTEGER`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - categoryName: Column `CategoryName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productName: Column `ProductName` (`TEXT`), optional (default: `nil`).\n * - productSales: Column `ProductSales` (`ANY`), optional (default: `nil`).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(\n categoryID: Int? = nil,\n categoryName: String? = nil,\n productName: String? = nil,\n productSales: String? = nil\n )\n {\n self.categoryID = categoryID\n self.categoryName = categoryName\n self.productName = productName\n self.productSales = productSales\n }\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Property based access to the ``RecordTypes-swift.struct``.\n public static let recordTypes = RecordTypes()\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n \/\/\/ All RecordTypes defined in the database.\n public static let _allRecordTypes : [ any SQLRecord.Type ] = [ Category.self, CustomerCustomerDemo.self, CustomerDemographic.self, Customer.self, Employee.self, EmployeeTerritory.self, OrderDetail.self, Order.self, Product.self, Region.self, Shipper.self, Supplier.self, Territory.self, AlphabeticalListOfProduct.self, CurrentProductList.self, CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.self, Invoice.self, OrdersQry.self, OrderSubtotal.self, ProductSalesFor1997.self, ProductsAboveAveragePrice.self, ProductsByCategory.self, QuarterlyOrder.self, SalesTotalsByAmount.self, SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.self, SummaryOfSalesByYear.self, CategorySalesFor1997.self, OrderDetailsExtended.self, SalesByCategory.self ]\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n \n \/\/\/ User version of the database (`PRAGMA user_version`).\n public static var userVersion = 0\n \n \/\/\/ Whether `INSERT … RETURNING` should be used (requires SQLite 3.35.0+).\n public static var useInsertReturning = sqlite3_libversion_number() >= 3035000\n \n public static func withOptCString<R>(\n _ s: String?,\n _ body: ( UnsafePointer<CChar>? ) throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if let s = s { return try s.withCString(body) }\n else { return try body(nil) }\n }\n \n public static func withOptBlob<R>(\n _ data: [ UInt8 ]?,\n _ body: ( UnsafeRawBufferPointer ) throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if let data = data { return try data.withUnsafeBytes(body) }\n else { return try body(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0)) }\n }\n \n \/\/\/ The `connectionHandler` is used to open SQLite database connections.\n public var connectionHandler : SQLConnectionHandler\n \n \/**\n * Initialize ``NorthwindLighter``, read-only, with a `URL`.\n * \n * Configures the database with a simple connection pool opening the\n * specified `URL` read-only.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let db = NorthwindLighter(url: ...)\n * \n * \/\/ Write operations will raise an error.\n * let readOnly = NorthwindLighter(\n * url: Bundle.module.url(forResource: \"samples\", withExtension: \"db\")\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - url: A `URL` pointing to the database to be used.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(url: URL)\n {\n self.connectionHandler = .simplePool(url: url, readOnly: true)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize ``NorthwindLighter``, read-only, with a `URL`.\n * \n * Configures the database with a simple connection pool opening the\n * specified `URL` read-only.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let db = NorthwindLighter(url: ...)\n * \n * \/\/ Write operations will raise an error.\n * let readOnly = NorthwindLighter(\n * url: Bundle.module.url(forResource: \"samples\", withExtension: \"db\")\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - url: A `URL` pointing to the database to be used.\n * - readOnly: For protocol conformance, only allowed value: `true`.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(url: URL, readOnly: Bool = true)\n {\n self.init(url: url)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize ``NorthwindLighter`` w\/ a `SQLConnectionHandler`.\n * \n * `SQLConnectionHandler`'s are used to open SQLite database connections when\n * queries are run using the `Lighter` APIs.\n * The `SQLConnectionHandler` is a protocol and custom handlers\n * can be provided.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let db = NorthwindLighter(connectionHandler: .simplePool(\n * url: Bundle.module.url(forResource: \"samples\", withExtension: \"db\"),\n * readOnly: true,\n * maxAge: 10,\n * maximumPoolSizePerConfiguration: 4\n * ))\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - connectionHandler: The `SQLConnectionHandler` to use w\/ the database.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public init(connectionHandler: SQLConnectionHandler)\n {\n self.connectionHandler = connectionHandler\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Category {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Category`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Category.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Categories\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Category.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Categories\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Category`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Category ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Category.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Category ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Category(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = CustomerCustomerDemo.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM CustomerCustomerDemo\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = CustomerCustomerDemo.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM CustomerCustomerDemo\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``CustomerDemographic`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = CustomerDemographic.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM CustomerDemographics\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = CustomerDemographic.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM CustomerDemographics\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``CustomerDemographic`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Customer {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Customer`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Customer.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Customers\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Customer.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Customers\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Customer`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Customer ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Customer.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Customer ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Customer(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Employee {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Employee`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Employee.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Employees\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Employee.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Employees\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Employee`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Employee ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Employee.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Employee ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Employee(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``EmployeeTerritory`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = EmployeeTerritory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM EmployeeTerritories\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = EmployeeTerritory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM EmployeeTerritories\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``EmployeeTerritory`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``OrderDetail`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = OrderDetail.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Order Details\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = OrderDetail.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Order Details\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``OrderDetail`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Order {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Order`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Order.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Orders\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Order.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Orders\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Order`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Order ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Order.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Order ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Order(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n \n \/**\n * Fetch a ``Order`` record the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * if let record = Order.find(10, in: db) {\n * print(\"Found record:\", record)\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Optional custom SQL yielding ``Order`` records, has one `?` parameter containing the ID.\n * - primaryKey: The primary key value to lookup (e.g. `10`)\n * - Returns: The record matching the query, or `nil` if it wasn't found or there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func find(\n _ primaryKey: Int,\n `in` db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil\n ) -> NorthwindLighter.Order?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Order.Schema.select\n if customSQL != nil {\n sql.append(#\" WHERE \"OrderID\" = ? LIMIT 1\"#)\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, Int64(primaryKey))\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n return nil\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n return NorthwindLighter.Order(statement, indices: indices)\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Product {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Product`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Product.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Products\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Product.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Products\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Product`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Product ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Product.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Product ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Product(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n \n \/**\n * Fetch a ``Product`` record the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * if let record = Product.find(10, in: db) {\n * print(\"Found record:\", record)\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Optional custom SQL yielding ``Product`` records, has one `?` parameter containing the ID.\n * - primaryKey: The primary key value to lookup (e.g. `10`)\n * - Returns: The record matching the query, or `nil` if it wasn't found or there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func find(\n _ primaryKey: Int,\n `in` db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil\n ) -> NorthwindLighter.Product?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Product.Schema.select\n if customSQL != nil {\n sql.append(#\" WHERE \"ProductID\" = ? LIMIT 1\"#)\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, Int64(primaryKey))\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n return nil\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n return NorthwindLighter.Product(statement, indices: indices)\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Region {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Region`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Region.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Regions\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Region.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Regions\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Region`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Region ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Region.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Region ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Region(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n \n \/**\n * Fetch a ``Region`` record the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * if let record = Region.find(10, in: db) {\n * print(\"Found record:\", record)\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Optional custom SQL yielding ``Region`` records, has one `?` parameter containing the ID.\n * - primaryKey: The primary key value to lookup (e.g. `10`)\n * - Returns: The record matching the query, or `nil` if it wasn't found or there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func find(\n _ primaryKey: Int,\n `in` db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil\n ) -> NorthwindLighter.Region?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Region.Schema.select\n if customSQL != nil {\n sql.append(#\" WHERE \"RegionID\" = ? LIMIT 1\"#)\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, Int64(primaryKey))\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n return nil\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n return NorthwindLighter.Region(statement, indices: indices)\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Shipper {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Shipper`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Shipper.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Shippers\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Shipper.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Shippers\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Shipper`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Shipper ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Shipper.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Shipper ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Shipper(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n \n \/**\n * Fetch a ``Shipper`` record the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * if let record = Shipper.find(10, in: db) {\n * print(\"Found record:\", record)\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Optional custom SQL yielding ``Shipper`` records, has one `?` parameter containing the ID.\n * - primaryKey: The primary key value to lookup (e.g. `10`)\n * - Returns: The record matching the query, or `nil` if it wasn't found or there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func find(\n _ primaryKey: Int,\n `in` db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil\n ) -> NorthwindLighter.Shipper?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Shipper.Schema.select\n if customSQL != nil {\n sql.append(#\" WHERE \"ShipperID\" = ? LIMIT 1\"#)\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, Int64(primaryKey))\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n return nil\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n return NorthwindLighter.Shipper(statement, indices: indices)\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Supplier {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Supplier`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Supplier.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Suppliers\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Supplier.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Suppliers\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Supplier`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Supplier ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Supplier.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Supplier ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Supplier(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n \n \/**\n * Fetch a ``Supplier`` record the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * if let record = Supplier.find(10, in: db) {\n * print(\"Found record:\", record)\n * }\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Optional custom SQL yielding ``Supplier`` records, has one `?` parameter containing the ID.\n * - primaryKey: The primary key value to lookup (e.g. `10`)\n * - Returns: The record matching the query, or `nil` if it wasn't found or there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func find(\n _ primaryKey: Int,\n `in` db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil\n ) -> NorthwindLighter.Supplier?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Supplier.Schema.select\n if customSQL != nil {\n sql.append(#\" WHERE \"SupplierID\" = ? LIMIT 1\"#)\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, Int64(primaryKey))\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n return nil\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n return NorthwindLighter.Supplier(statement, indices: indices)\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Territory {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Territory`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Territory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Territories\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Territory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Territories\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Territory`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Territory ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Territory.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Territory ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Territory(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = AlphabeticalListOfProduct.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Alphabetical list of products\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = AlphabeticalListOfProduct.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Alphabetical list of products\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``CurrentProductList`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = CurrentProductList.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Current Product List\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = CurrentProductList.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Current Product List\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``CurrentProductList`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Customer and Suppliers by City\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Customer and Suppliers by City\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Invoice {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``Invoice`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = Invoice.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Invoices\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = Invoice.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Invoices\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``Invoice`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.Invoice ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.Invoice.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.Invoice ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.Invoice(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``OrdersQry`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = OrdersQry.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Orders Qry\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = OrdersQry.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Orders Qry\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``OrdersQry`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``OrderSubtotal`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = OrderSubtotal.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Order Subtotals\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = OrderSubtotal.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Order Subtotals\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``OrderSubtotal`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997 {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``ProductSalesFor1997`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = ProductSalesFor1997.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Product Sales for 1997\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = ProductSalesFor1997.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Product Sales for 1997\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``ProductSalesFor1997`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997 ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997 ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = ProductsAboveAveragePrice.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Products Above Average Price\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = ProductsAboveAveragePrice.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Products Above Average Price\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``ProductsByCategory`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = ProductsByCategory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Products by Category\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = ProductsByCategory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Products by Category\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``ProductsByCategory`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``QuarterlyOrder`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = QuarterlyOrder.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Quarterly Orders\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = QuarterlyOrder.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Quarterly Orders\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``QuarterlyOrder`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = SalesTotalsByAmount.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Sales Totals by Amount\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = SalesTotalsByAmount.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Sales Totals by Amount\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Summary of Sales by Quarter\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Summary of Sales by Quarter\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = SummaryOfSalesByYear.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Summary of Sales by Year\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = SummaryOfSalesByYear.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Summary of Sales by Year\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997 {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``CategorySalesFor1997`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = CategorySalesFor1997.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Category Sales for 1997\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = CategorySalesFor1997.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Category Sales for 1997\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``CategorySalesFor1997`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997 ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997 ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``OrderDetailsExtended`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = OrderDetailsExtended.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Order Details Extended\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = OrderDetailsExtended.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Order Details Extended\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``OrderDetailsExtended`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(\n NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended(statement, indices: indices)\n )\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory {\n \n \/**\n * Fetch ``SalesByCategory`` records using the base SQLite API.\n * \n * If the function returns `nil`, the error can be found using the usual\n * `sqlite3_errcode` and companions.\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * let records = SalesByCategory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Sales by Category\"#\n * }\n * \n * let records = SalesByCategory.fetch(\n * from : db,\n * sql : #\"SELECT * FROM Sales by Category\"#,\n * orderBy : \"name\", limit: 5\n * )\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - db: The SQLite database handle (as returned by `sqlite3_open`)\n * - sql: Custom SQL yielding ``SalesByCategory`` records.\n * - orderBySQL: If set, some SQL that is added as an `ORDER BY` clause (e.g. `name DESC`).\n * - limit: An optional fetch limit.\n * - Returns: The records matching the query, or `nil` if there was an error.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n static func fetch(\n from db: OpaquePointer!,\n sql customSQL: String? = nil,\n orderBy orderBySQL: String? = nil,\n limit: Int? = nil\n ) -> [ NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory ]?\n {\n var sql = customSQL ?? NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory.Schema.select\n if let orderBySQL = orderBySQL {\n sql.append(\" ORDER BY \\(orderBySQL)\")\n }\n if let limit = limit {\n sql.append(\" LIMIT \\(limit)\")\n }\n var handle : OpaquePointer? = nil\n guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &handle, nil) == SQLITE_OK,\n let statement = handle else { return nil }\n defer { sqlite3_finalize(statement) }\n let indices = customSQL != nil ? Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement) : Schema.selectColumnIndices\n var records = [ NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory ]()\n while true {\n let rc = sqlite3_step(statement)\n if rc == SQLITE_DONE {\n break\n }\n else if rc != SQLITE_ROW {\n return nil\n }\n records.append(NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory(statement, indices: indices))\n }\n return records\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Category {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Category`` record (`Categories` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_categoryName: Int32, idx_description: Int32, idx_picture: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Category\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Category`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Categories\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Categories` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 4\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Category\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, Int?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Category.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Categories` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CategoryID\", \"CategoryName\", \"Description\", \"Picture\" FROM \"Categories\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CategoryID\", \"CategoryName\", \"Description\", \"Picture\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Categories_id FROM Categories`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Categories_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Description\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_description = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Picture\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_picture = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Category\/id`` (`CategoryID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, Int?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Category.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Category\/categoryName`` (`CategoryName` column).\n public let categoryName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Category.categoryName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Category\/description`` (`Description` column).\n public let description = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, String?>(\n externalName: \"Description\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Category.description\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Category\/picture`` (`Picture` column).\n public let picture = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, [ UInt8 ]?>(\n externalName: \"Picture\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Category.picture\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, categoryName, description, picture ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Category`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Categories\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Category(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : nil) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n categoryName: (indices.idx_categoryName >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categoryName.defaultValue,\n description: (indices.idx_description >= 0) && (indices.idx_description < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_description).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.description.defaultValue,\n picture: (indices.idx_picture >= 0) && (indices.idx_picture < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_blob(statement, indices.idx_picture).flatMap({ [ UInt8 ](UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: $0, count: Int(sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, indices.idx_picture)))) })) : Self.schema.picture.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Category`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Categories\" SET \"CategoryName\" = ?, \"Description\" = ?, \"Picture\" = ? WHERE \"CategoryID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Category(id: 1, categoryName: \"Hello\", description: \"World\", picture: nil)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 4, 1, 2, 3 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n if let id = id {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_id)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categoryName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categoryName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(description) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_description >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_description, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptBlob(picture) { ( rbp ) in\n if indices.idx_picture >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_blob(\n statement,\n indices.idx_picture,\n rbp.baseAddress,\n Int32(rbp.count),\n nil\n )\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` record (`CustomerCustomerDemo` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_customerID: Int32, idx_customerTypeID: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"CustomerCustomerDemo\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `CustomerCustomerDemo` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `CustomerCustomerDemo` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CustomerID\", \"CustomerTypeID\" FROM \"CustomerCustomerDemo\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CustomerID\", \"CustomerTypeID\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, CustomerCustomerDemo_id FROM CustomerCustomerDemo`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `CustomerCustomerDemo_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerTypeID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerTypeID = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerCustomerDemo\/customerID`` (`CustomerID` column).\n public let customerID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo, String, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo.customerID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Customer.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerCustomerDemo\/customerTypeID`` (`CustomerTypeID` column).\n public let customerTypeID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo, String, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic, String>>(\n externalName: \"CustomerTypeID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerCustomerDemo.customerTypeID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic.schema.id\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ customerID, customerTypeID ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM CustomerCustomerDemo\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = CustomerCustomerDemo(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n customerID: ((indices.idx_customerID >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.customerID.defaultValue,\n customerTypeID: ((indices.idx_customerTypeID >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerTypeID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerTypeID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.customerTypeID.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``CustomerCustomerDemo`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE CustomerCustomerDemo SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = CustomerCustomerDemo(customerID: \"Hello\", customerTypeID: \"World\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try customerID.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try customerTypeID.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerTypeID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerTypeID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``CustomerDemographic`` record (`CustomerDemographics` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_customerDesc: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``CustomerDemographic`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"CustomerDemographics\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `CustomerDemographics` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``CustomerDemographic\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic, String>(\n externalName: \"CustomerTypeID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `CustomerDemographics` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CustomerTypeID\", \"CustomerDesc\" FROM \"CustomerDemographics\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CustomerTypeID\", \"CustomerDesc\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, CustomerDemographics_id FROM CustomerDemographics`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `CustomerDemographics_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerTypeID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerDesc\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerDesc = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerDemographic\/id`` (`CustomerTypeID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic, String>(\n externalName: \"CustomerTypeID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerDemographic\/customerDesc`` (`CustomerDesc` column).\n public let customerDesc = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerDesc\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerDemographic.customerDesc\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, customerDesc ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``CustomerDemographic`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM CustomerDemographics\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = CustomerDemographic(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: ((indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_id).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n customerDesc: (indices.idx_customerDesc >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerDesc < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerDesc).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.customerDesc.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``CustomerDemographic`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"CustomerDemographics\" SET \"CustomerDesc\" = ? WHERE \"CustomerTypeID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = CustomerDemographic(id: \"Hello\", customerDesc: \"World\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 2, 1 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try id.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_id, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(customerDesc) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerDesc >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerDesc, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Customer {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Customer`` record (`Customers` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_contactName: Int32, idx_contactTitle: Int32, idx_address: Int32, idx_city: Int32, idx_region: Int32, idx_postalCode: Int32, idx_country: Int32, idx_phone: Int32, idx_fax: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Customer\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Customer`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Customers\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Customers` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 11\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Customer\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Customers` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CustomerID\", \"CompanyName\", \"ContactName\", \"ContactTitle\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"Phone\", \"Fax\" FROM \"Customers\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CustomerID\", \"CompanyName\", \"ContactName\", \"ContactTitle\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"Phone\", \"Fax\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Customers_id FROM Customers`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Customers_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ContactName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_contactName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ContactTitle\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_contactTitle = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Address\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_address = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Region\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_region = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"PostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_postalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Country\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_country = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Phone\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_phone = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Fax\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_fax = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/id`` (`CustomerID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/contactName`` (`ContactName` column).\n public let contactName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"ContactName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.contactName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/contactTitle`` (`ContactTitle` column).\n public let contactTitle = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"ContactTitle\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.contactTitle\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/address`` (`Address` column).\n public let address = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"Address\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.address\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/region`` (`Region` column).\n public let region = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"Region\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.region\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/postalCode`` (`PostalCode` column).\n public let postalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"PostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.postalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/country`` (`Country` column).\n public let country = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"Country\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.country\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/phone`` (`Phone` column).\n public let phone = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"Phone\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.phone\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Customer\/fax`` (`Fax` column).\n public let fax = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>(\n externalName: \"Fax\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Customer.fax\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, companyName, contactName, contactTitle, address, city, region, postalCode, country, phone, fax ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Customer`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Customers\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Customer(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_id).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n companyName: (indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n contactName: (indices.idx_contactName >= 0) && (indices.idx_contactName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_contactName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.contactName.defaultValue,\n contactTitle: (indices.idx_contactTitle >= 0) && (indices.idx_contactTitle < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_contactTitle).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.contactTitle.defaultValue,\n address: (indices.idx_address >= 0) && (indices.idx_address < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_address).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.address.defaultValue,\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n region: (indices.idx_region >= 0) && (indices.idx_region < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_region).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.region.defaultValue,\n postalCode: (indices.idx_postalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_postalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.postalCode.defaultValue,\n country: (indices.idx_country >= 0) && (indices.idx_country < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_country).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.country.defaultValue,\n phone: (indices.idx_phone >= 0) && (indices.idx_phone < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_phone).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.phone.defaultValue,\n fax: (indices.idx_fax >= 0) && (indices.idx_fax < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_fax).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.fax.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Customer`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Customers\" SET \"CompanyName\" = ?, \"ContactName\" = ?, \"ContactTitle\" = ?, \"Address\" = ?, \"City\" = ?, \"Region\" = ?, \"PostalCode\" = ?, \"Country\" = ?, \"Phone\" = ?, \"Fax\" = ? WHERE \"CustomerID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Customer(id: \"Hello\", companyName: \"World\", contactName: \"Duck\", contactTitle: \"Donald\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(id) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_id, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(companyName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(contactName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_contactName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_contactName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(contactTitle) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_contactTitle >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_contactTitle, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(address) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_address >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_address, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(region) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_region >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_region, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(postalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_postalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(country) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_country >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_country, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(phone) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_phone >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_phone, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(fax) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_fax >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_fax, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Employee {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Employee`` record (`Employees` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_lastName: Int32, idx_firstName: Int32, idx_title: Int32, idx_titleOfCourtesy: Int32, idx_birthDate: Int32, idx_hireDate: Int32, idx_address: Int32, idx_city: Int32, idx_region: Int32, idx_postalCode: Int32, idx_country: Int32, idx_homePhone: Int32, idx_extension: Int32, idx_photo: Int32, idx_notes: Int32, idx_reportsTo: Int32, idx_photoPath: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Employee\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Employee`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Employees\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Employees` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 18\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Employee\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, Int?>(\n externalName: \"EmployeeID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Employees` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"EmployeeID\", \"LastName\", \"FirstName\", \"Title\", \"TitleOfCourtesy\", \"BirthDate\", \"HireDate\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"HomePhone\", \"Extension\", \"Photo\", \"Notes\", \"ReportsTo\", \"PhotoPath\" FROM \"Employees\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"EmployeeID\", \"LastName\", \"FirstName\", \"Title\", \"TitleOfCourtesy\", \"BirthDate\", \"HireDate\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"HomePhone\", \"Extension\", \"Photo\", \"Notes\", \"ReportsTo\", \"PhotoPath\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Employees_id FROM Employees`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Employees_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"EmployeeID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"LastName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_lastName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"FirstName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_firstName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Title\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_title = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"TitleOfCourtesy\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_titleOfCourtesy = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"BirthDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_birthDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"HireDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_hireDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Address\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_address = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Region\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_region = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"PostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_postalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Country\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_country = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"HomePhone\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_homePhone = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Extension\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_extension = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Photo\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_photo = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Notes\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_notes = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ReportsTo\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_reportsTo = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"PhotoPath\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_photoPath = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/id`` (`EmployeeID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, Int?>(\n externalName: \"EmployeeID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/lastName`` (`LastName` column).\n public let lastName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"LastName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.lastName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/firstName`` (`FirstName` column).\n public let firstName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"FirstName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.firstName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/title`` (`Title` column).\n public let title = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"Title\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.title\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/titleOfCourtesy`` (`TitleOfCourtesy` column).\n public let titleOfCourtesy = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"TitleOfCourtesy\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.titleOfCourtesy\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/birthDate`` (`BirthDate` column).\n public let birthDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"BirthDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.birthDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/hireDate`` (`HireDate` column).\n public let hireDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"HireDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.hireDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/address`` (`Address` column).\n public let address = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"Address\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.address\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/region`` (`Region` column).\n public let region = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"Region\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.region\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/postalCode`` (`PostalCode` column).\n public let postalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"PostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.postalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/country`` (`Country` column).\n public let country = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"Country\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.country\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/homePhone`` (`HomePhone` column).\n public let homePhone = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"HomePhone\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.homePhone\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/extension`` (`Extension` column).\n public let `extension` = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"Extension\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.`extension`\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/photo`` (`Photo` column).\n public let photo = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, [ UInt8 ]?>(\n externalName: \"Photo\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.photo\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/notes`` (`Notes` column).\n public let notes = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"Notes\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.notes\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/reportsTo`` (`ReportsTo` column).\n public let reportsTo = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Employee, Int?, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, Int?>>(\n externalName: \"ReportsTo\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.reportsTo,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Employee.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Employee\/photoPath`` (`PhotoPath` column).\n public let photoPath = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, String?>(\n externalName: \"PhotoPath\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Employee.photoPath\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, lastName, firstName, title, titleOfCourtesy, birthDate, hireDate, address, city, region, postalCode, country, homePhone, `extension`, photo, notes, reportsTo, photoPath ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Employee`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Employees\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Employee(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : nil) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n lastName: (indices.idx_lastName >= 0) && (indices.idx_lastName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_lastName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.lastName.defaultValue,\n firstName: (indices.idx_firstName >= 0) && (indices.idx_firstName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_firstName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.firstName.defaultValue,\n title: (indices.idx_title >= 0) && (indices.idx_title < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_title).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.title.defaultValue,\n titleOfCourtesy: (indices.idx_titleOfCourtesy >= 0) && (indices.idx_titleOfCourtesy < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_titleOfCourtesy).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.titleOfCourtesy.defaultValue,\n birthDate: (indices.idx_birthDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_birthDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_birthDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.birthDate.defaultValue,\n hireDate: (indices.idx_hireDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_hireDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_hireDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.hireDate.defaultValue,\n address: (indices.idx_address >= 0) && (indices.idx_address < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_address).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.address.defaultValue,\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n region: (indices.idx_region >= 0) && (indices.idx_region < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_region).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.region.defaultValue,\n postalCode: (indices.idx_postalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_postalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.postalCode.defaultValue,\n country: (indices.idx_country >= 0) && (indices.idx_country < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_country).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.country.defaultValue,\n homePhone: (indices.idx_homePhone >= 0) && (indices.idx_homePhone < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_homePhone).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.homePhone.defaultValue,\n extension: (indices.idx_extension >= 0) && (indices.idx_extension < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_extension).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.`extension`.defaultValue,\n photo: (indices.idx_photo >= 0) && (indices.idx_photo < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_blob(statement, indices.idx_photo).flatMap({ [ UInt8 ](UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: $0, count: Int(sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, indices.idx_photo)))) })) : Self.schema.photo.defaultValue,\n notes: (indices.idx_notes >= 0) && (indices.idx_notes < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_notes).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.notes.defaultValue,\n reportsTo: (indices.idx_reportsTo >= 0) && (indices.idx_reportsTo < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_reportsTo) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_reportsTo)) : nil) : Self.schema.reportsTo.defaultValue,\n photoPath: (indices.idx_photoPath >= 0) && (indices.idx_photoPath < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_photoPath).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.photoPath.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Employee`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Employees\" SET \"LastName\" = ?, \"FirstName\" = ?, \"Title\" = ?, \"TitleOfCourtesy\" = ?, \"BirthDate\" = ?, \"HireDate\" = ?, \"Address\" = ?, \"City\" = ?, \"Region\" = ?, \"PostalCode\" = ?, \"Country\" = ?, \"HomePhone\" = ?, \"Extension\" = ?, \"Photo\" = ?, \"Notes\" = ?, \"ReportsTo\" = ?, \"PhotoPath\" = ? WHERE \"EmployeeID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Employee(id: 1, lastName: \"Hello\", firstName: \"World\", title: \"Duck\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 18, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n if let id = id {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_id)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(lastName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_lastName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_lastName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(firstName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_firstName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_firstName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(title) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_title >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_title, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(titleOfCourtesy) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_titleOfCourtesy >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_titleOfCourtesy, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(birthDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_birthDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_birthDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(hireDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_hireDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_hireDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(address) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_address >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_address, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(region) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_region >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_region, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(postalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_postalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(country) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_country >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_country, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(homePhone) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_homePhone >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_homePhone, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(`extension`) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_extension >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_extension, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptBlob(photo) { ( rbp ) in\n if indices.idx_photo >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_blob(statement, indices.idx_photo, rbp.baseAddress, Int32(rbp.count), nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(notes) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_notes >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_notes, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_reportsTo >= 0 {\n if let reportsTo = reportsTo {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_reportsTo, Int64(reportsTo))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_reportsTo)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(photoPath) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_photoPath >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_photoPath, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``EmployeeTerritory`` record (`EmployeeTerritories` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_employeeID: Int32, idx_territoryID: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``EmployeeTerritory`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"EmployeeTerritories\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `EmployeeTerritories` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `EmployeeTerritories` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"EmployeeID\", \"TerritoryID\" FROM \"EmployeeTerritories\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"EmployeeID\", \"TerritoryID\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, EmployeeTerritories_id FROM EmployeeTerritories`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `EmployeeTerritories_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"EmployeeID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_employeeID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"TerritoryID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_territoryID = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``EmployeeTerritory\/employeeID`` (`EmployeeID` column).\n public let employeeID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory, Int, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, Int?>>(\n externalName: \"EmployeeID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory.employeeID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Employee.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``EmployeeTerritory\/territoryID`` (`TerritoryID` column).\n public let territoryID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory, String, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Territory, String>>(\n externalName: \"TerritoryID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.EmployeeTerritory.territoryID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Territory.schema.id\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ employeeID, territoryID ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``EmployeeTerritory`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM EmployeeTerritories\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = EmployeeTerritory(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n employeeID: (indices.idx_employeeID >= 0) && (indices.idx_employeeID < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_employeeID) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_employeeID)) : Self.schema.employeeID.defaultValue,\n territoryID: ((indices.idx_territoryID >= 0) && (indices.idx_territoryID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_territoryID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.territoryID.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``EmployeeTerritory`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE EmployeeTerritories SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = EmployeeTerritory(employeeID: 1, territoryID: \"Hello\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_employeeID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_employeeID, Int64(employeeID))\n }\n return try territoryID.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_territoryID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_territoryID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``OrderDetail`` record (`Order Details` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_orderID: Int32, idx_productID: Int32, idx_unitPrice: Int32, idx_quantity: Int32, idx_discount: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``OrderDetail`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Order Details\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Order Details` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 5\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Order Details` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"OrderID\", \"ProductID\", \"UnitPrice\", \"Quantity\", \"Discount\" FROM \"Order Details\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"OrderID\", \"ProductID\", \"UnitPrice\", \"Quantity\", \"Discount\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Order Details_id FROM Order Details`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Order Details_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitPrice = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Quantity\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_quantity = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Discount\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_discount = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetail\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail, Int, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, Int>>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail.orderID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Order.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetail\/productID`` (`ProductID` column).\n public let productID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail, Int>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail.productID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetail\/unitPrice`` (`UnitPrice` column).\n public let unitPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail, String>(\n externalName: \"UnitPrice\",\n defaultValue: \"0\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail.unitPrice\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetail\/quantity`` (`Quantity` column).\n public let quantity = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail, Int>(\n externalName: \"Quantity\",\n defaultValue: 1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail.quantity\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetail\/discount`` (`Discount` column).\n public let discount = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail, Double>(\n externalName: \"Discount\",\n defaultValue: 0.0,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetail.discount\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ orderID, productID, unitPrice, quantity, discount ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``OrderDetail`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Order Details\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = OrderDetail(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n productID: (indices.idx_productID >= 0) && (indices.idx_productID < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_productID) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID)) : Self.schema.productID.defaultValue,\n unitPrice: ((indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.unitPrice.defaultValue,\n quantity: (indices.idx_quantity >= 0) && (indices.idx_quantity < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_quantity) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_quantity)) : Self.schema.quantity.defaultValue,\n discount: (indices.idx_discount >= 0) && (indices.idx_discount < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_discount) != SQLITE_NULL) ? sqlite3_column_double(statement, indices.idx_discount) : Self.schema.discount.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``OrderDetail`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Order Details\" SET \"UnitPrice\" = ?, \"Quantity\" = ?, \"Discount\" = ? WHERE \"OrderID\" = ? AND \"ProductID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = OrderDetail(orderID: 1, productID: 2, unitPrice: \"Hello\", quantity: 3, discount: 4)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n if indices.idx_productID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID, Int64(productID))\n }\n return try unitPrice.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_quantity >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_quantity, Int64(quantity))\n }\n if indices.idx_discount >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_double(statement, indices.idx_discount, discount)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Order {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Order`` record (`Orders` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_customerID: Int32, idx_employeeID: Int32, idx_orderDate: Int32, idx_requiredDate: Int32, idx_shippedDate: Int32, idx_shipVia: Int32, idx_freight: Int32, idx_shipName: Int32, idx_shipAddress: Int32, idx_shipCity: Int32, idx_shipRegion: Int32, idx_shipPostalCode: Int32, idx_shipCountry: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Order\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Order`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Orders\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Orders` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 14\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Order\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, Int>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Orders` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"OrderID\", \"CustomerID\", \"EmployeeID\", \"OrderDate\", \"RequiredDate\", \"ShippedDate\", \"ShipVia\", \"Freight\", \"ShipName\", \"ShipAddress\", \"ShipCity\", \"ShipRegion\", \"ShipPostalCode\", \"ShipCountry\" FROM \"Orders\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"OrderID\", \"CustomerID\", \"EmployeeID\", \"OrderDate\", \"RequiredDate\", \"ShippedDate\", \"ShipVia\", \"Freight\", \"ShipName\", \"ShipAddress\", \"ShipCity\", \"ShipRegion\", \"ShipPostalCode\", \"ShipCountry\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Orders_id FROM Orders`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Orders_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"EmployeeID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_employeeID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"RequiredDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_requiredDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShippedDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shippedDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipVia\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipVia = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Freight\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_freight = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipAddress\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipAddress = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipCity\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipCity = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipRegion\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipRegion = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipPostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipPostalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipCountry\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipCountry = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/id`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, Int>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/customerID`` (`CustomerID` column).\n public let customerID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Customer, String?>>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.customerID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Customer.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/employeeID`` (`EmployeeID` column).\n public let employeeID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Order, Int?, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Employee, Int?>>(\n externalName: \"EmployeeID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.employeeID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Employee.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/orderDate`` (`OrderDate` column).\n public let orderDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"OrderDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.orderDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/requiredDate`` (`RequiredDate` column).\n public let requiredDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"RequiredDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.requiredDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shippedDate`` (`ShippedDate` column).\n public let shippedDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShippedDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shippedDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipVia`` (`ShipVia` column).\n public let shipVia = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Order, Int?, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Shipper, Int>>(\n externalName: \"ShipVia\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipVia,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Shipper.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/freight`` (`Freight` column).\n public let freight = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"Freight\",\n defaultValue: \"0\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.freight\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipName`` (`ShipName` column).\n public let shipName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipAddress`` (`ShipAddress` column).\n public let shipAddress = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipAddress\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipAddress\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipCity`` (`ShipCity` column).\n public let shipCity = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipCity\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipCity\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipRegion`` (`ShipRegion` column).\n public let shipRegion = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipRegion\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipRegion\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipPostalCode`` (`ShipPostalCode` column).\n public let shipPostalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipPostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipPostalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Order\/shipCountry`` (`ShipCountry` column).\n public let shipCountry = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Order, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipCountry\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Order.shipCountry\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, customerID, employeeID, orderDate, requiredDate, shippedDate, shipVia, freight, shipName, shipAddress, shipCity, shipRegion, shipPostalCode, shipCountry ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Order`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Orders\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Order(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n customerID: (indices.idx_customerID >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.customerID.defaultValue,\n employeeID: (indices.idx_employeeID >= 0) && (indices.idx_employeeID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_employeeID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_employeeID)) : nil) : Self.schema.employeeID.defaultValue,\n orderDate: (indices.idx_orderDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_orderDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.orderDate.defaultValue,\n requiredDate: (indices.idx_requiredDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_requiredDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_requiredDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.requiredDate.defaultValue,\n shippedDate: (indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_shippedDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shippedDate.defaultValue,\n shipVia: (indices.idx_shipVia >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipVia < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_shipVia) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_shipVia)) : nil) : Self.schema.shipVia.defaultValue,\n freight: (indices.idx_freight >= 0) && (indices.idx_freight < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_freight).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.freight.defaultValue,\n shipName: (indices.idx_shipName >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipName.defaultValue,\n shipAddress: (indices.idx_shipAddress >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipAddress < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipAddress).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipAddress.defaultValue,\n shipCity: (indices.idx_shipCity >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipCity < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCity).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipCity.defaultValue,\n shipRegion: (indices.idx_shipRegion >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipRegion < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipRegion).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipRegion.defaultValue,\n shipPostalCode: (indices.idx_shipPostalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipPostalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipPostalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipPostalCode.defaultValue,\n shipCountry: (indices.idx_shipCountry >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipCountry < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCountry).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipCountry.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Order`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Orders\" SET \"CustomerID\" = ?, \"EmployeeID\" = ?, \"OrderDate\" = ?, \"RequiredDate\" = ?, \"ShippedDate\" = ?, \"ShipVia\" = ?, \"Freight\" = ?, \"ShipName\" = ?, \"ShipAddress\" = ?, \"ShipCity\" = ?, \"ShipRegion\" = ?, \"ShipPostalCode\" = ?, \"ShipCountry\" = ? WHERE \"OrderID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Order(id: 1, customerID: \"Hello\", employeeID: 2, orderDate: nil, requiredDate: nil)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 14, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(customerID) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_employeeID >= 0 {\n if let employeeID = employeeID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_employeeID, Int64(employeeID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_employeeID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(orderDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_orderDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_orderDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(requiredDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_requiredDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_requiredDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shippedDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_shipVia >= 0 {\n if let shipVia = shipVia {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_shipVia, Int64(shipVia))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_shipVia)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(freight) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_freight >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_freight, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipAddress) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipAddress >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipAddress, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipCity) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipCity >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCity, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipRegion) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipRegion >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipRegion, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipPostalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipPostalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipPostalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipCountry) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipCountry >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCountry, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Product {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Product`` record (`Products` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_supplierID: Int32, idx_categoryID: Int32, idx_quantityPerUnit: Int32, idx_unitPrice: Int32, idx_unitsInStock: Int32, idx_unitsOnOrder: Int32, idx_reorderLevel: Int32, idx_discontinued: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Product\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Product`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Products\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Products` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 10\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Product\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, Int?>>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.id,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Category.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Products` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"SupplierID\", \"CategoryID\", \"QuantityPerUnit\", \"UnitPrice\", \"UnitsInStock\", \"UnitsOnOrder\", \"ReorderLevel\", \"Discontinued\" FROM \"Products\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"SupplierID\", \"CategoryID\", \"QuantityPerUnit\", \"UnitPrice\", \"UnitsInStock\", \"UnitsOnOrder\", \"ReorderLevel\", \"Discontinued\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Products_id FROM Products`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Products_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ProductID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"SupplierID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_supplierID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"QuantityPerUnit\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_quantityPerUnit = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitPrice = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitsInStock\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitsInStock = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitsOnOrder\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitsOnOrder = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ReorderLevel\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_reorderLevel = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Discontinued\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_discontinued = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/id`` (`ProductID` column).\n public let id = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Category, Int?>>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.id,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Category.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, String>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/supplierID`` (`SupplierID` column).\n public let supplierID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int?, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, Int>>(\n externalName: \"SupplierID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.supplierID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Supplier.schema.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/categoryID`` (`CategoryID` column).\n public let categoryID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.categoryID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/quantityPerUnit`` (`QuantityPerUnit` column).\n public let quantityPerUnit = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, String?>(\n externalName: \"QuantityPerUnit\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.quantityPerUnit\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/unitPrice`` (`UnitPrice` column).\n public let unitPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, String?>(\n externalName: \"UnitPrice\",\n defaultValue: \"0\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.unitPrice\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/unitsInStock`` (`UnitsInStock` column).\n public let unitsInStock = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int?>(\n externalName: \"UnitsInStock\",\n defaultValue: 0,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.unitsInStock\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/unitsOnOrder`` (`UnitsOnOrder` column).\n public let unitsOnOrder = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int?>(\n externalName: \"UnitsOnOrder\",\n defaultValue: 0,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.unitsOnOrder\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/reorderLevel`` (`ReorderLevel` column).\n public let reorderLevel = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ReorderLevel\",\n defaultValue: 0,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.reorderLevel\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Product\/discontinued`` (`Discontinued` column).\n public let discontinued = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Product, String>(\n externalName: \"Discontinued\",\n defaultValue: \"'0'\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Product.discontinued\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, productName, supplierID, categoryID, quantityPerUnit, unitPrice, unitsInStock, unitsOnOrder, reorderLevel, discontinued ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Product`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Products\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Product(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n productName: ((indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n supplierID: (indices.idx_supplierID >= 0) && (indices.idx_supplierID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_supplierID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_supplierID)) : nil) : Self.schema.supplierID.defaultValue,\n categoryID: (indices.idx_categoryID >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_categoryID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_categoryID)) : nil) : Self.schema.categoryID.defaultValue,\n quantityPerUnit: (indices.idx_quantityPerUnit >= 0) && (indices.idx_quantityPerUnit < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_quantityPerUnit).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.quantityPerUnit.defaultValue,\n unitPrice: (indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.unitPrice.defaultValue,\n unitsInStock: (indices.idx_unitsInStock >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitsInStock < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock)) : nil) : Self.schema.unitsInStock.defaultValue,\n unitsOnOrder: (indices.idx_unitsOnOrder >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitsOnOrder < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder)) : nil) : Self.schema.unitsOnOrder.defaultValue,\n reorderLevel: (indices.idx_reorderLevel >= 0) && (indices.idx_reorderLevel < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel)) : nil) : Self.schema.reorderLevel.defaultValue,\n discontinued: ((indices.idx_discontinued >= 0) && (indices.idx_discontinued < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_discontinued).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.discontinued.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Product`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Products\" SET \"ProductName\" = ?, \"SupplierID\" = ?, \"CategoryID\" = ?, \"QuantityPerUnit\" = ?, \"UnitPrice\" = ?, \"UnitsInStock\" = ?, \"UnitsOnOrder\" = ?, \"ReorderLevel\" = ?, \"Discontinued\" = ? WHERE \"ProductID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Product(id: 1, productName: \"Hello\", supplierID: 2, categoryID: 3, quantityPerUnit: \"World\", unitPrice: \"Duck\", discontinued: \"Donald\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n return try productName.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_supplierID >= 0 {\n if let supplierID = supplierID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_supplierID, Int64(supplierID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_supplierID)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_categoryID >= 0 {\n if let categoryID = categoryID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_categoryID, Int64(categoryID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_categoryID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(quantityPerUnit) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_quantityPerUnit >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_quantityPerUnit, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(unitPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_unitsInStock >= 0 {\n if let unitsInStock = unitsInStock {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock, Int64(unitsInStock))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_unitsOnOrder >= 0 {\n if let unitsOnOrder = unitsOnOrder {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder, Int64(unitsOnOrder))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_reorderLevel >= 0 {\n if let reorderLevel = reorderLevel {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel, Int64(reorderLevel))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel)\n }\n }\n return try discontinued.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_discontinued >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_discontinued, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Region {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Region`` record (`Regions` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_regionDescription: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Region\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Region`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Regions\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Regions` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Region\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Region, Int>(\n externalName: \"RegionID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Region.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Regions` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"RegionID\", \"RegionDescription\" FROM \"Regions\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"RegionID\", \"RegionDescription\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Regions_id FROM Regions`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Regions_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"RegionID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"RegionDescription\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_regionDescription = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Region\/id`` (`RegionID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Region, Int>(\n externalName: \"RegionID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Region.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Region\/regionDescription`` (`RegionDescription` column).\n public let regionDescription = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Region, String>(\n externalName: \"RegionDescription\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Region.regionDescription\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, regionDescription ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Region`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Regions\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Region(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n regionDescription: ((indices.idx_regionDescription >= 0) && (indices.idx_regionDescription < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_regionDescription).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.regionDescription.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Region`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Regions\" SET \"RegionDescription\" = ? WHERE \"RegionID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Region(id: 1, regionDescription: \"Hello\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 2, 1 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n return try regionDescription.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_regionDescription >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_regionDescription, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Shipper {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Shipper`` record (`Shippers` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_phone: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Shipper\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Shipper`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Shippers\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Shippers` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 3\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Shipper\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Shipper, Int>(\n externalName: \"ShipperID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Shipper.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Shippers` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ShipperID\", \"CompanyName\", \"Phone\" FROM \"Shippers\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ShipperID\", \"CompanyName\", \"Phone\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Shippers_id FROM Shippers`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Shippers_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ShipperID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Phone\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_phone = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Shipper\/id`` (`ShipperID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Shipper, Int>(\n externalName: \"ShipperID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Shipper.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Shipper\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Shipper, String>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Shipper.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Shipper\/phone`` (`Phone` column).\n public let phone = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Shipper, String?>(\n externalName: \"Phone\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Shipper.phone\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, companyName, phone ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Shipper`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Shippers\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Shipper(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n companyName: ((indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n phone: (indices.idx_phone >= 0) && (indices.idx_phone < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_phone).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.phone.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Shipper`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Shippers\" SET \"CompanyName\" = ?, \"Phone\" = ? WHERE \"ShipperID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Shipper(id: 1, companyName: \"Hello\", phone: \"World\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 3, 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n return try companyName.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(phone) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_phone >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_phone, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Supplier {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Supplier`` record (`Suppliers` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_contactName: Int32, idx_contactTitle: Int32, idx_address: Int32, idx_city: Int32, idx_region: Int32, idx_postalCode: Int32, idx_country: Int32, idx_phone: Int32, idx_fax: Int32, idx_homePage: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Supplier\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Supplier`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Suppliers\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Suppliers` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 12\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Supplier\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, Int>(\n externalName: \"SupplierID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Suppliers` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"SupplierID\", \"CompanyName\", \"ContactName\", \"ContactTitle\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"Phone\", \"Fax\", \"HomePage\" FROM \"Suppliers\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"SupplierID\", \"CompanyName\", \"ContactName\", \"ContactTitle\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"Phone\", \"Fax\", \"HomePage\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Suppliers_id FROM Suppliers`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Suppliers_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"SupplierID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ContactName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_contactName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ContactTitle\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_contactTitle = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Address\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_address = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Region\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_region = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"PostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_postalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Country\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_country = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Phone\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_phone = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Fax\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_fax = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"HomePage\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_homePage = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/id`` (`SupplierID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, Int>(\n externalName: \"SupplierID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/contactName`` (`ContactName` column).\n public let contactName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"ContactName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.contactName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/contactTitle`` (`ContactTitle` column).\n public let contactTitle = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"ContactTitle\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.contactTitle\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/address`` (`Address` column).\n public let address = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"Address\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.address\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/region`` (`Region` column).\n public let region = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"Region\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.region\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/postalCode`` (`PostalCode` column).\n public let postalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"PostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.postalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/country`` (`Country` column).\n public let country = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"Country\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.country\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/phone`` (`Phone` column).\n public let phone = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"Phone\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.phone\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/fax`` (`Fax` column).\n public let fax = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"Fax\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.fax\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Supplier\/homePage`` (`HomePage` column).\n public let homePage = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Supplier, String?>(\n externalName: \"HomePage\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Supplier.homePage\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, companyName, contactName, contactTitle, address, city, region, postalCode, country, phone, fax, homePage ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Supplier`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Suppliers\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Supplier(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: (indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_id) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_id)) : Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n companyName: ((indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n contactName: (indices.idx_contactName >= 0) && (indices.idx_contactName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_contactName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.contactName.defaultValue,\n contactTitle: (indices.idx_contactTitle >= 0) && (indices.idx_contactTitle < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_contactTitle).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.contactTitle.defaultValue,\n address: (indices.idx_address >= 0) && (indices.idx_address < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_address).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.address.defaultValue,\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n region: (indices.idx_region >= 0) && (indices.idx_region < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_region).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.region.defaultValue,\n postalCode: (indices.idx_postalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_postalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.postalCode.defaultValue,\n country: (indices.idx_country >= 0) && (indices.idx_country < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_country).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.country.defaultValue,\n phone: (indices.idx_phone >= 0) && (indices.idx_phone < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_phone).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.phone.defaultValue,\n fax: (indices.idx_fax >= 0) && (indices.idx_fax < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_fax).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.fax.defaultValue,\n homePage: (indices.idx_homePage >= 0) && (indices.idx_homePage < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_homePage).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.homePage.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Supplier`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Suppliers\" SET \"CompanyName\" = ?, \"ContactName\" = ?, \"ContactTitle\" = ?, \"Address\" = ?, \"City\" = ?, \"Region\" = ?, \"PostalCode\" = ?, \"Country\" = ?, \"Phone\" = ?, \"Fax\" = ?, \"HomePage\" = ? WHERE \"SupplierID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Supplier(id: 1, companyName: \"Hello\", contactName: \"World\", contactTitle: \"Duck\", address: \"Donald\", city: \"Mickey\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_id, Int64(id))\n }\n return try companyName.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(contactName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_contactName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_contactName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(contactTitle) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_contactTitle >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_contactTitle, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(address) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_address >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_address, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(region) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_region >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_region, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(postalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_postalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(country) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_country >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_country, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(phone) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_phone >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_phone, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(fax) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_fax >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_fax, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(homePage) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_homePage >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_homePage, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Territory {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Territory`` record (`Territories` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLKeyedTableSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_id: Int32, idx_territoryDescription: Int32, idx_regionID: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Territory\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Territory`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Territories\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Territories` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 3\n \n \/\/\/ Information on the records primary key (``Territory\/id``).\n public static let primaryKeyColumn = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Territory, String>(\n externalName: \"TerritoryID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Territory.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Territories` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"TerritoryID\", \"TerritoryDescription\", \"RegionID\" FROM \"Territories\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"TerritoryID\", \"TerritoryDescription\", \"RegionID\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let update = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let updateParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insert = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertReturning = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let insertParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let delete = \"\"\n \n \/\/\/ *Note*: Readonly database, do not use.\n public static let deleteParameterIndices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Territories_id FROM Territories`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Territories_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"TerritoryID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_id = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"TerritoryDescription\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_territoryDescription = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"RegionID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_regionID = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Territory\/id`` (`TerritoryID` column).\n public let id = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Territory, String>(\n externalName: \"TerritoryID\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Territory.id\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Territory\/territoryDescription`` (`TerritoryDescription` column).\n public let territoryDescription = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Territory, String>(\n externalName: \"TerritoryDescription\",\n defaultValue: \"\",\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Territory.territoryDescription\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Territory\/regionID`` (`RegionID` column).\n public let regionID = MappedForeignKey<NorthwindLighter.Territory, Int, MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Region, Int>>(\n externalName: \"RegionID\",\n defaultValue: -1,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Territory.regionID,\n destinationColumn: NorthwindLighter.Region.schema.id\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ id, territoryDescription, regionID ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Territory`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Territories\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Territory(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n id: ((indices.idx_id >= 0) && (indices.idx_id < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_id).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.id.defaultValue,\n territoryDescription: ((indices.idx_territoryDescription >= 0) && (indices.idx_territoryDescription < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_territoryDescription).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : nil) ?? Self.schema.territoryDescription.defaultValue,\n regionID: (indices.idx_regionID >= 0) && (indices.idx_regionID < argc) && (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_regionID) != SQLITE_NULL) ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_regionID)) : Self.schema.regionID.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Territory`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE \"Territories\" SET \"TerritoryDescription\" = ?, \"RegionID\" = ? WHERE \"TerritoryID\" = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Territory(id: \"Hello\", territoryDescription: \"World\", regionID: 1)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 3, 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try id.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_id >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_id, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try territoryDescription.withCString() { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_territoryDescription >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_territoryDescription, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_regionID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_regionID, Int64(regionID))\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` record (`Alphabetical list of products` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_productID: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_supplierID: Int32, idx_categoryID: Int32, idx_quantityPerUnit: Int32, idx_unitPrice: Int32, idx_unitsInStock: Int32, idx_unitsOnOrder: Int32, idx_reorderLevel: Int32, idx_discontinued: Int32, idx_categoryName: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Alphabetical list of products\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Alphabetical list of products` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 11\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Alphabetical list of products` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"SupplierID\", \"CategoryID\", \"QuantityPerUnit\", \"UnitPrice\", \"UnitsInStock\", \"UnitsOnOrder\", \"ReorderLevel\", \"Discontinued\", \"CategoryName\" FROM \"Alphabetical list of products\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"SupplierID\", \"CategoryID\", \"QuantityPerUnit\", \"UnitPrice\", \"UnitsInStock\", \"UnitsOnOrder\", \"ReorderLevel\", \"Discontinued\", \"CategoryName\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Alphabetical list of products_id FROM Alphabetical list of products`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Alphabetical list of products_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ProductID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"SupplierID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_supplierID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"QuantityPerUnit\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_quantityPerUnit = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitPrice = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitsInStock\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitsInStock = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitsOnOrder\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitsOnOrder = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ReorderLevel\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_reorderLevel = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Discontinued\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_discontinued = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryName = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/productID`` (`ProductID` column).\n public let productID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.productID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/supplierID`` (`SupplierID` column).\n public let supplierID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, Int?>(\n externalName: \"SupplierID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.supplierID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/categoryID`` (`CategoryID` column).\n public let categoryID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, Int?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.categoryID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/quantityPerUnit`` (`QuantityPerUnit` column).\n public let quantityPerUnit = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, String?>(\n externalName: \"QuantityPerUnit\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.quantityPerUnit\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/unitPrice`` (`UnitPrice` column).\n public let unitPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, String?>(\n externalName: \"UnitPrice\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.unitPrice\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/unitsInStock`` (`UnitsInStock` column).\n public let unitsInStock = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, Int?>(\n externalName: \"UnitsInStock\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.unitsInStock\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/unitsOnOrder`` (`UnitsOnOrder` column).\n public let unitsOnOrder = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, Int?>(\n externalName: \"UnitsOnOrder\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.unitsOnOrder\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/reorderLevel`` (`ReorderLevel` column).\n public let reorderLevel = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ReorderLevel\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.reorderLevel\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/discontinued`` (`Discontinued` column).\n public let discontinued = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, String?>(\n externalName: \"Discontinued\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.discontinued\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct\/categoryName`` (`CategoryName` column).\n public let categoryName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.AlphabeticalListOfProduct.categoryName\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ productID, productName, supplierID, categoryID, quantityPerUnit, unitPrice, unitsInStock, unitsOnOrder, reorderLevel, discontinued, categoryName ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Alphabetical list of products\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = AlphabeticalListOfProduct(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n productID: (indices.idx_productID >= 0) && (indices.idx_productID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_productID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID)) : nil) : Self.schema.productID.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n supplierID: (indices.idx_supplierID >= 0) && (indices.idx_supplierID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_supplierID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_supplierID)) : nil) : Self.schema.supplierID.defaultValue,\n categoryID: (indices.idx_categoryID >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_categoryID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_categoryID)) : nil) : Self.schema.categoryID.defaultValue,\n quantityPerUnit: (indices.idx_quantityPerUnit >= 0) && (indices.idx_quantityPerUnit < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_quantityPerUnit).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.quantityPerUnit.defaultValue,\n unitPrice: (indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.unitPrice.defaultValue,\n unitsInStock: (indices.idx_unitsInStock >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitsInStock < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock)) : nil) : Self.schema.unitsInStock.defaultValue,\n unitsOnOrder: (indices.idx_unitsOnOrder >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitsOnOrder < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder)) : nil) : Self.schema.unitsOnOrder.defaultValue,\n reorderLevel: (indices.idx_reorderLevel >= 0) && (indices.idx_reorderLevel < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel)) : nil) : Self.schema.reorderLevel.defaultValue,\n discontinued: (indices.idx_discontinued >= 0) && (indices.idx_discontinued < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_discontinued).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.discontinued.defaultValue,\n categoryName: (indices.idx_categoryName >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categoryName.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``AlphabeticalListOfProduct`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Alphabetical list of products SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = AlphabeticalListOfProduct(productID: 1, productName: \"Hello\", supplierID: 2, categoryID: 3)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_productID >= 0 {\n if let productID = productID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID, Int64(productID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_productID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_supplierID >= 0 {\n if let supplierID = supplierID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_supplierID, Int64(supplierID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_supplierID)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_categoryID >= 0 {\n if let categoryID = categoryID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_categoryID, Int64(categoryID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_categoryID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(quantityPerUnit) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_quantityPerUnit >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_quantityPerUnit, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(unitPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_unitsInStock >= 0 {\n if let unitsInStock = unitsInStock {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock, Int64(unitsInStock))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_unitsOnOrder >= 0 {\n if let unitsOnOrder = unitsOnOrder {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder, Int64(unitsOnOrder))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_unitsOnOrder)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_reorderLevel >= 0 {\n if let reorderLevel = reorderLevel {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel, Int64(reorderLevel))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_reorderLevel)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(discontinued) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_discontinued >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_discontinued, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categoryName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categoryName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``CurrentProductList`` record (`Current Product List` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_productID: Int32, idx_productName: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``CurrentProductList`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Current Product List\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Current Product List` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Current Product List` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\" FROM \"Current Product List\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ProductID\", \"ProductName\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Current Product List_id FROM Current Product List`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Current Product List_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ProductID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CurrentProductList\/productID`` (`ProductID` column).\n public let productID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList.productID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CurrentProductList\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CurrentProductList.productName\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ productID, productName ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``CurrentProductList`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Current Product List\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = CurrentProductList(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n productID: (indices.idx_productID >= 0) && (indices.idx_productID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_productID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID)) : nil) : Self.schema.productID.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``CurrentProductList`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Current Product List SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = CurrentProductList(productID: 1, productName: \"Hello\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_productID >= 0 {\n if let productID = productID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID, Int64(productID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_productID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` record (`Customer and Suppliers by City` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_city: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_contactName: Int32, idx_relationship: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Customer and Suppliers by City\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Customer and Suppliers by City` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 4\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Customer and Suppliers by City` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"City\", \"CompanyName\", \"ContactName\", \"Relationship\" FROM \"Customer and Suppliers by City\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"City\", \"CompanyName\", \"ContactName\", \"Relationship\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Customer and Suppliers by City_id FROM Customer and Suppliers by City`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Customer and Suppliers by City_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ContactName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_contactName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Relationship\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_relationship = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity, String?>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity\/contactName`` (`ContactName` column).\n public let contactName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity, String?>(\n externalName: \"ContactName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.contactName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity\/relationship`` (`Relationship` column).\n public let relationship = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity, String?>(\n externalName: \"Relationship\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CustomerAndSuppliersByCity.relationship\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ city, companyName, contactName, relationship ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Customer and Suppliers by City\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = CustomerAndSuppliersByCity(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n companyName: (indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n contactName: (indices.idx_contactName >= 0) && (indices.idx_contactName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_contactName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.contactName.defaultValue,\n relationship: (indices.idx_relationship >= 0) && (indices.idx_relationship < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_relationship).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.relationship.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``CustomerAndSuppliersByCity`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Customer and Suppliers by City SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = CustomerAndSuppliersByCity(city: \"Hello\", companyName: \"World\", contactName: \"Duck\", relationship: \"Donald\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(companyName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(contactName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_contactName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_contactName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(relationship) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_relationship >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_relationship, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.Invoice {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``Invoice`` record (`Invoices` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_shipName: Int32, idx_shipAddress: Int32, idx_shipCity: Int32, idx_shipRegion: Int32, idx_shipPostalCode: Int32, idx_shipCountry: Int32, idx_customerID: Int32, idx_customerName: Int32, idx_address: Int32, idx_city: Int32, idx_region: Int32, idx_postalCode: Int32, idx_country: Int32, idx_salesperson: Int32, idx_orderID: Int32, idx_orderDate: Int32, idx_requiredDate: Int32, idx_shippedDate: Int32, idx_shipperName: Int32, idx_productID: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_unitPrice: Int32, idx_quantity: Int32, idx_discount: Int32, idx_extendedPrice: Int32, idx_freight: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.Invoice\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``Invoice`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Invoices\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Invoices` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 26\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Invoices` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ShipName\", \"ShipAddress\", \"ShipCity\", \"ShipRegion\", \"ShipPostalCode\", \"ShipCountry\", \"CustomerID\", \"CustomerName\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"Salesperson\", \"OrderID\", \"OrderDate\", \"RequiredDate\", \"ShippedDate\", \"ShipperName\", \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"UnitPrice\", \"Quantity\", \"Discount\", \"ExtendedPrice\", \"Freight\" FROM \"Invoices\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ShipName\", \"ShipAddress\", \"ShipCity\", \"ShipRegion\", \"ShipPostalCode\", \"ShipCountry\", \"CustomerID\", \"CustomerName\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\", \"Salesperson\", \"OrderID\", \"OrderDate\", \"RequiredDate\", \"ShippedDate\", \"ShipperName\", \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"UnitPrice\", \"Quantity\", \"Discount\", \"ExtendedPrice\", \"Freight\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Invoices_id FROM Invoices`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Invoices_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ShipName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipAddress\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipAddress = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipCity\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipCity = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipRegion\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipRegion = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipPostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipPostalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipCountry\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipCountry = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Address\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_address = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Region\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_region = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"PostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_postalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Country\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_country = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Salesperson\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_salesperson = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"RequiredDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_requiredDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShippedDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shippedDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipperName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipperName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitPrice = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Quantity\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_quantity = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Discount\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_discount = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ExtendedPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_extendedPrice = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Freight\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_freight = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipName`` (`ShipName` column).\n public let shipName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipAddress`` (`ShipAddress` column).\n public let shipAddress = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipAddress\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipAddress\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipCity`` (`ShipCity` column).\n public let shipCity = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipCity\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipCity\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipRegion`` (`ShipRegion` column).\n public let shipRegion = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipRegion\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipRegion\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipPostalCode`` (`ShipPostalCode` column).\n public let shipPostalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipPostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipPostalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipCountry`` (`ShipCountry` column).\n public let shipCountry = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipCountry\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipCountry\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/customerID`` (`CustomerID` column).\n public let customerID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.customerID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/customerName`` (`CustomerName` column).\n public let customerName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.customerName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/address`` (`Address` column).\n public let address = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"Address\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.address\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/region`` (`Region` column).\n public let region = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"Region\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.region\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/postalCode`` (`PostalCode` column).\n public let postalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"PostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.postalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/country`` (`Country` column).\n public let country = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"Country\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.country\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/salesperson`` (`Salesperson` column).\n public let salesperson = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"Salesperson\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.salesperson\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/orderDate`` (`OrderDate` column).\n public let orderDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"OrderDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.orderDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/requiredDate`` (`RequiredDate` column).\n public let requiredDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"RequiredDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.requiredDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shippedDate`` (`ShippedDate` column).\n public let shippedDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShippedDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shippedDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/shipperName`` (`ShipperName` column).\n public let shipperName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipperName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.shipperName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/productID`` (`ProductID` column).\n public let productID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.productID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/unitPrice`` (`UnitPrice` column).\n public let unitPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"UnitPrice\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.unitPrice\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/quantity`` (`Quantity` column).\n public let quantity = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, Int?>(\n externalName: \"Quantity\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.quantity\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/discount`` (`Discount` column).\n public let discount = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, Double?>(\n externalName: \"Discount\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.discount\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/extendedPrice`` (`ExtendedPrice` column).\n public let extendedPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ExtendedPrice\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.extendedPrice\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``Invoice\/freight`` (`Freight` column).\n public let freight = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.Invoice, String?>(\n externalName: \"Freight\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.Invoice.freight\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ shipName, shipAddress, shipCity, shipRegion, shipPostalCode, shipCountry, customerID, customerName, address, city, region, postalCode, country, salesperson, orderID, orderDate, requiredDate, shippedDate, shipperName, productID, productName, unitPrice, quantity, discount, extendedPrice, freight ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``Invoice`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Invoices\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = Invoice(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n shipName: (indices.idx_shipName >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipName.defaultValue,\n shipAddress: (indices.idx_shipAddress >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipAddress < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipAddress).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipAddress.defaultValue,\n shipCity: (indices.idx_shipCity >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipCity < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCity).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipCity.defaultValue,\n shipRegion: (indices.idx_shipRegion >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipRegion < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipRegion).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipRegion.defaultValue,\n shipPostalCode: (indices.idx_shipPostalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipPostalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipPostalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipPostalCode.defaultValue,\n shipCountry: (indices.idx_shipCountry >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipCountry < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCountry).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipCountry.defaultValue,\n customerID: (indices.idx_customerID >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.customerID.defaultValue,\n customerName: (indices.idx_customerName >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.customerName.defaultValue,\n address: (indices.idx_address >= 0) && (indices.idx_address < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_address).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.address.defaultValue,\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n region: (indices.idx_region >= 0) && (indices.idx_region < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_region).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.region.defaultValue,\n postalCode: (indices.idx_postalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_postalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.postalCode.defaultValue,\n country: (indices.idx_country >= 0) && (indices.idx_country < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_country).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.country.defaultValue,\n salesperson: (indices.idx_salesperson >= 0) && (indices.idx_salesperson < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_salesperson).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.salesperson.defaultValue,\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n orderDate: (indices.idx_orderDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_orderDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.orderDate.defaultValue,\n requiredDate: (indices.idx_requiredDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_requiredDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_requiredDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.requiredDate.defaultValue,\n shippedDate: (indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_shippedDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shippedDate.defaultValue,\n shipperName: (indices.idx_shipperName >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipperName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipperName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipperName.defaultValue,\n productID: (indices.idx_productID >= 0) && (indices.idx_productID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_productID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID)) : nil) : Self.schema.productID.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n unitPrice: (indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.unitPrice.defaultValue,\n quantity: (indices.idx_quantity >= 0) && (indices.idx_quantity < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_quantity) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_quantity)) : nil) : Self.schema.quantity.defaultValue,\n discount: (indices.idx_discount >= 0) && (indices.idx_discount < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_discount) != SQLITE_NULL ? sqlite3_column_double(statement, indices.idx_discount) : nil) : Self.schema.discount.defaultValue,\n extendedPrice: (indices.idx_extendedPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_extendedPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_extendedPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.extendedPrice.defaultValue,\n freight: (indices.idx_freight >= 0) && (indices.idx_freight < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_freight).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.freight.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``Invoice`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Invoices SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = Invoice(shipName: \"Hello\", shipAddress: \"World\", shipCity: \"Duck\", shipRegion: \"Donald\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipAddress) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipAddress >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipAddress, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipCity) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipCity >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCity, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipRegion) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipRegion >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipRegion, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipPostalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipPostalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipPostalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipCountry) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipCountry >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCountry, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(customerID) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(customerName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(address) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_address >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_address, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(region) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_region >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_region, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(postalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_postalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(country) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_country >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_country, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(salesperson) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_salesperson >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_salesperson, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(orderDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_orderDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_orderDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(requiredDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_requiredDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_requiredDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shippedDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipperName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipperName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipperName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_productID >= 0 {\n if let productID = productID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID, Int64(productID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_productID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(unitPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_quantity >= 0 {\n if let quantity = quantity {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_quantity, Int64(quantity))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_quantity)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_discount >= 0 {\n if let discount = discount {\n sqlite3_bind_double(statement, indices.idx_discount, discount)\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_discount)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(extendedPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_extendedPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_extendedPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(freight) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_freight >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_freight, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``OrdersQry`` record (`Orders Qry` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_orderID: Int32, idx_customerID: Int32, idx_employeeID: Int32, idx_orderDate: Int32, idx_requiredDate: Int32, idx_shippedDate: Int32, idx_shipVia: Int32, idx_freight: Int32, idx_shipName: Int32, idx_shipAddress: Int32, idx_shipCity: Int32, idx_shipRegion: Int32, idx_shipPostalCode: Int32, idx_shipCountry: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_address: Int32, idx_city: Int32, idx_region: Int32, idx_postalCode: Int32, idx_country: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``OrdersQry`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Orders Qry\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Orders Qry` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 20\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Orders Qry` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"OrderID\", \"CustomerID\", \"EmployeeID\", \"OrderDate\", \"RequiredDate\", \"ShippedDate\", \"ShipVia\", \"Freight\", \"ShipName\", \"ShipAddress\", \"ShipCity\", \"ShipRegion\", \"ShipPostalCode\", \"ShipCountry\", \"CompanyName\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\" FROM \"Orders Qry\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"OrderID\", \"CustomerID\", \"EmployeeID\", \"OrderDate\", \"RequiredDate\", \"ShippedDate\", \"ShipVia\", \"Freight\", \"ShipName\", \"ShipAddress\", \"ShipCity\", \"ShipRegion\", \"ShipPostalCode\", \"ShipCountry\", \"CompanyName\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Region\", \"PostalCode\", \"Country\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Orders Qry_id FROM Orders Qry`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Orders Qry_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"EmployeeID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_employeeID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"RequiredDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_requiredDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShippedDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shippedDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipVia\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipVia = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Freight\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_freight = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipAddress\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipAddress = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipCity\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipCity = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipRegion\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipRegion = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipPostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipPostalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShipCountry\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shipCountry = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Address\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_address = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Region\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_region = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"PostalCode\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_postalCode = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Country\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_country = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/customerID`` (`CustomerID` column).\n public let customerID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.customerID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/employeeID`` (`EmployeeID` column).\n public let employeeID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, Int?>(\n externalName: \"EmployeeID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.employeeID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/orderDate`` (`OrderDate` column).\n public let orderDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"OrderDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.orderDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/requiredDate`` (`RequiredDate` column).\n public let requiredDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"RequiredDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.requiredDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shippedDate`` (`ShippedDate` column).\n public let shippedDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShippedDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shippedDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipVia`` (`ShipVia` column).\n public let shipVia = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ShipVia\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipVia\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/freight`` (`Freight` column).\n public let freight = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"Freight\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.freight\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipName`` (`ShipName` column).\n public let shipName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipAddress`` (`ShipAddress` column).\n public let shipAddress = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipAddress\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipAddress\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipCity`` (`ShipCity` column).\n public let shipCity = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipCity\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipCity\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipRegion`` (`ShipRegion` column).\n public let shipRegion = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipRegion\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipRegion\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipPostalCode`` (`ShipPostalCode` column).\n public let shipPostalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipPostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipPostalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/shipCountry`` (`ShipCountry` column).\n public let shipCountry = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShipCountry\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.shipCountry\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/address`` (`Address` column).\n public let address = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"Address\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.address\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/region`` (`Region` column).\n public let region = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"Region\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.region\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/postalCode`` (`PostalCode` column).\n public let postalCode = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"PostalCode\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.postalCode\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrdersQry\/country`` (`Country` column).\n public let country = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry, String?>(\n externalName: \"Country\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrdersQry.country\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ orderID, customerID, employeeID, orderDate, requiredDate, shippedDate, shipVia, freight, shipName, shipAddress, shipCity, shipRegion, shipPostalCode, shipCountry, companyName, address, city, region, postalCode, country ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``OrdersQry`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Orders Qry\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = OrdersQry(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n customerID: (indices.idx_customerID >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.customerID.defaultValue,\n employeeID: (indices.idx_employeeID >= 0) && (indices.idx_employeeID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_employeeID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_employeeID)) : nil) : Self.schema.employeeID.defaultValue,\n orderDate: (indices.idx_orderDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_orderDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.orderDate.defaultValue,\n requiredDate: (indices.idx_requiredDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_requiredDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_requiredDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.requiredDate.defaultValue,\n shippedDate: (indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_shippedDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shippedDate.defaultValue,\n shipVia: (indices.idx_shipVia >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipVia < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_shipVia) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_shipVia)) : nil) : Self.schema.shipVia.defaultValue,\n freight: (indices.idx_freight >= 0) && (indices.idx_freight < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_freight).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.freight.defaultValue,\n shipName: (indices.idx_shipName >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipName.defaultValue,\n shipAddress: (indices.idx_shipAddress >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipAddress < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipAddress).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipAddress.defaultValue,\n shipCity: (indices.idx_shipCity >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipCity < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCity).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipCity.defaultValue,\n shipRegion: (indices.idx_shipRegion >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipRegion < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipRegion).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipRegion.defaultValue,\n shipPostalCode: (indices.idx_shipPostalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipPostalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipPostalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipPostalCode.defaultValue,\n shipCountry: (indices.idx_shipCountry >= 0) && (indices.idx_shipCountry < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCountry).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shipCountry.defaultValue,\n companyName: (indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n address: (indices.idx_address >= 0) && (indices.idx_address < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_address).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.address.defaultValue,\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n region: (indices.idx_region >= 0) && (indices.idx_region < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_region).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.region.defaultValue,\n postalCode: (indices.idx_postalCode >= 0) && (indices.idx_postalCode < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.postalCode.defaultValue,\n country: (indices.idx_country >= 0) && (indices.idx_country < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_country).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.country.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``OrdersQry`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Orders Qry SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = OrdersQry(orderID: 1, customerID: \"Hello\", employeeID: 2, orderDate: nil)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(customerID) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_employeeID >= 0 {\n if let employeeID = employeeID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_employeeID, Int64(employeeID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_employeeID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(orderDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_orderDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_orderDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(requiredDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_requiredDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_requiredDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shippedDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_shipVia >= 0 {\n if let shipVia = shipVia {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_shipVia, Int64(shipVia))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_shipVia)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(freight) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_freight >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_freight, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipAddress) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipAddress >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipAddress, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipCity) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipCity >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCity, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipRegion) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipRegion >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipRegion, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipPostalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipPostalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipPostalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shipCountry) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shipCountry >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shipCountry, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(companyName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(address) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_address >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_address, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(region) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_region >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_region, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(postalCode) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_postalCode >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_postalCode, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(country) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_country >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_country, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``OrderSubtotal`` record (`Order Subtotals` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_orderID: Int32, idx_subtotal: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``OrderSubtotal`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Order Subtotals\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Order Subtotals` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Order Subtotals` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"OrderID\", \"Subtotal\" FROM \"Order Subtotals\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"OrderID\", \"Subtotal\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Order Subtotals_id FROM Order Subtotals`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Order Subtotals_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Subtotal\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_subtotal = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderSubtotal\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderSubtotal\/subtotal`` (`Subtotal` column).\n public let subtotal = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal, String?>(\n externalName: \"Subtotal\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderSubtotal.subtotal\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ orderID, subtotal ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``OrderSubtotal`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Order Subtotals\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = OrderSubtotal(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n subtotal: (indices.idx_subtotal >= 0) && (indices.idx_subtotal < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_subtotal).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.subtotal.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``OrderSubtotal`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Order Subtotals SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = OrderSubtotal(orderID: 1, subtotal: \"Hello\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(subtotal) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_subtotal >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_subtotal, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997 {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``ProductSalesFor1997`` record (`Product Sales for 1997` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_categoryName: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_productSales: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``ProductSalesFor1997`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Product Sales for 1997\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Product Sales for 1997` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 3\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Product Sales for 1997` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CategoryName\", \"ProductName\", \"ProductSales\" FROM \"Product Sales for 1997\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CategoryName\", \"ProductName\", \"ProductSales\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Product Sales for 1997_id FROM Product Sales for 1997`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Product Sales for 1997_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductSales\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productSales = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductSalesFor1997\/categoryName`` (`CategoryName` column).\n public let categoryName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997.categoryName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductSalesFor1997\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductSalesFor1997\/productSales`` (`ProductSales` column).\n public let productSales = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductSales\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductSalesFor1997.productSales\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ categoryName, productName, productSales ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``ProductSalesFor1997`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Product Sales for 1997\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = ProductSalesFor1997(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n categoryName: (indices.idx_categoryName >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categoryName.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n productSales: (indices.idx_productSales >= 0) && (indices.idx_productSales < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productSales).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productSales.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``ProductSalesFor1997`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Product Sales for 1997 SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = ProductSalesFor1997(categoryName: \"Hello\", productName: \"World\", productSales: \"Duck\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categoryName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categoryName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productSales) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productSales >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productSales, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` record (`Products Above Average Price` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_productName: Int32, idx_unitPrice: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Products Above Average Price\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Products Above Average Price` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Products Above Average Price` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ProductName\", \"UnitPrice\" FROM \"Products Above Average Price\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ProductName\", \"UnitPrice\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Products Above Average Price_id FROM Products Above Average Price`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Products Above Average Price_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitPrice = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice\/unitPrice`` (`UnitPrice` column).\n public let unitPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice, String?>(\n externalName: \"UnitPrice\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsAboveAveragePrice.unitPrice\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ productName, unitPrice ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Products Above Average Price\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = ProductsAboveAveragePrice(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n unitPrice: (indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.unitPrice.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``ProductsAboveAveragePrice`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Products Above Average Price SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = ProductsAboveAveragePrice(productName: \"Hello\", unitPrice: \"World\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(unitPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``ProductsByCategory`` record (`Products by Category` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_categoryName: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_quantityPerUnit: Int32, idx_unitsInStock: Int32, idx_discontinued: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``ProductsByCategory`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Products by Category\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Products by Category` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 5\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Products by Category` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CategoryName\", \"ProductName\", \"QuantityPerUnit\", \"UnitsInStock\", \"Discontinued\" FROM \"Products by Category\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CategoryName\", \"ProductName\", \"QuantityPerUnit\", \"UnitsInStock\", \"Discontinued\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Products by Category_id FROM Products by Category`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Products by Category_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"QuantityPerUnit\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_quantityPerUnit = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitsInStock\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitsInStock = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Discontinued\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_discontinued = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsByCategory\/categoryName`` (`CategoryName` column).\n public let categoryName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory.categoryName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsByCategory\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsByCategory\/quantityPerUnit`` (`QuantityPerUnit` column).\n public let quantityPerUnit = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"QuantityPerUnit\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory.quantityPerUnit\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsByCategory\/unitsInStock`` (`UnitsInStock` column).\n public let unitsInStock = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory, Int?>(\n externalName: \"UnitsInStock\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory.unitsInStock\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``ProductsByCategory\/discontinued`` (`Discontinued` column).\n public let discontinued = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"Discontinued\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.ProductsByCategory.discontinued\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ categoryName, productName, quantityPerUnit, unitsInStock, discontinued ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``ProductsByCategory`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Products by Category\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = ProductsByCategory(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n categoryName: (indices.idx_categoryName >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categoryName.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n quantityPerUnit: (indices.idx_quantityPerUnit >= 0) && (indices.idx_quantityPerUnit < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_quantityPerUnit).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.quantityPerUnit.defaultValue,\n unitsInStock: (indices.idx_unitsInStock >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitsInStock < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock)) : nil) : Self.schema.unitsInStock.defaultValue,\n discontinued: (indices.idx_discontinued >= 0) && (indices.idx_discontinued < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_discontinued).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.discontinued.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``ProductsByCategory`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Products by Category SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = ProductsByCategory(categoryName: \"Hello\", productName: \"World\", quantityPerUnit: \"Duck\", unitsInStock: 1)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categoryName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categoryName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(quantityPerUnit) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_quantityPerUnit >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_quantityPerUnit, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_unitsInStock >= 0 {\n if let unitsInStock = unitsInStock {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock, Int64(unitsInStock))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_unitsInStock)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(discontinued) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_discontinued >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_discontinued, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``QuarterlyOrder`` record (`Quarterly Orders` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_customerID: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_city: Int32, idx_country: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``QuarterlyOrder`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Quarterly Orders\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Quarterly Orders` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 4\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Quarterly Orders` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CustomerID\", \"CompanyName\", \"City\", \"Country\" FROM \"Quarterly Orders\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CustomerID\", \"CompanyName\", \"City\", \"Country\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Quarterly Orders_id FROM Quarterly Orders`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Quarterly Orders_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CustomerID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_customerID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"City\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_city = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Country\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_country = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``QuarterlyOrder\/customerID`` (`CustomerID` column).\n public let customerID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder, String?>(\n externalName: \"CustomerID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder.customerID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``QuarterlyOrder\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder, String?>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``QuarterlyOrder\/city`` (`City` column).\n public let city = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder, String?>(\n externalName: \"City\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder.city\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``QuarterlyOrder\/country`` (`Country` column).\n public let country = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder, String?>(\n externalName: \"Country\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.QuarterlyOrder.country\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ customerID, companyName, city, country ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``QuarterlyOrder`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Quarterly Orders\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = QuarterlyOrder(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n customerID: (indices.idx_customerID >= 0) && (indices.idx_customerID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.customerID.defaultValue,\n companyName: (indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n city: (indices.idx_city >= 0) && (indices.idx_city < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_city).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.city.defaultValue,\n country: (indices.idx_country >= 0) && (indices.idx_country < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_country).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.country.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``QuarterlyOrder`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Quarterly Orders SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = QuarterlyOrder(customerID: \"Hello\", companyName: \"World\", city: \"Duck\", country: \"Donald\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(customerID) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_customerID >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_customerID, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(companyName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(city) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_city >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_city, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(country) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_country >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_country, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` record (`Sales Totals by Amount` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_saleAmount: Int32, idx_orderID: Int32, idx_companyName: Int32, idx_shippedDate: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Sales Totals by Amount\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Sales Totals by Amount` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 4\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Sales Totals by Amount` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"SaleAmount\", \"OrderID\", \"CompanyName\", \"ShippedDate\" FROM \"Sales Totals by Amount\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"SaleAmount\", \"OrderID\", \"CompanyName\", \"ShippedDate\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Sales Totals by Amount_id FROM Sales Totals by Amount`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Sales Totals by Amount_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"SaleAmount\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_saleAmount = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CompanyName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_companyName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ShippedDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shippedDate = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesTotalsByAmount\/saleAmount`` (`SaleAmount` column).\n public let saleAmount = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount, String?>(\n externalName: \"SaleAmount\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount.saleAmount\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesTotalsByAmount\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesTotalsByAmount\/companyName`` (`CompanyName` column).\n public let companyName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount, String?>(\n externalName: \"CompanyName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount.companyName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesTotalsByAmount\/shippedDate`` (`ShippedDate` column).\n public let shippedDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShippedDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesTotalsByAmount.shippedDate\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ saleAmount, orderID, companyName, shippedDate ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Sales Totals by Amount\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = SalesTotalsByAmount(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n saleAmount: (indices.idx_saleAmount >= 0) && (indices.idx_saleAmount < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_saleAmount).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.saleAmount.defaultValue,\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n companyName: (indices.idx_companyName >= 0) && (indices.idx_companyName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.companyName.defaultValue,\n shippedDate: (indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_shippedDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shippedDate.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``SalesTotalsByAmount`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Sales Totals by Amount SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = SalesTotalsByAmount(saleAmount: \"Hello\", orderID: 1, companyName: \"World\", shippedDate: nil)\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(saleAmount) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_saleAmount >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_saleAmount, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(companyName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_companyName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_companyName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shippedDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` record (`Summary of Sales by Quarter` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_shippedDate: Int32, idx_orderID: Int32, idx_subtotal: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Summary of Sales by Quarter\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Summary of Sales by Quarter` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 3\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Summary of Sales by Quarter` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ShippedDate\", \"OrderID\", \"Subtotal\" FROM \"Summary of Sales by Quarter\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ShippedDate\", \"OrderID\", \"Subtotal\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Summary of Sales by Quarter_id FROM Summary of Sales by Quarter`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Summary of Sales by Quarter_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ShippedDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shippedDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Subtotal\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_subtotal = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter\/shippedDate`` (`ShippedDate` column).\n public let shippedDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShippedDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.shippedDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter\/subtotal`` (`Subtotal` column).\n public let subtotal = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter, String?>(\n externalName: \"Subtotal\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByQuarter.subtotal\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ shippedDate, orderID, subtotal ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Summary of Sales by Quarter\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = SummaryOfSalesByQuarter(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n shippedDate: (indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_shippedDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shippedDate.defaultValue,\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n subtotal: (indices.idx_subtotal >= 0) && (indices.idx_subtotal < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_subtotal).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.subtotal.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``SummaryOfSalesByQuarter`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Summary of Sales by Quarter SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = SummaryOfSalesByQuarter(shippedDate: nil, orderID: 1, subtotal: \"Hello\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shippedDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(subtotal) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_subtotal >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_subtotal, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` record (`Summary of Sales by Year` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_shippedDate: Int32, idx_orderID: Int32, idx_subtotal: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Summary of Sales by Year\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Summary of Sales by Year` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 3\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Summary of Sales by Year` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"ShippedDate\", \"OrderID\", \"Subtotal\" FROM \"Summary of Sales by Year\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"ShippedDate\", \"OrderID\", \"Subtotal\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Summary of Sales by Year_id FROM Summary of Sales by Year`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Summary of Sales by Year_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"ShippedDate\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_shippedDate = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Subtotal\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_subtotal = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SummaryOfSalesByYear\/shippedDate`` (`ShippedDate` column).\n public let shippedDate = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear, String?>(\n externalName: \"ShippedDate\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear.shippedDate\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SummaryOfSalesByYear\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SummaryOfSalesByYear\/subtotal`` (`Subtotal` column).\n public let subtotal = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear, String?>(\n externalName: \"Subtotal\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SummaryOfSalesByYear.subtotal\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ shippedDate, orderID, subtotal ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Summary of Sales by Year\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = SummaryOfSalesByYear(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n shippedDate: (indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0) && (indices.idx_shippedDate < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.shippedDate.defaultValue,\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n subtotal: (indices.idx_subtotal >= 0) && (indices.idx_subtotal < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_subtotal).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.subtotal.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``SummaryOfSalesByYear`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Summary of Sales by Year SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = SummaryOfSalesByYear(shippedDate: nil, orderID: 1, subtotal: \"Hello\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(shippedDate) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_shippedDate >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_shippedDate, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(subtotal) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_subtotal >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_subtotal, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997 {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``CategorySalesFor1997`` record (`Category Sales for 1997` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_categoryName: Int32, idx_categorySales: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``CategorySalesFor1997`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Category Sales for 1997\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Category Sales for 1997` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 2\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Category Sales for 1997` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CategoryName\", \"CategorySales\" FROM \"Category Sales for 1997\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CategoryName\", \"CategorySales\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Category Sales for 1997_id FROM Category Sales for 1997`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Category Sales for 1997_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CategorySales\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categorySales = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CategorySalesFor1997\/categoryName`` (`CategoryName` column).\n public let categoryName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997.categoryName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``CategorySalesFor1997\/categorySales`` (`CategorySales` column).\n public let categorySales = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategorySales\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.CategorySalesFor1997.categorySales\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ categoryName, categorySales ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``CategorySalesFor1997`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Category Sales for 1997\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = CategorySalesFor1997(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n categoryName: (indices.idx_categoryName >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categoryName.defaultValue,\n categorySales: (indices.idx_categorySales >= 0) && (indices.idx_categorySales < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categorySales).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categorySales.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``CategorySalesFor1997`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Category Sales for 1997 SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = CategorySalesFor1997(categoryName: \"Hello\", categorySales: \"World\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categoryName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categoryName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categorySales) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categorySales >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categorySales, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``OrderDetailsExtended`` record (`Order Details Extended` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_orderID: Int32, idx_productID: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_unitPrice: Int32, idx_quantity: Int32, idx_discount: Int32, idx_extendedPrice: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``OrderDetailsExtended`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Order Details Extended\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Order Details Extended` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 7\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Order Details Extended` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"OrderID\", \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"UnitPrice\", \"Quantity\", \"Discount\", \"ExtendedPrice\" FROM \"Order Details Extended\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"OrderID\", \"ProductID\", \"ProductName\", \"UnitPrice\", \"Quantity\", \"Discount\", \"ExtendedPrice\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Order Details Extended_id FROM Order Details Extended`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Order Details Extended_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"OrderID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_orderID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"UnitPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_unitPrice = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Quantity\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_quantity = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"Discount\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_discount = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ExtendedPrice\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_extendedPrice = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/orderID`` (`OrderID` column).\n public let orderID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, Int?>(\n externalName: \"OrderID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.orderID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/productID`` (`ProductID` column).\n public let productID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, Int?>(\n externalName: \"ProductID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.productID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/unitPrice`` (`UnitPrice` column).\n public let unitPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, String?>(\n externalName: \"UnitPrice\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.unitPrice\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/quantity`` (`Quantity` column).\n public let quantity = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, Int?>(\n externalName: \"Quantity\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.quantity\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/discount`` (`Discount` column).\n public let discount = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, Double?>(\n externalName: \"Discount\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.discount\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``OrderDetailsExtended\/extendedPrice`` (`ExtendedPrice` column).\n public let extendedPrice = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended, String?>(\n externalName: \"ExtendedPrice\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.OrderDetailsExtended.extendedPrice\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ orderID, productID, productName, unitPrice, quantity, discount, extendedPrice ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``OrderDetailsExtended`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Order Details Extended\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = OrderDetailsExtended(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n orderID: (indices.idx_orderID >= 0) && (indices.idx_orderID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_orderID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID)) : nil) : Self.schema.orderID.defaultValue,\n productID: (indices.idx_productID >= 0) && (indices.idx_productID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_productID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID)) : nil) : Self.schema.productID.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n unitPrice: (indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_unitPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.unitPrice.defaultValue,\n quantity: (indices.idx_quantity >= 0) && (indices.idx_quantity < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_quantity) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_quantity)) : nil) : Self.schema.quantity.defaultValue,\n discount: (indices.idx_discount >= 0) && (indices.idx_discount < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_discount) != SQLITE_NULL ? sqlite3_column_double(statement, indices.idx_discount) : nil) : Self.schema.discount.defaultValue,\n extendedPrice: (indices.idx_extendedPrice >= 0) && (indices.idx_extendedPrice < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_extendedPrice).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.extendedPrice.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``OrderDetailsExtended`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Order Details Extended SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = OrderDetailsExtended(orderID: 1, productID: 2, productName: \"Hello\", unitPrice: \"World\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_orderID >= 0 {\n if let orderID = orderID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_orderID, Int64(orderID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_orderID)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_productID >= 0 {\n if let productID = productID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_productID, Int64(productID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_productID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(unitPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_unitPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_unitPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n if indices.idx_quantity >= 0 {\n if let quantity = quantity {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_quantity, Int64(quantity))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_quantity)\n }\n }\n if indices.idx_discount >= 0 {\n if let discount = discount {\n sqlite3_bind_double(statement, indices.idx_discount, discount)\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_discount)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(extendedPrice) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_extendedPrice >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_extendedPrice, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\npublic extension NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory {\n \n \/**\n * Static type information for the ``SalesByCategory`` record (`Sales by Category` SQL table).\n * \n * This structure captures the static SQL information associated with the\n * record.\n * It is used for static type lookups and more.\n *\/\n struct Schema : SQLViewSchema {\n \n public typealias PropertyIndices = ( idx_categoryID: Int32, idx_categoryName: Int32, idx_productName: Int32, idx_productSales: Int32 )\n public typealias RecordType = NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory\n \n \/\/\/ The SQL table name associated with the ``SalesByCategory`` record.\n public static let externalName = \"Sales by Category\"\n \n \/\/\/ The number of columns the `Sales by Category` table has.\n public static let columnCount : Int32 = 4\n \n \/\/\/ SQL to `SELECT` all columns of the `Sales by Category` table.\n public static let select = #\"SELECT \"CategoryID\", \"CategoryName\", \"ProductName\", \"ProductSales\" FROM \"Sales by Category\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ SQL fragment representing all columns.\n public static let selectColumns = #\"\"CategoryID\", \"CategoryName\", \"ProductName\", \"ProductSales\"\"#\n \n \/\/\/ Index positions of the properties in ``selectColumns``.\n public static let selectColumnIndices : PropertyIndices = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 )\n \n \/**\n * Lookup property indices by column name in a statement handle.\n * \n * Properties are ordered in the schema and have a specific index\n * assigned.\n * E.g. if the record has two properties, `id` and `name`,\n * and the query was `SELECT age, Sales by Category_id FROM Sales by Category`,\n * this would return `( idx_id: 1, idx_name: -1 )`.\n * Because the `Sales by Category_id` is in the second position and `name`\n * isn't provided at all.\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A raw SQLite3 prepared statement handle.\n * - Returns: The positions of the properties in the prepared statement.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n public static func lookupColumnIndices(`in` statement: OpaquePointer!)\n -> PropertyIndices\n {\n var indices : PropertyIndices = ( -1, -1, -1, -1 )\n for i in 0..<sqlite3_column_count(statement) {\n let col = sqlite3_column_name(statement, i)\n if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryID\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryID = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"CategoryName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_categoryName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductName\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productName = i\n }\n else if strcmp(col!, \"ProductSales\") == 0 {\n indices.idx_productSales = i\n }\n }\n return indices\n }\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesByCategory\/categoryID`` (`CategoryID` column).\n public let categoryID = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory, Int?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryID\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory.categoryID\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesByCategory\/categoryName`` (`CategoryName` column).\n public let categoryName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"CategoryName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory.categoryName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesByCategory\/productName`` (`ProductName` column).\n public let productName = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductName\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory.productName\n )\n \n \/\/\/ Type information for property ``SalesByCategory\/productSales`` (`ProductSales` column).\n public let productSales = MappedColumn<NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory, String?>(\n externalName: \"ProductSales\",\n defaultValue: nil,\n keyPath: \\NorthwindLighter.SalesByCategory.productSales\n )\n \n #if swift(>=5.7)\n public var _allColumns : [ any SQLColumn ] { [ categoryID, categoryName, productName, productSales ] }\n #endif \/\/ swift(>=5.7)\n }\n \n \/**\n * Initialize a ``SalesByCategory`` record from a SQLite statement handle.\n * \n * This initializer allows easy setup of a record structure from an\n * otherwise arbitrarily constructed SQLite prepared statement.\n * \n * If no `indices` are specified, the `Schema\/lookupColumnIndices`\n * function will be used to find the positions of the structure properties\n * based on their external name.\n * When looping, it is recommended to do the lookup once, and then\n * provide the `indices` to the initializer.\n * \n * Required values that are missing in the statement are replaced with\n * their assigned default values, i.e. this can even be used to perform\n * partial selects w\/ only a minor overhead (the extra space for a\n * record).\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, \"SELECT * FROM Sales by Category\", -1, &statement, nil)\n * while sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW {\n * let record = SalesByCategory(statement)\n * print(\"Fetched:\", record)\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: Statement handle as returned by `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: Property bindings positions, defaults to `nil` (automatic lookup).\n *\/\n @inlinable\n init(_ statement: OpaquePointer!, indices: Schema.PropertyIndices? = nil)\n {\n let indices = indices ?? Self.Schema.lookupColumnIndices(in: statement)\n let argc = sqlite3_column_count(statement)\n self.init(\n categoryID: (indices.idx_categoryID >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryID < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_type(statement, indices.idx_categoryID) != SQLITE_NULL ? Int(sqlite3_column_int64(statement, indices.idx_categoryID)) : nil) : Self.schema.categoryID.defaultValue,\n categoryName: (indices.idx_categoryName >= 0) && (indices.idx_categoryName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.categoryName.defaultValue,\n productName: (indices.idx_productName >= 0) && (indices.idx_productName < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productName).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productName.defaultValue,\n productSales: (indices.idx_productSales >= 0) && (indices.idx_productSales < argc) ? (sqlite3_column_text(statement, indices.idx_productSales).flatMap(String.init(cString:))) : Self.schema.productSales.defaultValue\n )\n }\n \n \/**\n * Bind all ``SalesByCategory`` properties to a prepared statement and call a closure.\n * \n * *Important*: The bindings are only valid within the closure being executed!\n * \n * Example:\n * ```swift\n * var statement : OpaquePointer?\n * sqlite3_prepare_v2(\n * dbHandle,\n * #\"UPDATE Sales by Category SET lastname = ?, firstname = ? WHERE person_id = ?\"#,\n * -1, &statement, nil\n * )\n * \n * let record = SalesByCategory(categoryID: 1, categoryName: \"Hello\", productName: \"World\", productSales: \"Duck\")\n * let ok = record.bind(to: statement, indices: ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )) {\n * sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE\n * }\n * sqlite3_finalize(statement)\n * ```\n * \n * - Parameters:\n * - statement: A SQLite3 statement handle as returned by the `sqlite3_prepare*` functions.\n * - indices: The parameter positions for the bindings.\n * - execute: Closure executed with bindings applied, bindings _only_ valid within the call!\n * - Returns: Returns the result of the closure that is passed in.\n *\/\n @inlinable\n @discardableResult\n func bind<R>(\n to statement: OpaquePointer!,\n indices: Schema.PropertyIndices,\n then execute: () throws -> R\n ) rethrows -> R\n {\n if indices.idx_categoryID >= 0 {\n if let categoryID = categoryID {\n sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, indices.idx_categoryID, Int64(categoryID))\n }\n else {\n sqlite3_bind_null(statement, indices.idx_categoryID)\n }\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(categoryName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_categoryName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_categoryName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productName) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productName >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productName, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try NorthwindLighter.withOptCString(productSales) { ( s ) in\n if indices.idx_productSales >= 0 {\n sqlite3_bind_text(statement, indices.idx_productSales, s, -1, nil)\n }\n return try execute()\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","SwiftMapping":{"keys":{"autodetectForeignKeysInViews":true,"autodetectWithTableName":true,"autodetectForeignKeys":true,"primaryKeyName":"id","autodetect":["id","ID","Id","pkey","primaryKey","PrimaryKey","key","Key"]},"slashReplacementStringForIDs":"__","propertyNames":{"decapitalize":true,"camelCase":true},"recordReferenceNames":{"pluralize":true,"decapitalize":true},"recordTypeNames":{"camelCase":true,"singularize":true,"capitalize":true},"databaseTypeName":"NorthwindLighter","spaceReplacementStringForIDs":"_","typeMap":{"url":"url","URL":"url","TIMESTAMP":"date","uuid":"uuid","DECIMAL":"decimal","decimal":"decimal","Data":"date","datetime":"date","timestamp":"date","DATETIME":"date","UUID":"uuid"},"CoreData":{"removeZAndLowercasePropertyNames":true,"removeZAndCapitalizeRecordNames":true},"columnSuffixToType":{"url":"url","URL":"url","TIMESTAMP":"date","uuid":"uuid","DECIMAL":"decimal","decimal":"decimal","Data":"date","datetime":"date","timestamp":"date","DATETIME":"date","UUID":"uuid"},"relationships":{"deriveFromForeignKeys":false,"strippedForeignKeySuffixes":["_id","_ID","id","ID","Id","_fkey","_fk","_foreignKey","ForeignKey","_key","_Key","key","Key"]},"minusReplacementStringForIDs":"_"},"CodeGeneration":{"commentsWithSQL":true,"showViewHintComment":true,"optionalHelpersInDatabase":true,"inlinable":true,"allowFoundation":false,"swiftFilters":false,"propertyIndexPrefix":"idx_","extraRecordTypeConformances":["Codable"],"dateSerialization":"text","uuidSerialization":"bytes","qualifiedSelf":false,"Raw":{"hashable":true,"relationships":true},"recordTypeAliasSuffix":"RecordType","embedRecordTypesInDatabaseType":true,"Lighter":{"import":"import","relationships":true,"useSQLiteValueTypeBinds":false,"Examples":{"select":true}},"public":true,"generateAsyncFunctions":false,"readOnly":true,"omitCreationSQL":true}}