This Paleobook covers basic examples of how to access, process and visualize CMIP6 and Last Millennium Reanalysis Project.
Studying climate data from carefully defined simulations, such as the PMIP experiments, and integrating them with real-world data poses both technical and scientific challenges.
Here we look at how to leverage multiple cloud-based data sources to examine a few aspects of climate evolution over the last millennium. In addition to information about how to pull data using intake
and wrangle it using Xarray
, these notebooks include tips about how to explore climate variables as time series and spatially resolved snapshots.
Jordan Landers, Julien Emile-Geay
This Paleobook is made up of two sections: Lifehacks, and Science Bits.
This section covers nuts and bolts about how to access cloud available data, process it, and make some stock visualizations.
This section applies technical skills from the Lifehacks section in a pair of example analyses.
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