Evil Portal is a captive portal module for the Hak5 Wifi Pineapple. This is the repository for the captive portals that can be used on the Wifi Pineapple Nano and Wifi Pineapple Tetra.
Tested on Firmware version 1.1.3 using Evil Portal 3.0 beta
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/kbeflo/evilportal-templates
Change the directory to evilportal-templates
cd evilportal-templates
With your Wifi Pineapple connected upload the portals you wish to use, on the Wifi Pineapple internal storage /root/portals/
or on the sd card /sd/portals/
scp -r oauth-login root@
scp -r oauth-login root@
Head on over to the Wifi Pineapples Web Interface and go to the Evil Portal module. You're all done!