This example demonstrates how to use the ansible-role-pihole-dns-reccords-manager role to automatically configure DNS records in Pi-hole based on your Ansible inventory.
The example consists of:
- A playbook that dynamically discovers hosts from your inventory
- An inventory file with various host groups (servers, LXC containers, VMs)
- playbooks/pihole-dns-reccords-manager.yml: The main playbook
- inventory: Example inventory file
The playbook automatically:
- Collects all hostnames from your inventory
- Maps them to their corresponding IP addresses
- Adds these as DNS records to your Pi-hole server
Run the playbook with: ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/pihole-dns-reccords-manager.yml
# File: playbooks/pihole-dns-reccords-manager.yml
# Description: Ansible playbook for managing PiHole DNS records
# Author: Lucas Janin
# Date: 2025-03-03
- name: Auto setup hosts on PiHole
hosts: all
become: true
become_method: sudo
# Dynamic discovery variables
dev_hostnames: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all }}"
dev_ips: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list }}"
- name: ansible-role-pihole-dns-reccords-manager
name: ansible-role-pihole-dns-reccords-manager
run_once: true
- hosts: all: Targets all hosts in your inventory
- dev_hostnames: Dynamically populated with all hostnames
- dev_ips: Extracts the IP addresses from the inventory
- run_once: true: Ensures the role only runs once, not for each host
The inventory file organizes hosts into different groups:
- server: Physical servers
- lxc: LXC containers
- vm: Virtual machines
Each group has its own variables for SSH access and Python interpreter.
You can customize this example by:
- Adding more hosts to the inventory
- Setting Pi-hole specific variables like pihole_host
- Changing the DNS action with pihole_dns_action
- Ansible 2.9 or higher
- SSH access to all hosts in the inventory
- A running Pi-hole instance
- The ansible-role-pihole-dns-reccords-manager role installed
- This example assumes your Pi-hole server is accessible from the Ansible controller
- The role will be executed on the Ansible controller, not on the Pi-hole server
- Make sure to set pihole_host to point to your Pi-hole server if not using the default
For more details about the role itself, please refer to the role's README.