- 8cc3788: add build info for core and plugins
- eae2b2a: remove dashboard version hack
- 1bd17ea: need to cheat and use a direct commit hash for now for the portal plugin due to go vanity funkiness
- 0ba0b86: Dummy version bump because proxy.golang.org has badly cached v0.2.3
- 1117c28: update dependencies
- f18ca0d: we need to call newGoGenerateCommand not newGoModCommand
- 99c1000: update dependencies
- 24c4684: - Remove replacement for github.com/go-co-op/gocron/v2
- Add a scratch mode that will generate the environment in the parent directory
- Bump github.com/Masterminds/semver/v3 from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0
- Bump github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
- Integrate Cobra for improved command-line interface
- Add support for go generate for plugin/libraries by calling it globally
- Include various backports
- b17eb6d: Addressed issues related to templates and dependencies.
- 6aed372: vendor dependencies in debug node
- b4b28e8: - Documentation update renaming the "account" plugin to "dashboard"
- Added Docker build process and base image creation
- Fixed Dockerfile to use a copy of the Golang image as the final image
- Refactored to remove version check as Portal does not yet support it
- a37fc52: Missing the default service implementation in the module template
- e83419a: Update module template to remove standard import preset
- b4abecb: Initial version