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Data preparation for Nucleus Detection module's training
Raw image annotation (not necessary if only using the provided annotations)
Move the to-be-labelled images into JPEGImages/
– to rename JPEG images in JPEGImages/
to VOC2007 format
Store the image IDs into ./ImageSets/Main/train.txt
Using labelImg to create XML-format annotations into Annotations/
– to convert the annotations from XML format to 2007_train.txt
Nucleus Detection module's training preparation
– to generate ground truth masks into ./Masks/
using the annotations in 2007_train.txt
– to generate nucleus patches (only useful for visual inspection)
ground truth: using the annotations in 2007_train.txt
, into ./Patches/GroundTruth/
prediction: using the results in ../FCRN/Results/Results_*.csv
– to generate images into ./Patches/Z_eval/
for experts to label best focus
- contains the annotations of nucleus positions in XML format. The annotations are created using labelImg .
– contains the annotations of nucleus positions in txt format, which can be used for ../NucleusDetection/
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