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Developing modflow-devtools

This document provides guidance to set up a development environment and discusses conventions used in this project.


Python3.10+ is currently required. This project has historically aimed to support several recent versions of Python, loosely following NEP 29. In current and future development this window may narrow to follow SPEC 0 instead.


To get started, first fork and clone this repository. Then install the project and core packages as well as linting and testing dependencies:

pip install .
pip install ".[lint, test]"


This repository's tests use pytest and several plugins.

Environment variables

This repository's tests expect a few environment variables:

  • REPOS_PATH: the path to MODFLOW 6 example model repositories
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: a GitHub authentication token

These may be set manually, but the recommended approach is to configure environment variables in a .env file in the project root, for instance:


The tests use pytest-dotenv to detect and load variables from this file.

Running the tests

Tests should be run from the autotest directory. To run the tests in parallel with verbose output:

pytest -v -n auto

Writing new tests

Tests follow a few conventions for ease of use and maintenance.

Temporary directories

Tests which must write to disk use pytest's built-in temp_dir fixture or one of this package's own scoped temporary directory fixtures.


The modflow-devtools release procedure is automated with GitHub Actions in .github/workflows/release.yml. Making a release involves the following steps:

  1. Release from master branch
  2. Reinitialize the develop branch
  3. Publish the package to PyPI

To begin an automated release, create a release branch from develop. The release branch name should be the version number of with a va prefix (e.g., v0.0.6). Pushing the release branch to the MODFLOW-ORG/modflow-devtools repository will trigger the release workflow, which begins with the following steps:

  • update version strings to match the version number in the release branch name
  • generate a changelog since the last release and update
  • open a PR from the release branch to master

Merging the pull request into master triggers another job to draft a release.

Note: the PR should be merged, not squashed. Squashing removes the commit history from the master branch and causes develop and master to diverge, which can cause future PRs updating master to replay commits from previous releases.

Publishing the release triggers jobs to publish the modflow-devtools package to PyPI and open a PR updating develop from master. This PR also updates version strings, incrementing the patch version number.