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Operator Custom Resource Reference Guide

Custom resources are extensions of the Kubernetes API.

A resource is an endpoint in the Kubernetes API that stores a collection of API objects of a certain kind; for example, the built-in pods resource contains a collection of Pod objects. A Custom Resource is an extension of the Kubernetes API, many core Kubernetes functions are now built using custom resources, making Kubernetes more modular. Cluster admins can update custom resources independently of the cluster itself. Once a custom resource is installed, users can create and access its objects using kubectl, just as they do for built-in resources like Pods.

The CustomResourceDefinition API resource allows you to define custom resources. Defining a CRD object creates a new custom resource with a name and schema that you specify. The Kubernetes API serves and handles the storage of your custom resource. Every resource is build from KGV that stands for Group Version Resource and this is what drives the Kubernetes API Server structure. The OpensearchCLuster CRD is representing an Opensearch cluster.

Our CRD is Defined by kind: OpenSearchCluster,group: and version v1.

Name Type Description Required
apiVersion string true
kind string OpenSearchCluster true
metadata object Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field. true
spec object ClusterSpec defines the desired state of OpenSearchSpec true
status object OpensearchClusterStatus defines the observed state of ClusterStatus. include ComponentsStatus that saves and share necessary state of the operator components. true


ClusterSpec defines the desired state of OpensearchCluster

Name Type Description Required
general object Opensearch general configuration true
Bootstrap object Bootstrap pod configuration false
Dashboards object Opensearch-dashboards configuration false
confMgmt object Config object to enable additional OpensearchOperator features/components false
security object Defined security reconciler configuration false
nodePools []object List of objects that define the different nodePools in an OpensearchCluster. Each nodePool represents a group of nodes with the same opensearch roles and resources. Each nodePool is deployed as a Kubernetes StatefulSet. Together they form the opensearch cluster. true
monitoring object monitoring configuration in an OpensearchCluster false
initHelper object InitHelper image configuration false


GeneralConfig defines global Opensearch cluster configuration

Name Type Description Required default
httpPort int32 http exposure port false 9200
vendor string Vendor distribution to use for the cluster, currently only opensearch is supported false opensearch
command string Specify command in case you want to override the default command, useful if you have a custom image. false ./
version string Version of opensearch to deploy false latest
ServiceAccount string k8s service account name false cluster name
ServiceName string Name to use for the k8s service to expose the cluster internally false cluster name
SetVMMaxMapCount bool will add VMmaxMapCount false
additionalConfig string Added extra items to opensearch.yml string
annotations map[string]string Adds support for annotations in services false
labels map[string]string add user defined labels to nodePool false -
env []corev1.Env add user defined environment variables to nodePool false -
DefaultRepo string Default image repository to use
keystore []opsterv1.KeystoreValue List of objects that define secret values that will populate the opensearch keystore. false -
pluginsList []string List of plugins that should be installed for OpenSearch at startup. false []
podSecurityContext *corev1.PodSecurityContext Set the security context for the cluster pods. false -
securityContext *corev1.SecurityContext Set the security context for the cluster pods' containers. false -
snapshotRepositories []SnapshotRepoConfig Snapshot Repo settings false -
additionalVolumes []object List of additional volume mounts false -


Bootstrap defines Opensearch bootstrap pod configuration

Name Type Description Required default
resources corev1.ResourceRequirements Define Opensearch bootstrap pod resources false -
tolerations []corev1.Toleration add toleration to bootstrap pod false -
nodeSelector map[string]string Add NodeSelector to bootstrap pod false -
affinity corev1.Affinity add affinity to bootstrap pod false -
jvm string JVM args. Use this to define heap size false -Xmx512M -Xms512M
additionalConfig string Added extra items to opensearch.yml in the bootstrap pod map[string]string general.additionalConfig
keystore []opsterv1.KeystoreValue List of objects that define secret values that will populate the opensearch keystore in the bootstrap pod false -
pluginsList []string List of plugins that should be installed for OpenSearch at startup in the boostrap pod false []


Dashboards defines Opensearch-Dashboard configuration and deployment

Name Type Description Required default
enable bool if true, will deploy Opensearch-dashboards with the cluster false false
replicas int defines Opensearch-Dashboards deployment's replicas true 1
basePath string Defines the base path of opensearch dashboards (e.g. when using a reverse proxy) false -
resources corev1.ResourceRequirements Define Opensearch-Dashboard resources false Default Opensearch-dashboard resources
version string Opensearch-dashboards version false latest
Tls DashboardsTlsConfig defining Dashbaord TLS configuration false false
env []corev1.Env add user defined environment variables to dashboard app false -
image string Define Opensearch-dashboards image false -
imagePullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy Define Opensearch-dashboards image pull policy false -
imagePullSecrets corev1.LocalObjectReference Define Opensearch-dashboards image pull secrets false -
tolerations []corev1.Toleration Adds toleration to dashboard pods false -
nodeSelector map[string]string Adds NodeSelector to dashboard pods false -
affinity corev1.Affinity Adds affinity to dashboard pods false -
labels map[string]string Adds labels to dashboard pods false -
annotations map[string]string Adds annotations to dashboard pods false -
service opsterv1.DashboardsService Customize dashboard service false -
pluginsList []string List of plugins that should be installed for OpenSearch Dashboards at startup. false []
podSecurityContext *corev1.PodSecurityContext Set the security context for the dashboards pods. false -
securityContext *corev1.SecurityContext Set the security context for the dashboards pods' containers. false -


Every NodePool is defining different Opensearch Nodes StatefulSet

Name Type Description Required default
component string statefulset name - will create $cluster-name-$component STS true -
replicas int defines NodePool deployment's replicas true 1
diskSize string nodePool data disk size true -
NodeSelector map[string]string add NodeSelector to nodePool false -
Tls DashboardsTlsConfig defining Dashbaord TLS configuration false false
resources corev1.ResourceRequirements Define NodePool resources false
roles []string List of OpenSearch roles to assign to the nodePool true -
JVM string JVM args. Use this to define heap size (recommendation: Set to half of memory request) false Half of `resources.requests.memory` if jvm is not set. Fallback value is `-Xmx512M -Xms512M` if neither `resources.requests.memory` nor jvm are set.
Affinity corev1.Affinity add affinity to nodePool false -
Tolerations []corev1.Toleration add toleration to nodePool false -
topologySpreadConstraints []corev1.TopologySpreadConstraint add topology spread contraints to nodePool false -
annotations map[string]string Adds annotations to node pods false -
priorityClassName string Adds a priority class to nodes false -
probes ProbesConfig Updates the probes timeouts and thresholds config false -


InitHelperConfig defines global Opensearch InitHelper image configuration

Name Type Description Required default
image string Define InitHelper image false
imagePullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy Define InitHelper image pull policy false -
resources corev1.ResourceRequirements Define initcontainer resorces false -
version string Version of InitHelper (busybox) image to deploy false 1.27.2-buildx


Monitoring defines Opensearch monitoring configuration

Name Type Description Required default
enable bool Define if to enable monitoring for that cluster true -
labels map[string]string Add LabelsSelector to ServiceMonitor false -
monitoringUserSecret []string Define from which user the monitor will run (Getting Secret name, the secret should contain 'username':'password' fileds). false admin
scrapeInterval string Define interval for scraping false 30s
pluginURL string Define offline link to Aiven Plugin false
tlsConfig map[] Tls Configuration See tlsConfig below false -


Monitoring TLS configuration options

Name Type Description Required default
serverName string Used to verify the hostname for the targets false
insecureSkipVerify bool Disable target certificate validation false false


Every Keystore Value defines a secret to pull secrets from.

Name Type Description Required default
secret corev1.LocalObjectReference Define secret that contains key value pairs true -
keyMappings map Define key mappings from secret to keystore entry. Example: "old: new" creates a keystore entry "new" with the value from the secret entry "old". When a map is provided, only the specified keys are loaded from the secret, so use "key: key" to load a key that should not be renamed. false -


AdditionalVolume object define additional volume and volumeMount

Name Type Description Required default
name string Defines name for additional volume true -
path string Defines mount path for additional volume true -
subPath string key of the configmap or secret to use (mounts only that key at the given path), ignored for other volume types false -
restartPods bool Defines if pod should restar or not in case of change in VolumeSource object false false
emptyDir corev1.EmptyDirVolumeSource Defines emptyDir object to be mouted false -
configMap corev1.ConfigMapVolumeSource Defines ConfgMap object to be mounted false -
secret corev1.SecretVolumeSource Defines Secret object to be mounted false -
csi corev1.CSIVolumeSource Defines the CSI object to be mounted false -
projected corev1.ProjectedVolumeSource Defines the Projected object to be mounted false -


ProbesConfig defines per nodepool probes thresholds and timeouts instead of defaults

Name Type Description Required default
liveness ProbeConfig Update liveness probe thresholds and timeouts false -
readiness ReadinessProbeConfig Update readiness probe thresholds and timeouts false -
startup ProbeConfig Update startup probe thresholds and timeouts false -


ProbeConfig defines per probe thresholds and timeouts instead of defaults

Name Type Description Required default
initialDelaySeconds int32 Update probe's initialDelaySeconds false 10
periodSeconds int32 Update probe's periodSeconds false 20
timeoutSeconds int32 Update probe's timeoutSeconds false 5
successThreshold int32 Update probe's successThreshold false 1
failureThreshold int32 Update probe's failureThreshold false 10


ReadinessProbeConfig defines per probe thresholds and timeouts instead of defaults

Name Type Description Required default
initialDelaySeconds int32 Update probe's initialDelaySeconds false 60
periodSeconds int32 Update probe's periodSeconds false 30
timeoutSeconds int32 Update probe's timeoutSeconds false 30
failureThreshold int32 Update probe's failureThreshold false 5