diff --git a/src/interpolators.jl b/src/interpolators.jl index afc3bc4..e917104 100644 --- a/src/interpolators.jl +++ b/src/interpolators.jl @@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ Really fast interpolation that happens on the GPU (for GLMakie), so optimal for !!! warning `DelaunayMesh` won't allow you to add a contour plot to the topoplot. + +!!! danger + `DelaunayMesh` will not behave accurately if rendered via CairoMakie, because Cairo (and SVG in general) + does not support color maps on meshes. The color within each triangle will be based only on the values + at the vertices, which causes inaccurate visuals. """ struct DelaunayMesh <: Interpolator end