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fr_language Workshop mod 1362394094 based on startermod_locale



The overrides method allows any mod to provide a translation for any other mod.

##About Example mod of adding a new language to stonehearth.

Instructions for use: Download the mod. Unzip to your stonehearth mods directory, as a peer to stonehearth.smod and radiant.smod. Make sure the folder is named startermod_locale, not startermod_locale-master.

Inside the startermod_locale folder, you should see a manifest.json file, a added_languages.json file and a translations folder which has 2 folders in it representing the two mods that are shipped by radiant so far (stonehearth and rayyas children). Inside each of those folders will be 2 files named en-XA.json and en-DEV.json.

The startermod_locale mod adds a pseudolocalization of stonehearth's and rayya children's en.json file. The en-DEV.json file is the plain english used to generate en-XA.json. Pseudolocalization replaces all the characters in stonehearth's en.json file with characters that have accents. This mimics what foreign languages will look like when displayed in the game.

When you start up Stonehearth with this mod installed, open the settings menu and go to the system tab. You will see that a language named "[!!Ēņģľĭšħ!!]" will be added to the list of languages. Selecting the "[!!Ēņģľĭšħ!!]" language and clicking "OK" will change the game's language.

##How it works:

  1. startermod_locale's manifest.json uses this line:

    "mixintos" : {
       "stonehearth/locales/supported_languages.json" : "file(added_languages.json)"

    This causes all the data in added_languages.json to be added to the list of supported languages recognized by the stonehearth mod.

  2. added_languages.json specifies a new language, en-XA like so:

    "en-XA": {
       "display_name": "[!!Ēņģľĭšħ!!]"

    display_name is what the settings language drop down will show for the name of the language. You can use this to display the name of a language in its native form. the name "en-XA" is the language code of the translation. See: Most languages and language variants have a language code. In this case, en means English and the XA is a made up name for the pseudolocale. The German translation will be de-DE.json, and the Chinese Mandarin translation will be zh-CN.json Note: If you have a region specific translation, the last 2 letters of the translation file MUST be capitalized!

  3. Then, back to startermod_locale's manifest.json, we add the translations provided by this mod using overrides:

    "overrides": {
       "stonehearth/locales/en-XA.json": "file(translations/stonehearth/en-XA.json)",
       "rayyas_children/locales/en-XA.json": "file(translations/rayyas_children/en-XA.json)"

    These overrides will effective act as if you added new files under stonehearth/locales/ and rayyas_children/locales/ The files that are pointed to is the en-XA.json files under the translations folder. This is the file that contains all the translated strings.


If you are creating your own content mod that has translatable strings (not a mod that is purely translation), to tell the game that your mod contains locale data, you need to specify a default locale in the mod's manifest.json, ex:

   "info" : {
   "name" : "rayyas_children",
   "version" : 1
   "default_locale": "en",

This tells the game that if the main stonehearth game is running in a language for which your mod doesn't have support, it will know to load the english translation file by default.

##How to translate en.json:

Only translate strings that come after a ':'' in the json file. You can more easily view the json on a website such as Do not modify the strings that come on the left side of a ':' Also, do not modify strings that are surrounded by brackets '[' or ']'


"ai": {
 "actions": {
    "status_text": {
       "chase_entity": "chasing [name(]",

Here, the string that needs to be translated is "chasing [name(]" Note, DO NOT translate the "[name(]" portion. This is a special string replacement. The name of the target will replace "[name(]" in the game.

EX: If a hearthling is chasing a goblin named "Jib", the game will replace "[name(]" with "Jib" and the final string will read: "chasing Jib"

The replacement is character sensitive, so do not change whether the string is upper or lower case, and do not replace any of the string with a different key. It is best to copy and past the special portion into your translated text.

You can move "[name(]" around to different locations within the string.

The japanese translated file might show something like this:

"ai": {
 "actions": {
    "status_text": {
       "chase_entity": "[name(]を追う",

The Chinese file might look like:

"ai": {
 "actions": {
    "status_text": {
       "chase_entity": "追逐[name(]",

##How to contribute to french translation?

Contributing "not collaborator" Contributing collaborator
  1. Fork it!
    2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
    3. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add your new feature"
    4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
    5. Submit a pull request. | 1. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
    2. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some new feature'
    3. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
    4. Submit a pull request.
    Optional : Add/Set labels and milestone =)


  • Don't forget in french language a space before a punctuation ;:!?
  • In French language a uppercase it's only: the beginning of the sentence and for proper names.
  • UTF8 encoding (without BOM)
  • Particular word (translation) :
English French
Goblins Gobelins
hearthling/citizen hearthling
frostsnap perce-neige
silkweed fil-de-soie
brightbell jacinthe rose
Diamond Star Étoile Diamant
Kobold kobold
Red Kiln Kiln Rouge
Poyo Poyo
Carpenter Menuisier
Phoenix Empire Empire Phénix
Phoenix Phénix