ActionBar component is like a google meet kinda bar with buttons n stuff.
When you hover over a piece it glows and shows arrows in a tooltip with the directions that you can turn it (3d arrows would be better)
When you start turning it the entire layer you are turning glows instead of just the one piece
Any facelets of the same color beside each other should glow. Make you feel good when you align a new one but bad when you turn and lose glow.
When my cursor is over the general scene, then it should be the 4-way arrow cursor. When I hover over any piece, it switches to the hand grab cursor. When I click down on a piece it switches to grabbing
Use Hammer.js to simplify the touch/mouse event handling and gesture recognition.
See how the Google Doodle rubiks cube handles solving and user interaction at the same time. Should user be able to interact in the middle of solving?
- When cube is solving itself, add a slider to adjust tempo on the fly