Todo Microservice REST API in Spring Boot, on top of Microkubes.
To build the example, run:
docker build -t todo-service .
You can run the example locally.
First make sure you have Gradle installed, then build and run the example:
gradle runBoot
Then we need to generate a JWT to simulate the JWT we're going to receive from Microkubes.
Install jwtgen
to generate the JWT (you can skip this if you have jwtgen
installed already):
export JWT=`jwtgen -a RS256 \
-p keys/key.pem \
-c "" \
-c "userId=john.doe" \
-c "roles=user" \
-c ""`
Then we can create a TODO item:
curl http://localhost:8080/todo \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" \
-d '{"title": "Todo Item", "content": "Buy groceries"}'
We'll get something like this:
{"id":"480e583f-36ae-492c-9e90-c2abb3b20091","title":"Todo Item","content":"Buy groceries","timestamp":1554478560595,"owner":""}
Then we can fetch the Todo item:
curl http://localhost:8080/todo/480e583f-36ae-492c-9e90-c2abb3b20091 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT"
and we'll get the same item that we've created:
{"id":"480e583f-36ae-492c-9e90-c2abb3b20091","title":"Todo Item","content":"Buy groceries","timestamp":1554478560595,"owner":""}