Fill in the blank (No word bank) (20 @ 0.5 pts):
_______________ means ______
The operation ____ is used to clear the value of a register
19 total words (7 questions)
True/False (No 'explain why false') (5 @ 2pts):
5 questions
Programming Snippets (2 @ 10 pts each):
Write LC3 instructions to do the following
Store the result of |x| into x3120
Store the result of OR into x3121
Given the ability to do X - Y
X - (Y + Z)
Short answer (4 @ 5pts):
The Big One™ (1 @ 20pts):
In the lecture, given a table of maching code values, you will determine:
- What the instructions are
- What the program as a whole does
- The values in the registers when finished
The ISA table is provided on the test
3x5 Notecard allowed
This exam will cover material from Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 of the text. To prepare for the exam, be sure you:
Understand the five components of the von Neumann model: memory, processing unit, input, output, and the control unit
Understand the components which make up a computer instruction
Understand the six phases of the instruction cycle: fetch, decode, evaluate, address, fetch operands, and store result.
Understand the seven components specified by the ISA: the memory organization, registers, the instruction set, opcodes, data types, addressing modes, and condition codes
Know how to execute operation instructions such as ADD, logical AND, and logical NOT
Know how to execute data movement instructions such as LD, LDI, LDR, LEA, ST, STI, and STR
Know how to execute control instructions such as BR, JMP, and TRAP to simulate conditional execution
Question types include Fill-in-the-Blank, True/False, LC-3 Program Snippets, Short Answers, and Program Interpretation.
In addition to the material above, I recommend you specifically study the following:
Combining arithmetic functions from Lab: LC-3 (Section 2) to form more complicated arithmetic expressions. For example, given your knowledge on computing X - Y , you may be asked to calculate X − ( Y − Z )
Applying DeMorgan's Law
Study DeMorgan's Laws
-Operand in instruction
-PC Offset 9 [-256, 255]
- Double lookup
- BaseR + ?
LEA | Immediate
LDR | Base + offset
LDI | Indirect
LD | PC offset