A BLE-Client plugin based on btlelug.
The main difference to using btleplug directly is that this uses the tauri plugin system for android. All other platforms use the btleplug implementation.
cargo add tauri-plugin-blec
Or manually add it to the src-tauri/Cargo.toml
tauri-plugin-blec = "0.3"
use your preferred JavaScript package manager to add @mnlphlp/plugin-blec
yarn add @mnlphlp/plugin-blec
npm add @mnlphlp/plugin-blec
.expect("error while running tauri application");
Add blec:default
to the permissions in your capabilities file.
Explanation about capabilities
Add an entry to the info.plist of your app:
<string>The App uses Bluetooth to communicate with BLE devices</string>
Add the CoreBluetooth Framework in your xcode procjet:
- open with
tauri ios dev --open
- click on your project to open settings
- Add Framework under General -> Frameworks,Libraries and Embedded Content
See examples/plugin-blec-example
for a full working example that scans for devices, connects and sends/receives data.
In order to use it run examples/test-server
on another device and connect to that server.
Short example:
import { connect, sendString } from '@mnlphlp/plugin-blec'
// get address by scanning for devices and selecting the desired one
let address = ...
// connect and run a callback on disconnect
await connect(address, () => console.log('disconnected'))
// send some text to a characteristic
const CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = '51FF12BB-3ED8-46E5-B4F9-D64E2FEC021B'
await sendString(CHARACTERISTIC_UUID, 'Test', 'withResponse')
The plugin can also be used from the rust backend.
The handler returned by get_handler()
is the same that is used by the frontend commands.
This means if you connect from the frontend you can send data from rust without having to call connect on the backend.
use uuid::{uuid, Uuid};
use tauri_plugin_blec::models::WriteType;
const CHARACTERISTIC_UUID: Uuid = uuid!("51FF12BB-3ED8-46E5-B4F9-D64E2FEC021B");
const DATA: [u8; 500] = [0; 500];
let handler = tauri_plugin_blec::get_handler().unwrap();
.send_data(CHARACTERISTIC_UUID, &DATA, WriteType::WithResponse)