This guide has the goal to help you to Setup/Play RoBrowser. If there's any trouble during the process, please open an issue with all your concerns and points to improve.
- Getting started
- 1. Important notes before starting
- 2. Local Installation
- 3. Setup Instructions
- 4. Serving and Running roBrowser
- 5. Add game assets
- 6. Adding Custom Plugins
- 7. ROBrowser Settings Overview
- 9. Troubleshooting
In case of any error start by opening developer mode and check the browser
or CTRL+Shift+I
in most browsers). Don't forget to adjust the level filters if you don't see everything. Also worth checking the Network
For public servers using secure web protocols
is a de-facto must, since most browsers don't allow non-secure websocket calls on the internet anymore.
This guide section will help you running robrowser locally.
Here's a list of things that you will need to have for a sucessfull installation and gameplay of your favorite server.
Item | Description |
RoBrowserLegacy | Client to Run Ragnarok Online on browser |
NodeJS 20+ | NodeJS to compile RoBrowser assets |
wsproxy | A Websocket Proxy to interligate Login + Server + Map into one endpoint |
Game Server | Your Emulator that usually is rAthena or Hercules |
Game Files | A kRO or any RO installation files to use as your base for the server |
Remote Client | If you don't want to use local files you will need a Remote Client to serve the game assets to roBrowser hia http. Default version: PHP Other versions: JS |
Browser | Any browser that is compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0 (Requirement for RoBrowser) |
Embed Server | Any programming language that has embed servers to use. Example: NodeJS, PHP or Ruby. It's totally up to you. |
Currently tested browsers:
- Chrome: (Desktop & Mobile)
- FireFox: (Desktop & Mobile)
- Safari: (Desktop & Mobile)
- Edge: (Desktop)
Others will probably work as well especially if Chromium based, but there might be slight differences.
If you already have NodeJS LTS installed, skip this step.
Make sure you're running NodeJS LTS or 18 above. Validate your version using the command:
node --version
# v20.10.0 (example output)
If your version is minor than 18 you can
To install NVM you can use the command below:
curl -o- | bash
After you install NVM, reopen your terminal and check if the installation was successful:
nvm --version
# 0.39.0
Now you need to switch to the appropriate version to run roBrowser by using the command:
nvm install --lts
# Downloading and installing node latest version
# Now using node v20.10.0 (npm v10.2.3)
Just to make sure, check if the node changed to the specified version after installation:
node --version
# v20.10.0
npm --version
# v10.2.3
Now you're good to go and compile the needed files to your Ro-Browser application!
To run roBrowserLegacy it will be necessary a proxy layer between your browser and the map_server, login_server, and char_server. Instead connect into 3 instances, you will only connect to the main proxy.
To install wsproxy, use the command below:
npm install wsproxy -g
For more info read the wsProxy Readme.
All client/packet versions are supported, but the number of missing features increases with higher dates, since we need time to get everything implemented. We advise you to use versions older than 2015
for the best experience, but this is not a restriction, only a suggestion.
The game files needs to match the version/episode that you will play. Due that, we recommend to always start with kRO Client or you can choose a different Client dowloading from one of Hercules assets on Nemo website.
You need a game server that is compatible with the original game. There are many implementations/versions/forks that are compatible, you can use any of them, but we suggest using one of the following two, because we test using these emulators:
- Disable packet_obfuscation on the game server. (Not supported yet, causes invalid packets)
First, you will need the project in your machine. You can fork your own version or just clone the repository by typing:
git clone
Or you can just download our latest release here.
Having the project extracted in your machine, you will need to install the node dependencies by running:
npm install
Now we have everything to make our game run as expected. Before start, we have to start a web-server to host all our roBrowserLegacy. By default, our project already have one installed on the node dependencies, which is called live-server
, configured under the project's package.json pre-configured commands.
Running the live server (browserless):
npm run live
# robrowser@1.0.0 live
# > live-server . --no-browser
# Serving "." at
Or if you're using PHP or Ruby you can type any of these commands:
php -S
# or
ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000
With any of them, you will be able to access http://localhost:8000
with a proper web-server running locally.
There's two builds available today: Development and Production.
This step/section is only recommended for a "Live" server. It will only pack all the resource files into one file to speed up loading.
First, we have to access the roBrowserLegacy project root:
cd path/to/robrowserlegacy
Then you can simply run:
npm run build -- -O -T -H
It will generate 3 files inside dist/Web
, which are Online.js, ThreadEventHandler.js and index.html that you have to move/copy into your project root.
cp dist/Web/* .
Now you're good to open your browser at
and see your roBrowser base client running!
In case you want to minify your roBrowser, go on the instance config and turn the development
flag into false
If you want to contribute directly on RoBrowserLegacy source, you should focus on /src
First, go to your roBrowserLegacy Folder:
cd path/to/robrowserlegacy
You can start the development build by typing:
npm run serve
# > robrowser@1.0.0 serve
# > live-server ./dist/Web
# Serving "./dist/Web" at
Since we're under development purposes (modifying the source/testing) change in the roBrowser config inside the dist/Web/index.html
with: development: true
This step/section is only recommended for a "Live" server. It will only pack all the resource files into one file to speed up loading. Requires to set in the roBrowser config: development: false,
For development purposes (modifying the source/testing) skip this section and set in the roBrowser config: development: true,
. In development mode roBrowser will use the files directly from src/
- Access
with your browser - Click on "Online", compilation should take around 10~30secs. If it runs longer than 2 minutes there might be an issue.
- Click on "Thread"
- Copy/move the generated files into your web folder (
TODO: improve this flow (important!)
- Enable Intro screen in the configs by setting
skipIntro: false
- Drag your game assets into the box on your Intro sceen
Install a Remote Client to your web server.
copy your
directory (only unencripted, 0x200 version is supported) -
alternatively, if you don't want to use GRFs directly, then you can extract your GRFs into the
directory (not recommended, but it works fine) -
copy your
(GRF loading order) underresources
directory -
copy your BGM
directory -
copy your data directory under
directory -
copy your System files under
directory -
copy your
(client-server information) underdata
directory -
copy your AI files under
directory -
check the
if it is configured properly for your use and make sureDEBUG
is set to false -
check the
file if the ErrorDocument option points to theindex.php
via the correct url. If you don't run roBrowser from the www root and you use remote client then you need to adjust this url (see examples in the file)
In all AI/*.lua
files :
- Replace all
- Replace all
require "AI\\Const"
withrequire "AI/Const"
- Replace all
require "AI\\Util"
withrequire "AI/Util"
- Replace all
- Replace all
- copy your custom plugins into
Some examples:
Here you have a list with all of init variables on ROBrowser. Let's take a look:
function initialize() {
var ROConfig = {
type: ROBrowser.TYPE.FRAME, // Possible: .FRAME (instert into current document), .POPUP (open new window)
target: document.getElementById("robrowser"), // When using TYPE.FRAME this is the id of the target iframe in the current document
application: ROBrowser.APP.ONLINE, // Possible: .ONLINE (game), .MAPVIEWER, .GRFVIEWER, .MODELVIEWER, .STRVIEWER, .GRANNYMODELVIEWER (not implemented)
width: 800, // Only affects TYPE.POPUP
height: 600, // Only affects TYPE.POPUP
servers: [{ // Game server info. You must configure this! You can have multiple servers like: servers: [{..}, {..}, {..}], you can also use clientinfo to set the server list (servers: "data/clientinfo.xml",)
display: "Demo Server", // Display name, can be anything
desc: "roBrowser's demo server", // Description, can be anything
address: "", // Must match your game server's
port: 6900, // Must match your game server's
langtype: 12, // Must match your game server's
packetver: 20191223, // Must match your game server's
grfList: "DATA.INI", // By default uses DATA.INI to get grf list, but you can define an array (grfList: ['custom.grf', 'palette.grf', 'data.grf'],) or a regex (grfList: /\.grf$/i,)
remoteClient: "", // Your remote client address. Defaults to
renewal: true, // Must match your game server's type (true/false). When using clientinfo.xml you can add the <renewal>true</renewal> custom tag.
packetKeys: false, // Packet encryption keys ( not implemented?? )
socketProxy: "ws://", // The websocket proxy's address you set up previously for robrowser (wsproxy)
adminList: [2000000], // List admins' account IDs here like: [2000000, 2000001, 2000002 .... etc]
aura: { defaultLv: 99 } // optional aura levels
// OTHER CONFIG - These can be part of the server config as well, thus making them adjustable per server
development: false, // When false needs a compiled Online.js in the root (faster load). When true, the client will directly use the javascript files from src/ (slower load, for debugging/development only). Additionally, the console output is enabled when set to true to help debugging.
enableConsole: false, // Enables the console output in a non-development environment (development: false)
disableConsole: false, // Force disables console output in any environment (regardless or the development config option)
packetDump: false, // Dump packet as hex to the console?
skipServerList: false, // Skip server selection?
skipIntro: false, // Skip intro page?
version: 20230927.0959, // Update this value every time you update your robrowser, to trigger a source refresh on every browser. Recommended to use a decimal timestamp (YYYYMMDD.hhmm), but can be anything
forceUseAddress: false, // Some times when connect to server, the server return as IP to connect. This key force robrowse to ignore and use IP set at 'address'
worldMapSettings: { // Settings for world map.
episode: 98, // Episode content to show (0-98, eg:14.2, default:98 = latest)
add:[], // Optional, Array of maps to custom show (eg: ['rachel', 'ra_fild01'])
remove:[] // Optional, Array of maps to custom remove (eg: ['alberta', 'pay_fild03'])
enableCashShop: false, // Enable Cash Shop UI?
enableBank: false, // Enable Bank UI? (Requires PACKETVER 20130724 above)
enableMapName: false, // Enable Map Name Banner? (Requires client data (GRF) newer than 2019.06.19)
enableRefineUI: false, // Enable Renewal Refine UI? (Requires client data (GRF) newer than 2016.10.12) (Should also enable in server side)
enableDmgSuffix: false, // Enable Damage Suffix (>1M = K, >100M = M) - Requires client data (GRF) newer or equals to 2019.05.08
enableCheckAttendance: false, // Enable Check Attendance? (Requires PACKETVER 20180307 above)
enableHomunAutoFeed: false, // Enable Homunculus Auto Feed for older PACKETVER than 20170920
loadLua: false, // Enable this option to load LUA tables (currently only item table) from client/System/...
//clientHash: '113e195e6c051bb1cfb12a644bb084c5', // Set fixed client hash value here (less secure, for development only)
calculateHash: false, // When true, the client will calculate it's own hash and send that value (slower, more secure, only when development is false). Must provide the list of files in hashFiles!
hashFiles: ["api.html", "api.js", "Online.js", "ThreadEventHandler.js"], // List of files to calculate the Hash based on. Add all files your robrowser uses, including your "main page/index.html" where you set up the RoBrowser Config. Only used when calculateHash is true.
/* Plugins */
plugins: {
/* Syntax */
// Simple (no parameters):
// PluginName: 'Plugin_JS_Path_In_PluginsFolder_Without_Extension',
// Complex (with configurable parameters):
// PluginName: { path:'Plugin_JS_Path_In_PluginsFolder_Without_Extension', pars: { param1: <val1>, param2: <val2>, param3: <val3>... } }
/* Example: */
// KeyToMove: 'KeyToMove/KeyToMove'
// IntroMessage: { path:'IntroMessage/IntroMessage', pars: { newsUrl: '' } }
/* Custom, "for fun" camera modes */
ThirdPersonCamera: false, // When true you can zoom in more and rotate camera around player more freely with mouse
FirstPersonCamera: false, // When true you can look from the player's head, like an FPS game and rotate camera without limit
CameraMaxZoomOut: 5, // How far can you zoom out the camera, default:5. Note: Extreme values can break camera and/or mouse.
var RO = new ROBrowser(ROConfig);
window.addEventListener("load", initialize, false); // When the webpage loads this will start roBrowser
In case of the langtype
option, we added support for some custom types:
- 160: Central European
- 161: Greek
- 162: Turkish
- 163: Hebrew
- 164: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuaninan
- 240: UTF-8
- 241: UTF-16LE
- 242: UTF-16BE
Using these custom types makes roBrowser incompatible with other clients without modifying them as well! Only use them if you know what you are doing!
You can set up your own index.html
/ integrate roBrowser into your website as well based on the .examples/ and this example above.
- Access to
after moving all the files from yourro-browser/dist/Web
(project root).
9.1 Troubleshooting: The screen is weird and/or the developer console (F12) says it can't load game assets
Your remote client is not configured properly.
- Check the
and make sureDEBUG
is set to false. - Check the
file if the ErrorDocument option points to theclient/index.php
via the correct url. If you don't run roBrowser from the www root and you use remote client then you need to adjust this url (see examples in the file).
If it is still not working you can try setting DEBUG
to true and open the http://localhost:8000/client/index.php
in your browser to see the debug trace. You can also call files directly from your game data to see if they load properly, eg: http://localhost:8000/client/data/texture/black.bmp
. After debugging set DEBUG
to false.
Check that you don't have an extension using postMessage, it will conflict with code in api.html
which listen for message.
You probably forgot the step about AI
replacement in Add game assets
You probably have a server security issue if your server is public. Check your certificates and make sure you configured everything to run securely, you provided the required configuration values in https
and that the main page of roBrowser is also opened with https
. Redirecting every http
call to https
on the webserver is also probably a good idea.
I personally had to disable metamask