Releases: MscrmTools/PCF-Controls
MscrmTools PCF Controls
This new solution contains the following PCF controls:
- NN Checkboxes
- Custom Switch
- Date as Checkbox
MscrmTools PCF Controls v1.5.0.0
This new solution contains the following PCF controls:
- NN Checkboxes
- Custom Switch
NNCheckboxes v1.4.0.3
Removed parent entity configuration parameter as the product bug is fixed
Fix the issue where you cannot add multiple instances of the PCF control
Updated color of checkboxes label to fit with form labels color
Improved relationship detection to ensure possibility to associate/disassociate records
Updated configuration of the PCF to select display layout with an enumeration (checkboxes/switches)
Changed logo of the PCF to see the rendered layout
NNCheckboxes v1.4.0.2
Fixed CSS to avoid changing color of parent form labels and lookups
NNCheckboxes v1.4.0.1
Fixed a bug when using statuscode attribute as grouping attribute since PCF does not send this attribute data type. Label used was the value instead of the label because the attribute was not recognized as an OptionSet
NNCheckboxes v1.4.0.0
Added support to render checkboxes as toggle switches
Added possibility to define color for switch state On and Off
NNCheckboxes v1.3.0.0
New in version
- You can choose an OptionSet attribute for backgroundcolor and color properties. If so, the color of the OptionSet value is used.
NNCheckboxes v1.2.0.0
New in version
- The control now takes full advantage of the view selected to render properly the records respecting sort orders and filter criteria to show only records that are returned by the view selected. That means, for example, that you can now display only active records as selectable items if you set the control to use the view "Active records"
- Records with no value for category attribute are presented under a category "Uncategorized records"
NNCheckboxes v1.1.0.0
New in version 1.1
- You can choose the number of columns to render
- Relationship schema name is not mandatory if only one many-to-many relationship exists for the entities
- Records can be rendered with background color and forecolor if the entity has corresponding attributes
- Records can be grouped by an attribute (text, optionset or booleans)
v1.0.0.0 Update