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File metadata and controls

491 lines (402 loc) · 16.3 KB


What is Angular?

  • frontend JS framework
  • collection of tools & features (CLI, Debugging Tools, IDE Plugins)

Why use Angular?

  • Simplify process of building complex, highly interactive user interfaces
  • Write declarative code rather than imperative code.
  • Define the target UI states & how they change and let Angular do the rest!
  • Separation of concerns using components (like React)
    • modular applications
    • better development process
  • embraces some OOP concepts & principles
  • Uses Typescript

NOTE: Angular 1 or Angular JS is totally different framework.


ng new project-name # like nest new project-name
npm start # ng serve
ng serve

# Schematics
ng g c header # ng generate component header
ng g c my-component --skip-tests
ng g c tasks/task --skip-tests

# Builders
npm run build # ng build
ng build # build for production

ng new --ssr # create a new project with server side rendering
ng add @angular/ssr

ng update
ng update @angular/core


  • Loaded by the browsers when visitors visit the website.

  • But, it is almost empty with only one strange html element <app-root></app-root> in body?

  • When website loads up, the code in main.ts file is executed.

  • But, there are no imports (e.g., main.ts) or script tags in index.html.

  • But, in page source we can see script tags which are automatically inserted by Angular CLI.

Component (Separation of Concerns)

  • Every component should do one thing.
// File Naming Conventions
// header.component.html
// header.component.css
// header.component.ts
// And put in header folder.

    selector: 'app-header', // convention is to use at least two words. header can clash with HTML built-in tag.
    template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>' // Not recommended,
    templateUrl: './header.component.html',
    // For modules set standalone to false
    standalone: true, // standalone components are recommended. 
    styleUrl: './header.component.css' // stylesUrl, styles
export class HeaderComponent

// How to use/import?
    imports: [HeaderComponent]
export class AppComponent

How to use components?

import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser'
// ... imports

  • Components can be used in this way but it is not how we do it.
  • Idea is to build a tree of components with one root component.
  • Why? Exchange data and communicate with each other.
  • Then How? Call bootstrap only once and use other components inside app/root component.

Important Concept Regarding CSS

  • A component can only see its own styles. For example, styles defined in header.component.css can only be seen by HeaderComponent and not by AppComponent.

  • Above point maybe easy to understand as header component is a child of app component so its style are not visible to app component.

  • But, what about styles defined in app.component.css? Can they be seen by HeaderComponent? No! Because, Angular uses Shadow DOM to encapsulate views/styles.

  • View encapsulation can be turned off using encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None in component file.

Dynamic Content & Getters For Computed Values

  • All non-private properties defined in the component class are available in template of that class.
// String interpolation: access any public property of class
{{ }}

<img src="{{ selectedUser.avatar }}" />

// Property Binding: Skip double curly brackets when configuring an element through its attributes
<img [src]="selectedUser.avatar" [alt]=""/>
<img [src]="'assets/user/' + selectedUser.avatar" />

// Getters for computed values
get imagePath () {
    return 'assets/user/' + this.selectedUser.avatar

// Better practice: outsource computations
<img [src]="imagePath" /> // Beware it is not a function call, it should be accessed like a property.
  • We can omit property binding for string values and just you like react props e.g., title="A title".


  • So easy.. no setState hanky-panky!!
  • Uses zone.js behind the scene to detect changes


  • looks like retarded useState
  • trackable data containers
  • an object that stores a value (any type of value)
  • notify Angular when values change so Angular can update parts of UI where those values are used

Component Inputs (Props)

  • Just like props of react.
export class UserComponent {
    // Receiving Props
    @Input({ required: true, alias: 'fName' }) firstName!: string // accessible as fName in template
    @Input() lastName!: string
    // ! Convinces ts that we will always have value here.

    @Input() middleName?: string
    // ? Tells ts that it might not be initialized and its ok.

    // Another alternative
    @Input() age: number | undefined
  • There is another way to do this using signal inputs.

Outputs & Emitting Data

  • Reverse props?
  • We can make emitters of type void like new EventEmitter<void>().
@Input({ required: true }) id!: string
@Output() select = new EventEmitter() // It is better to provide type here like EventEmitter<void>, EventEmitter<string> etc.
// another way of doing this is by using output function. 
// select = output<string>()

onSelectUser() {
    //'sharing a string with parent component')

// Event Binding -> (select), (click)
  • There is another way to do this using output() function.
  • It just exists as an alternative syntax so you can write code without decorators.
  • Doesn't use signals.. just a different syntax!
  • But, output() way of doing is more secure as TypeScript throws error if no type is provided.

For Loop

  • track is like key we provide in map in react.
@for (user of users; track {
        <app-user [user]="user" (select)="onSelectUser($event)">

Conditional Rendering

@if (selectedUser) {
    <app-tasks ... />
} @else {
    <p id="fallback">Any text...</p>

Legacy: ngFor & ngIf

  • These are structural directives.
  • Currently, I am not learning these as new syntax is cleaner & easier.

Storing Data Models

  • Store in separate files e.g., user.model.ts

Dynamic CSS Styling with Class Bindings

// Here active is a class name defined in .css file.
<li []="selectedItem">Create Account</li>


  • An element enhancement that helps with extracting (or changing) user input values.
  • Components are directives! Directives with templates.
  • Two-way-binding: Read & Write data from & to input field.
  • Register directive by importing FormsModule in imports.
  • name attribute is required for ngModel to work.
title = ''

    [(ngModel)]="title" // two-way-binding syntax
  • To use signals with two-way-binding, just declare state with a signal in ts file. Code in template remains same.
  • If FormsModule is imported, Angular stops page refresh when form is submitted.
  • (ngSubmit)="onMySubmit()" is emitted when form is submitted.

Content Projection: Higher Order Component of React?

    <!-- Acts as a placeholder for wrapped markup -->
    <ng-content /> 

Transforming Template Data with Pipes

// import DatePipe & add in imports array.
{{ task.dueDate | date: 'short' }}


  • Outsource data and logic from a component into a service and then inject that service in all the components that might be interested in the data and some of the methods exposed by the method.
  • Didn't understand dependency injection here! Need a lecture on dependency injection. Maybe make another markdown file.
  • 1 thing that I understood here is that if you are using Output too much it means you should be using services.
    private tasksService: TasksService
) {}

// Alternative Syntax
private tasksService = inject(TasksService)

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class TasksService {
    // ...


  • We worked with standalone components so far. Standalone components are recommended and most modern way of combining/making Angular components.
  • Its just like modules of Nest.js.
  • Pros: Components decorator declaration gets leaner because we don't need imports array.
  • Cons: We don't know which component is using which other components and we need to create extra modules.
    // declare all the components/directives that need to work together
    declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent], // Only in root module
    imports: [BrowserModule, ...], // <- Standalone components
    exports: []
export class AppModule {}
  • Modules & standalone components are rivaling concepts so standalone components can't be imported into declarations rather we add them in imports.
  • If we are not using root component as standalone, need to change main.ts.
  • We can use modules in standalone components. Remember, FormsModule?
  • BrowserModule already has pipes included so don't need to import them again.
  • Every module must work on its own. If a module needs something, it must declare or import it itself. It can't get it from any parent module that is using this module.
  • BrowserModule is only meant to be imported in root module. So, other modules should use CommonModule instead.

Using images from public folder

  • Images (and statically served assets in general) are now stored in the public/ folder - NOT in a nested assets/ folder!

  • To reference images stored in the public/ folder we would use a path like this: <img src="some-image.png"> - i.e., the public folder name is NOT part of that path (it's NOT <img src="public/some-image.png">)


  • Pipes are used to transform data in the template.
  • Angular provides some built-in pipes like uppercase, date, currency, json, async etc.

Component tags in DOM?

// Right way
    `selector: 'button[appButton]'` // button with attribute of appButton on them

// How to use?
<button appButton></button>


  • SPA? Single HTML file
  • Give illusion/feel of multiple pages
// main.ts
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, appConfig)

// app.config.ts
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
    providers: [

// app.routes.ts
export const routes: Routes = [
        path: 'tasks',
        component: TaskComponent 
    // Dynamic Routes
        path: 'users/:userId', // only :userId can be set too. We can use multiple dynamic path segments.
        component: UserTasksComponent 

// app.component.ts
    imports: [RouterOutlet]

// app.component.html

// side-bar.component.ts
    imports: [RouterLink, RouterLinkActive]

// side-bar.component.html
<a routerLink="/tasks" routerLinkActive="mySelectedClass">
    <span>{{ user().name }}</span>
// Use routerLinkActive for styling active navigation links

// user.component.ts
<a [routerLink]="['/users', user().id]">
    <span>{{ user().name }}</span>

// same as above but different syntax
<a [routerLink]="'/users' + user().id">
    <span>{{ user().name }}</span>

// user-tasks.component.ts
export class UserTasksComponent {
    // For this approach to work, we need to provide withComponentInputBinding() as second parameter to provideRouter in app.config.ts
    userId = input.required<string>() // same name as dynamic path parameter

// Above example uses signals, but, same can be achieved using @Input() but I won't repeat both the approaches in all places.

Deploying Angular App

  • In development mode, served code is not optimized.
    • For size i.e., too big.
    • Contains extra logging, error messages or details that we don't want to expose to the public.
  • Angular CLI provides ng add @angular/fire and ng deploy commands for automatic deployment support.


  • Client-side only web app
  • Idea:
    • Single html file that will be put on some web host.
    • And its that file that will be requested by the visitors.
    • And that file then will load all the JS code that makes up our app.
    • JS takes over and does magic!
    • All UI rendering happens on the client-side in the by JS code served.
    • All code executes in the browser.
    • No dynamic web server needed -- a static host suffices.
  • To deploy such a site, just find any static web host e.g., Firebase Hosting - Google
  • Cons:
    • Bad SEO
    • If rendering takes time? Initially missing content
  • Pros:
    • SEO doesn't matter or app behind auth (internal)


  • Angular app routes are rendered on-demand on a dynamic web server.
  • So instead of just having a single HTML file and letting client-side Angular do everything, with a server-side rendered app, when a user wants to visit a certain page, the request is handled on the server first, and the page that was requested is pre-rendered on-demand on the server so that the finished page is sent back to the user.
  • Web app is hydrated (activated) and becomes a SPA after the initial rendering.
  • Dynamic web server is required.
  • Potential Disadvantages:
    • Long taking tasks may cause empty pages
    • Complexity

localStorage in SSR?

  • localStorage is not available on server.
  • Use afterNextRender(() => {}) for code that needs to only run on client-side (browser).

Static Site Generation (SSG)

  • These topics are complex & I believe I should not worry about these at this moment.

Topics to Revisit/Revise

  • Signals: Videos: [28, 32]
  • Maybe some guide here after reading notes (if not enough) so if i have work with modules, this guide is still useful.
  • Topics covered in <16 but not found in newer course so need to revisit lectures or any resource and make notes:
    • View Child
    • Component Lifecycle hook: ngOnInit etc
    • Content Child

Angular < 16



Data Binding

  • Communication between TS Code (Business Logic) & Template (HTML)

Directives (*ngIf, *ngFor)

  • Directives are instructions in the DOM.
  • Tells Angular to do something for us!


// * is required as its structural directive i.e., changes structure of DOM
<p *ngIf="serverCreated; else noServer">Server was created</p>
<ng-template #noServer>
    <p>No server was created!</p>


  • Only change the element they are placed on.
  • Don't add or remove elements.
    [ngStyle]="{ backgroundColor: 'red' }" 
    [ngClass]="{ online: serverStatus === 'online' }"
    {{ status }}

// let i = index is optional
<app-server *ngFor="let server of servers; let i  = index"></app-server>

Local Reference in Templates

  • Local reference can only be used in the template where it is defined. Not in ts file.
  • I think this is like useRef in React.
<input type="text" #serverNameInput /> // returns input element
<button (click)="onAddServer(serverNameInput)">Add Server</button>


  • Something Angular supports but I am not interested in CSS!

Service Workers

  • JS code runs on one single thread
  • Browser/JS offer us to run an additional thread, decoupled from HTML pages.
  • It means it can run in background e.g., in mobile phones or receive push notifications
  • It can also listen to outgoing network requests and can do sorts of things on them like cache the responses and return cached responses.
  • Can be seen as a proxy between our app and http requests
  • Command: ng add @angular/pwa
  • Use case: Cache dynamic assets & URL for offline

Unit Testing

  • I bet no one uses this testing, so waste of time section!
  • do people actually use this?

Differential Loading

  • A feature built-in Angular that allows to ship code that works for all users but doesn't force all users to force all code.
  • For example:
    • User A with Modern Browser: needs no/less polyfills, smaller bundle required
    • User B with Legacy Browser: needs all/more polyfills, bigger bundle required