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executable file
515 lines (393 loc) · 19.5 KB

branch sga-index

This branch has been further adapted by Dylan Westfall to enable the pipeline to demultiplex SGA samples labeled with Index primers rather than unique Sample IDs present in the cDNA primer. This primarily revolved around replacing the demultiplexing code in demux_functions.jl with code which Alec had written previously for an older version of PORPID-postproc that could accept Indexed samples and removing code which handled UMIs and postprocessing reports.


by Alec Pankow and Ben Murrell, now maintained by Hugh Murrell

now upgraded to Julia version 1.7.1

branch master

Quick start

For installation on MacOS skip down to the Conda setup

Dependencies (on an ubuntu machine)

  • first update all apps
    • apt update
    • apt upgrade
  • Snakemake
    • apt-get install -y snakemake
  • mafft
    • apt-get install -y mafft
  • fasttree
    • apt-get install -y fasttree
  • python3 packages
    • apt-get install python3-pandas
    • apt-get install python3-seaborn

Julia version 1.7

Download and unpack the latest Julia (we recommend version 1.7.1) from:

Make sure you can enter the julia REPL from the command line, on an ubuntu machine you would do:

# move the julia system to a lib directory
mv julia-1.7.1 /usr/lib/julia-1.7.1
# make julia v1.7.1 executable from the command line
ln -s /usr/lib/julia-1.7.1/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia
# check that you can enter the julia REPL
julia --version

cloning the PORPIDpipeline repository

Now that the dependencies are setup we clone the PORPIDpipeline repository

cd ~
git clone

setting up the Julia package environment

then navigate to the PORPIDpipeline project folder and start the Julia REPL. Enter the package manager using ] and then enter

activate .

This will activate, install, and precompile the julia environment specified by the Project.toml and Manifest.toml files. The precompile command above is not strictly needed but is useful if there are issues with installing the julia packages listed in Project.toml

If the following error occurs when using conda during instantiate, "GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:SSL, Your Julia is built with a SSL/TLS engine that libgit2 doesn't know how to configure to use a file or directory of certificate authority roots, but your environment specifies one via the JULIA_SSL_CA_ROOTS_PATH variable. If you believe your system's root certificates are safe to use, you can export JULIA_SSL_CA_ROOTS_PATH="" in your environment to use those instead.)"

leave the package manager and enter


Return to the package manager ] and try again. It is also possible for instantiate to fail due to latency. If this happens rerun instantiate to try again.

Next, add the following text to your Julia startup file (typically at ~/.julia/config/startup.jl; you may need to create the directory if not present, mkdir -p ~/.julia/config). For MacOS installations with julia inside the PorpidPostproc environment, the config directory should be placed here instead. ~/mambaforge/envs/PorpidPostproc/share/julia

using Pkg
if isfile("Project.toml") && isfile("Manifest.toml")

This will activate the local environment at Julia startup.


To configure the workflow, first edit the demo config.yaml file to reflect your library construction. It should follow the same format as shown below in config.yaml

    cDNA_primer: No cDNA primer listed for this sample
    fwd_index: Index_F21
    index_type: Index_primer
    panel: No panel listed for this sample
    rev_index: Index_R02
    cDNA_primer: No cDNA primer listed for this sample
    fwd_index: Index_F22
    index_type: Index_primer
    panel: No panel listed for this sample
    rev_index: Index_R02
    cDNA_primer: No cDNA primer listed for this sample
    fwd_index: Index_F23
    index_type: Index_primer
    panel: No panel listed for this sample
    rev_index: Index_R02

Index Primers and Config Generation

Each sequenced PCR product to be used with this pipeline should have been indexed with one of the primer combinations listed in Index_primer_sheet.csv file in the bash-scripts folder. The primer sequences provided will be used for demultiplexing and will be trimmed from the final sequences. sec_str_primer and rev_primer are the PCR primers used in the 2nd rd of PCR. fwd_index and rev_index are the index primers used to tag each sample. Illumina Nextera indexes can be used as well as the Index primer set developed in Jim Mullins lab, which can be found in the bash-scripts folder.

To produce the config file required to run the pipeline for any given sample set, a csv must first be created with the Index and PCR primer information for each sample. It is critical to name this file correctly as the name of this csv file is copied in as the dataset name in the config file. This dataset name will need to match the CCS read file (fastq.gz) and will be used to name the output data from the pipeline.

Example: 2024-01_FH13_bc1008.csv goes with dataset 2024-01_FH13_bc1008.fastq.gz

An example primer sheet can be found in the bash-scripts folder. (Dataset1.csv)

To create the config.yaml file for the sample set, the python script is run as described below. Located in the directory 'bash-scripts'. Run this python script to generate a config.yaml file from a given csv.

Run: python [dataset].csv > [dataset]-config.yaml

(Example: python Dataset1.csv > Dataset1-config.yaml)

After creating the config file it must be moved to the main sga-index-consensus directory or the contents copied into the existing config.yaml file.

This config.yaml file is the main config file used per pipeline run, dictating the dataset name, what samples are included, and also any primer sequences and panel files required for each sample. This is created from the file, as described above, and moved to the sga-index-consensus folder or copied to the existing config.yaml file. Double check this config file looks correct before a run to ensure primers are correct. A sample which gives an issue or crashes the pipeline can be commented out to prevent the pipeline from attempting to run it.

The snakefile contains the rules for the pipeline and also parameters that may need to be changed depending on the run. For example, with recent NFLG samples, the max_length parameter was changed to 10,000 (from the default 4000) and min_length changed to 10 (from the default 2100). This file mostly remains the same, other than any specific snakefile parameter changes. Be sure that the snakefile is pointing to the correct config file (line 3, configfile: "config.yaml") or that the correct contents have been copied to the config.yaml file.

Raw CCS .fastq files should be placed in the raw-reads/ subdirectory and named according to the the dataset name used in the config.yaml file, ie, Dataset1.fastq for the example dataset. For example, a config file with dataset name "2024-01_FH13_bc1008" will only work with a raw read file named "2024-01_FH13_bc1008.fastq.gz".

The contamination check will compare all sequences to one another, but if it is desired for another sequence (for example a lab strain) to be included any sequence can be added to the contam_panel.fasta file in the panel folder. The sequence must be trimmed to the same length as the target sequence it is to be compared to. Note that the contamination check will flag sequences that are within the distance threshold dist_thresh specified in the snakefile (default 1.5%).

Pipeline Results

The output files from the pipeline are all written to dataset/[dataset name]. There are 4 summary reports and 3 folders containing output from the pipeline. The reports are described below:

reject_report.csv - the number of reads rejected by the filter for CCS read quality

quality_report.csv - a table summarizing total reads, quality reads, and total number of reads assigned to samples

demux_report.csv- the number of reads matching the index and PCR primers for each sample in the config.

contam_report.csv - all consensus sequences are compared to one another and any that are <1.5% different from another sequence are added to the table and the non-self sample and distance are indicated in the table. Be aware that sequences from the sample individual will nearly always be flagged due to similarity.

The 3 folders containing sequence outputs from the pipeline are summarized below:

Demux - fastq files containing reads with all index and PCR primers trimmed off. Samples with no reads found will not have a file here (consult demux_report.csv). Any sample with reads where the PCR primer sequences do not match the config are written to files with the suffix "_primer_trim_issue.fastq". These have not had any sequence trimmed off so Index and PCR primer can be checked manually. REJECTS_DEMUX_QUAL.fastq contains reads which failed the quality filter before demultiplexing began.

Consensus - consensus sequences (.fasta) created from the reads in each fastq file. Sequence names have additional information added to the names:

  1. the number of reads used to create the consensus (num_CCS=)
  2. the minimum agreement at any position inthe alignment of reads used to create the consensus sequence (min_agreement=)

Filtered - consensus sequence files (.fasta) are filtered into two folders by whether their minimum agreement value is above or below 0.7. Files in the passed_0.7_agreement folder are all consensus sequences with min_agreement > 0.7. Any sequence with min_agreement > 0.7 is considered to be high quality and analyses ready. Sequences in the folder "below_0.7_agreement" all have consensus sequences with min_agreement > 0.7. Any sequence with min_agreement < 0.7 and need to be reviewed manually to determine the cause of the low agreement. To aid this effort, alignments for each sample below the minimum agreement are written to the alignments folder.

Common causes of minimum agreement failure are listed below. Depending on analysis requirements some or all of these may be acceptable. By consulting the alignment a cause can be determined and the sequence confirmed unusable or perhaps edited as appropriate and included in downstream analysis.

  1. long homopolymer runs where PCR or sequencing polymerases slip and create variable lengths among reads,

  2. 1st cycle PCR errors, where an error is made by the polymerase when copying cDNA, leading to 50/50 mix of nucleotides at that position in amplicons derived from that double stranded DNA

  3. Multiple templates in the PCR well, leading to differing frequencies at any position of disagreement

Preview and Execution

Preview jobs with Snakemake and run with {n} cores.

#preview jobs
snakemake -np

snakemake -j{n}

For more info on Snakemake, see

Conda setup

Some (without root access) may prefer to setup PORPIDpipeline in a conda environment.

To accomplish this, first install anaconda locally. (the install script allows you to choose the location for anaconda, by default /home/user but choose something else if you want something accessable to a group of users)

curl –O >

Or for MacOS visit the anaconda documentation and install the most recent version

then log out and log in again and check that you are in the base environment.

conda is very slow, so we suggest installing mamba in the conda base environment:

Visit the mamba documentation and download the most recent version

For MacOS

cd Downloads

When asked if you "wish the installer to initialize Mambaforge by running conda init? [yes|no]"

select yes

then log out and log in again and check that you are in the base environment.

clone the PORPIDpipeline repository

cd ~  # or some other directory used for your anaconda installation
git clone

and then all the PORPIDpipeline dependencies including julia version 1.7.1 ( as listed in the PORPIDpipeline conda environment spec in environment.yaml), can be installed in a conda environment via mamba using the commands:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
mamba env create --file environment.yaml

Note that if you did use some other directory than your home directory for installing the PORPIDpipeline repository then you have to inform Julia where your packages are stored by placing the following command in your .bashrc file. If installing on MacOS skip this step:

# set path to .julia files
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="/some/other/directory/.julia"

to complete the setup, activate the new PORPIDpipeline conda environment, #currently environment.yaml title is PorpidPostproc instead of PORPIDpipeline

conda activate PorpidPostproc

and continue with the julia package environment setup as outlined above in the quick start section.

Cluster setup

Seting up a snakemake pipeline on a cluster is a dark art. Here we describe an attempt at installing PorpidPostproc on a two node cluster, (one node a controller node with 16 cores and the other node a compute node with 64 cores).

Firstly, since the cluster administrator is hardly likely to give you root access we suggest you follow the conda installation for PorpidPostproc. If you expect more than one user of your PorpidPostproc pipeline then install in a directory that all your users can see and that is visible from both the contoller and compute nodes. ie use some other directory rather than the standard home directory and make sure to inform julia about this choice of directory as outlined in the conda section above.

Secondly, cluster administrators usually insist that large data sets are stored in an appropriate volume and not in the usual user's space. On our cluster the administrator required the PorpidPostproc code to be installed in a \tools\porpid\ directory and the large data sets (input, output and temporary) to be stored in a \data\porpid\ directory so we installed PorpidPostproc into \tools\porpid\porpidpostproc and then replaced some of the directories in the porpidpostproc directory with symbolic links to an appropriate directory in the \data\porpid\ directory as shown below

config.yaml -> /raw/porpid/config/demo.yaml
panels -> /raw/porpid/panels/
porpid -> /raw/porpid/porpid/
postproc -> /raw/porpid/postproc/
raw-reads -> /raw/porpid/raw-reads/

Naturally, one must copy contents of the installation to the /raw/porpid/ directory before deleting the installation directory and replacing it with a symbolic link to the appropriate place on the raw volume.

Job submission, after setting up like this we are ready to run the demo study through PorpidPostproc by submitting the snakemake command to the cluster managemant system. On our cluster that management system is slurm and the following shell script stored in facilitated that submission:

#SBATCH --job-name==porpid
#SBATCH --time=1:0:0
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=7
#SBATCH --partition=main

if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
    echo "please supply a config file name as first parameter"
echo "config file is $1"

echo "${SLURM_JOB_NAME} job submited using ${SLURM_NTASKS} cores"

# create a symbolic link for the snakemake config file to point to the config for the current study
rm -f /tools/PorpidPostproc/porpidpostproc/config.yaml
ln -s /RAW/PORPID/CONFIG/$1.yaml /tools/PorpidPostproc/porpidpostproc/config.yaml

# tell slurm where anaconda is and conda activate the PorpidPostproc environment
source /tools/PorpidPostproc/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate PorpidPostproc

# navigate to the porpidpostproc directory and run snakemake
# add -F to to the snakemake command to force re-run of all rules
cd /tools/PorpidPostproc/porpidpostproc
snakemake --rerun-incomplete -j${SLURM_NTASKS}  

To submit the demo to run as a slurm batch job one just uses

sbatch demo

The script above sets some environment variables for slurm and then resets the symbolic link to the appropriate config file for the demo study. It then activates the conda environment switches to the installation directory and runs the snakemake pipeline.

With this structure it is easy to run a new study through PorpidPostproc. One copies the new config file into the /raw/porpid/config/ directory, transfers the fastq data to the /raw/porpid/raw-reads/ directory and then issues the sbatch command using the appropriate study name instead of demo

Note that with this method you must predetermine the number of cores you intend to use on your cluster's node. In the demo study this is set to 7 ( 6 cores for the samples to run in parallel plus 1 core for snakemake )

Each study will be different. To see how many samples can be run in parallel you can do a snakemake dry run using the script below:

if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
        echo "please supply a config file name as first parameter"
echo "config file is $1"
# create a symbolic link for the snakemake config file to
# point to the config for the current study
rm -f /tools/PorpidPostproc/porpidpostproc/config.yaml
ln -s /RAW/PORPID/CONFIG/$1.yaml /tools/PorpidPostproc/porpidpostproc/config.yaml
# activate the conda environment
source /tools/PorpidPostproc/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate PorpidPostproc
# perform a snakemake dry run
# remove the -f for a partial dry run of what's left to do
cd /tools/PorpidPostproc/porpidpostproc
snakemake -F --rerun-incomplete -np

Note that this dry run is not compute intensive and can ve executed on the controller machine without using the sbatch command as follows:

./ demo


The above suggestion for running a snakemake pipeline under slurm is rudamentary. Maximum cores must be requested at the start of execution and they are probably held throughout the run.

However, it is alledged that snakemake can play nicely with slurm and it should be possible to have snakemake invoke slurm for each rule in the pipeline. In this case snakemake would request the optimal number of cores needed for each step in the pipeline.

We have not attempted this yet, and it would probably require writing a slurm efficient version of the snakefile.

Watch this space for further developments.



The graph below summarizes the overall organization of the workflow. Each node in the graph is a rule in the The Snakefile.
