diff --git a/multichat/src/main/resources/chatcontrol_fr.yaml b/multichat/src/main/resources/chatcontrol_fr.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bae4f942..00000000
--- a/multichat/src/main/resources/chatcontrol_fr.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# |                      MultiChat                       | #
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# By Revilo410
-#   DON'T EDIT   #
-version: "1.7.2" #
-# 1. Chat Control Rules
-# 2. Mute and Ignore Settings
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# |                  Chat Control Rules                  | #
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# These are custom regular expression rules to alter messages sent through the chat.
-# The regular expression in "look_for", is replaced by the value in "replace_with".
-# These can be used to filter inappropriate language from chat as well as many other things.
-# Some examples are shown below...
-# Example rule to replace [bold] with the format code %l to make bold text
-- look_for: '\[bold\]'
-  replace_with: "&l"
-# Example rule to replace [italic] with the format code %o to make italic text
-- look_for: '\[italic\]'
-  replace_with: "&o"
-  global_chat: true
-  private_messages: false
-  group_chats: false
-  staff_chats: false
-  display_command: false
-  announcements: false
-  bulletins: false
-  casts: false
-  helpme: false
-# These are custom regular expression triggered actions.
-# The regular expression in "look_for", triggers the command in "command"
-# You can choose to cancel the players chat event by setting "cancel" to true
-# Setting "spigot" to true will send the command to the local spigot server the
-# player is currently on and execute it there instead of on bungeecord.
-# These can be used to filter inappropriate language from chat as well as many other things.
-# Some examples are shown below...
-# You can use %PLAYER% to refer to the player sending the message
-# Example rule to kick someone who says a specific phrase
-- look_for: 'kickmeplzrightnow'
-  command: "kick %PLAYER% You asked for it!"
-  cancel: false
-  spigot: true
-  global_chat: true
-  private_messages: false
-  group_chats: false
-  staff_chats: false
-  helpme: false
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# |                  Anti-Spam Settings                  | #
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# Should MultiChat Anti-Spam be enabled
-anti_spam: true
-# Timer Trigger #
-# If a player sends 4 messages in this many seconds then anti-spam will be triggered
-anti_spam_time: 4
-# Same Message Trigger #
-# Sending the same message this many times in a row will also trigger anti-spam
-spam_same_message: 4
-# Anti-Spam Actions #
-# How many seconds must a player wait before sending a message once they trigger anti-spam?
-anti_spam_cooldown: 60
-# Should a command be triggered if anti-spam activates a certain amount of times for the same player?
-anti_spam_action: true
-# Should this command be executed on spigot (as opposed to bungeecord)
-anti_spam_spigot: true
-# How many times must anti-spam be triggered before sending the command?
-anti_spam_trigger: 3
-# What command should be sent? (%PLAYER% is the player who triggered the anti-spam)
-anti_spam_command: "kick %PLAYER% Spamming is not allowed"
-# In what types of chat should anti_spam be enforced?
-  global_chat: true
-  private_messages: true
-  group_chats: true
-  helpme: true
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# |               Mute and Ignore Settings               | #
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# Mute Command #
-# Use MultiChat mute command?
-# Set to false if you have another BUNGEECORD plugin which deals with muting
-mute: false
-# In what types of chat should mute be enforced?
-  global_chat: true
-  private_messages: false
-  group_chats: false
-  helpme: false
-# Mute command aliases (in addition to /multichatmute)
-- mute
-- mcmute
-# Ignore Command #
-# MultiChat ignore command to stop seeing messages from specific players
-# Should a notification be sent to players if a player they ignore sent a message?
-notify_ignore: false
-# Session ignore (Should /ignore only last until you log out?)
-# WARNING: Enabling sessional ignore will (obviously) delete stored ignore data of offline players
-session_ignore: false
-# In what types of chat should ignore be enforced?
-  global_chat: true
-  private_messages: true
-  group_chats: false
-# Ignore command aliases (in addition to /ignore)
-- blockchat
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# |                  Link / URL Controls                 | #
-# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
-# Should MultiChat control which players can send links to chat?
-# If set to true, then only players with multichat.chat.link will be able to send links
-link_control: false
-# Message to replace links in chat with
-link_removal_message: "[LINK REMOVED]"