The noteworthy changes for each ViewPartialFormBuilder version are included here. For a complete changelog, see the commits for each version via the version links.
Remove support for partial:
option to override which partial is to be rendered
by ViewPartialFormBuilder::FormBuilder
Remove support for declaring option keys as partial-local variables.
Remove support for *arguments
in a view partial.
Remove support for merge_token_lists
Deprecate root-level declarations in app/views/form_builder/
in favor of
Deprecate support for declaring options keys as partial-local variables.
It will be removed in the 0.2.0
Deprecate support for *arguments
in a view partial.
It will be removed in the 0.2.0
Deprecate the use of partial:
to override which partial to be rendered by
. Instead, rely on Rails' controller and
ActiveModel partial scope resolution prefixing.
Deprecate the use of merge_token_lists
to combine attributes that are backed
by DOMTokenList. It will be removed in the 0.2.0
Improve support for fields_for
and fields
calls to cascade partial
resolution from most-specific to most-general.
Add missing support for date_select
Use ActionView::Template instances to render templates instead of
ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper-provided render()
Bugfix: when a partial (for example,
) called the
method ending in the same name (in this example:
), infinite recursion protection
would kick in, and the field partial would not be rendered.
Passing a partial:
key can be useful for layering partials on top of one
another. Enable rendering partials within partials:
<%# app/views/admin/form_builder/_search_field.html.erb %>
<%= form.search_field(
partial: "form_builder/search_field",
class: "search-field--admin",
"data-controller": "focus->admin-search#clearResults",
) %>
Construct <form>
elements and their fields by combining
with Rails View