Learn how to launch and connect to an EC2 instance. This step-by-step guide covers the essential steps to get your instance up and running.
Sign in to AWS Management Console
- Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.
Launch Instance
- Click "Launch Instance" to start the instance creation wizard.
Choose AMI
- Select an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Options include:
- Amazon Linux 2
- Ubuntu Server
- Microsoft Windows Server
- Select an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Options include:
Choose Instance Type
- Select the instance type based on your requirements (e.g.,
for low-cost testing).
- Select the instance type based on your requirements (e.g.,
Configure Instance
- Set up network settings, IAM roles, and other configurations.
Add Storage
- Attach Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. Default volume size and type can be modified.
Add Tags
- Apply tags to organize and identify instances (e.g., Name:
- Apply tags to organize and identify instances (e.g., Name:
Configure Security Group
- Define inbound and outbound rules. For example, allow HTTP (port 80) and SSH (port 22).
Review and Launch
- Review your settings and click "Launch". Select an existing key pair or create a new one.
- Linux: Use SSH:
ssh -i "your-key.pem" ec2-user@your-instance-public-dns
Windows: Use Remote Desktop (RDP). Download the RDP file and use the password generated during instance launch.
Development: Developers use EC2 instances to test new applications before deploying them to production.
Practice launching and configuring instances: Key for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect and AWS Certified DevOps Engineer exams.