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How to contribute

Nicolas Frega edited this page May 8, 2018 · 4 revisions

Git flow

Develop Branch

Fork repo

Fork project into your repositories.

Checkout a working branch from develop branch

Checkout a new branch from the develop branch with a descriptive name: $ git checkout -b new_approve_function

Write code and tests

Write all your code and write tests when appropriate.

Test your work

Make the test command passes with no warnings: $ npm run test

Add, commit, and merge

$ git add -A

$ git commit -m "my changes info"

$ git checkout develop

$ git merge new_approve_function

$ git push

Submit PR

Open a PR into the develop branch.


Travis will build the project and push the new image:develop to Docker. If everything is working properly then we can merge to master.

Master Branch

Branch develop

Branching off develop into new branch, delete the following files: .dockerignore Dockerfile .travis.yml

New version

Update version in package.json and ethpm.json

Merge with master branch

Merge with master and publish new package:

$ truffle publish

Eventually .travis.yml will do this in master, when the network bug in truffle publish is fixed.

Update Docker

In update ENV SINGLE_TX_VERSION and push.

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